Champion Relaunch Spotlight: Katarina

Posted on at 12:51 PM by Moobeat
Need some tips on how to play Katarina after her recent update? Don't worry, Riot's updated champion spotlight has got you covered!

 I'm glad you decided to "Continue Reading"... but all I got for you is this picture from Riot's spotlight announcement! Bask your eyes on the updated Katarina skins ( well, those that are still available that is )!


  1. Yhmm? First?
    Im happy with this changes. Domt complain guys :)

  2. Her model looks so good now!

  3. when does the patch comes live?

  4. I have been playing her in the PBE and I must say that her early game is A LOT better than ever before, she has a lot more sustain/dmg, and her old w which was totally crap was put into her E (dmg reduction) and her ulti ( healing reduction). I must say that her revamp is very good.

  5. I just hope they release it over EU soon ;s

  6. Like she was not "op" before?
    Please, you are making me laugh so hard i can't breath.

  7. No she wasn' competitive scene team picked so much cc comps that kat didn't have a chance to get a good ult till they had used all of them and mind that some of them could be used again after short cd (eg. leona). Kat was kind of like ap did the whole job then when all ults and summoner were used boopityboop goes in for cleanup...kat was OP only when fed early (which is OP for every char even old evelynn) and that means that the other team had a horrible mid (due to her being mid most of the time that is). She needed that remake like hell...
    Oh and those that use the attitude "oh great more ksing" just remember you are playing in a team and that she will be able to get more damage in the fight before you if she can whether you want it or not.

  8. She was Up and now she is even weaker :( But sexy :)
