Teemo Hat Giveaway ( CLOSED )

Posted on at 10:24 AM by Moobeat
 ( THIS CONTEST IS OVER! Thanks for the entries!! )

To kick off the celebration of Surrender at 20's brand spankin' new design, I have a fantastic, handmade Teemo Hat to give away.

This wonderful Teemo hat comes to us from Phonechayscreations. Phonechay is a really awesome person who hand knits equally as awesome hats! Not only does she do tons of League of Legends inspired designs, but she makes a bunch of other cute stuff as well.

 I'd highly recommend you check out her etsy shop and on facebook!

The real question is, what can you do to claim this very special hat for yourself? What can you do to inch yourself closer to becoming the real life avatar of the Swift Scout? It's pretty simple really, you have two Teemo related ways to enter.
  1. Draw me a picture of Teemo. You can use any program you want, any style you want, it can be just a picture or a comic, I don't care as long as you made it and it's of Teemo.
  2. Tell me your best Teemo related story. It can be a good thing, a bad thing, you getting a penta as Teemo, you killing Teemo because you a jerk, or whatever you want! As long as it is a story and features Teemo, I'm all ears.

Because this contest  requires a little bit of handy work, I'll be accepting submissions in a slightly different manner this time. To enter this contest you must:
( Alternatively, if someone wants to volunteer to put a post up on the non EU/NA general forums, I'll edit this. I have no qualms shipping worldwide.)

I'll pool the submissions and pick a winner by the end of the week. A winner will be picked at random, not by skill... but there will be a bonus prize of Ducals stickers for my favorite entries!

In the event you win, You should expect a friend invite from me ( or one of my cohorts if it's on the EU servers ) shortly after the contest closes.

Stay tuned for more giveaways every day this week! I got loads more to give away.