Leak: Bonetooth Necklace and Rengar.

Posted on at 4:42 PM by Moobeat
[[ Warning: This is a leak. It is sensitive and tentative information that could be entirely falsified. Most of the below is purely speculation on my part, given the working parts we have access to. ]]

It seems the League of Legends item page, which helpfully displays all in game items for players to familiarize themselves with, was erroneously updated today. A new item called "Bonetooth Necklace" popped up on the list and references a new champion called "Rengar".

Screenshot courtesy of boxtop on reddit, taken around 2:30 PST.
Here are the stats on Bonetooth Necklace:
    • +20 Attack Damage (+2 per level)
    • UNIQUE Passive: Rengar collects trophies when killing Champions, and gains bonus effects based on how many trophies he has. Kills grant 2 trophies, assists grant 1 trophy, Rengar loses 1 trophy on death.
    • 2 Trophies: +25 Movement Speed
    • 6 Trophies: +10 Armor Penetration, +5% Cooldown Reduction
    • 12 Trophies: Rengar's leap gains 150 bonus range
    • 18 Trophies: New Active: Instantly gain 5 Ferocity.
      So we can derive a few things from this.
      • There is a new champion named Rengar.
      • Rengar has at least one "leap" ability
      • There is a new ( probably resource ) mechanic called Ferocity. 
      • It won't be a starting item, as it carries a 1000 gold price tag.
      I think it's safe to say this will be another champion specific item, similar to Viktor's augment, except this time around you purchase it at your discretion. My assumption would be that Riot has learned from Viktor and addressed the concern that forced champion items limit player options and build order. After all, one of the big criticisms of Viktor is his lack of a 6th item slot.

      At any rate, the item page has now been altered and the mysterious new item has vanished. What do you think of Rengar? Judging by the name and flavor of Bonetooth Necklace, my guess is he is some sort of a rugged hunter or barbarian type.

      Hopefully we won't have to wait too long to find out though, EU players have been receiving emails about Gamescon 2012 that contain the following teaser:
      "We'll be bringing a new champion to gamescon with us and those of you attending will get a chance to put them through their paces!"