Mid August Patch Preview

Posted on at 8:53 AM by Moobeat
The Mid August patch preview is out and it has oodles of changes for Garen, Katarina, Varus, Zyra, and a small change for buddy lists.

Recap of Changes:
  • Decisive Strike now removes slows when activated and it's silencing effect now scales in duration with rank.
  • Judgement scales with total attack damage,  AD ratio scales with rank
  • Courage now gives a passive % increase on his armor/mr instead of bonus armor/mr on minion kill.
  • Demacian Justice has a longer cool down at rank one and shorter cool down at rank 3.
* Xypherous went into a LOT of detail about the changes and what their aim was. I suggest you stop over there and read up if these Garen changes seem curious.


  • Her W is now called Sinister Steel and is a totally new ability.
  • Shunpo now always has damage reduction on use.
  • Death Lotus now has the healing reduction effect from her old W+Q combo.
  • Bouncing Blades now applies a mark that, when consumed, deals additional damage.
* More information available here.

  • Updated the particle on his ultimate, Chain of Corruption, to be bigger and more noticeable.

  • They mention the nerfs that were hotfixed into the game a few days ago. Click here for details on those changes.
  • You can now add notes about people on your friends list.
As pointed out by a reader, if you look during the friends list the friends list of the you can see a shiny Facebook button sitting there loud and proud. Has Riot finally figured out the problems that were preventing its previous integration?

Similarly, it looks like there might be a new look for the aura gained after slaying Baron Nashor.


  1. Just wanted to point out a typo.

    Katarina's new W is called "Sinister Steel", not "Sinister Shield". =)

    1. ty. I typed this up last night and I just spent the last 5 minutes fixing spelling errors and poorly worded sentences. I'm so bad at engrish.

    2. i try to be his proofreader when i wake up

  2. May we take a moment of silence for the noobs that are against a katarina after this

    1. And a moment for people who play such noob "no cost" champions.

    2. Someone got stomped :p

  3. Katarina pubstomps... Hehe even better now... Yay for me and my Elo

  4. Also to mention, look at the end when they show the friends list and look at the bottom. There is a Facebook Logo. Is it now possible to add your Summoner Name on facebook like with Xbox Gamertag and add your friends from facebook to LoL ?

    1. It is something they've been working on for a while.

  5. "Decisive Strike now removes snares when activated and it's silencing effect now scales in duration with rank."

    I think you mean it now removes SLOWS, not snares.

  6. Hey Moobeat just noticed something in the battlecast cho splash
    probably you have already noticed it too but ill show ya anyway


    its the battlecast skarner that is probably confirmed now and it looks like that it is the next upcomming battlecast skin
    imo he looks a lot like scorpitron

    1. Yep, I saw! I even linked it in this post ( http://www.surrenderat20.net/2012/07/7-27-pbe-update-diana-and-new-chogath.html). I'm so pumped for a new Skarner skin.

  7. The current friendlist is kinda bad, half of the time its not working, they should really improve the client in overall to much better one. The new friend list upgrade isn't really neccessary in my opinion they should focus making chat service much better.

  8. How come that i neither have that Facebook thingy nor the 2 new skins on PBE? oO

    1. Facebook thing was just in the video not on the PBE

    2. ah ok! but also i never knew anything about a baron aura... what does it give or what does it show in spectator mode, like saphraix mentioned?

  9. That Baron effect you showed is for spectator mode.

  10. Hey moobeat, I just wanted to inform you that Katarina also received a lore update (on PBE... I didn't see any reference on your blog) and it might change do to popular demand (there's a tread in the NA forums called "Creative Design AMA: Katarina, the Sinister Blade" and many people are upset with the new lore).

    Keep the good work man, you rock ;)

    1. Yeah... the new Katarina lore makes her seem an assassin that failed... i don't wanna play failures, i wanna play the deadly femme fatale that is cunning and deadly. her old lore was better.

  11. https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/412536_474103379274882_957250112_o.jpg

    1. Is this on PBE or in Chinese client, i've seen earlier version of this and i didn't like it, but this one looks really promising to me.

    2. Quite good, but riot should implement this new one and leave the old one too (allow players to choose in options). Sad fact is, they (riot) are just a bunch of idiots and they wont. :)

  12. Boom! Goes the new design! Unusual, but I think I like it!

    1. Thank you, I am happy you like it! :)

    2. Is this standart blogspot theme or something custom? And I see you guys droped "blogspot" part)

  13. Wow awesome design, looks really professional and way easier and nice to read =D

  14. WOW. Really nice layout, everything is better now!:D
