Slight changes and additions have been made!
Hey everyone and welcome to the new e-sports section of Surrender@20! I'm Seranaya and I'm here to bring you news about tournaments, teams and streams!
In case you missed it this weekend, the IPL Faceoff: San Fransisco Showdown attracted teams from all over to San Fransisco to compete. It was a tournament that included four invited teams and four qualified teams. These teams were Team SoloMid, Curse, Legion, mTw.NA, Dynamic, Orbit Gaming, World Elite, and Singapore Sentinels. It was a double elimination tournament with a total prize pool of $40,000.
The team that everyone had been talking about, Singapore Sentinels, was popular because of a video posted before the tournament. The video talks about the hard work put into Singapore Sentinels being able to represent Singapore at the IPL Faceoff and hopefully, the Season 2 finals.
The video featuring the Singapore Sentinels that made them the Cinderella team
The results of IPL Faceoff this weekend were as follows:
1st: Team SoloMid wins $20,000 and 400 circuit ranking points.
2nd: Team Curse wins $7,500 and 200 circuit ranking points.
3rd: Team Legion wins $5,000 and 125 circuit ranking points.
4th: mTw.NA wins $2,500 and 75 circuit ranking points.
Unfortunately, the Singapore Sentinels didn't bring home a win at IPL Faceoff, they did however tie for 5th with World Elite and won a total of $1,250. TSM dominated most of the tournament with only a few losses and a couple of rough starts, especially against the Singapore Sentinels. After TSM won, they congratulated Team Curse on a good game and then threw tons of TSM wristbands into the crowd. TSM's Xpecial celebrated more than just a tournament win with this tweet:
"2-0 GG Happy Birthday gift to me from my team!"
- Xpecial on Twitter
Happy late birthday Xpecial!
MLG Prizefight
Tonight there was a showdown between TSM and Team Legion at the MLG Prizefights. An exciting battle considering this was a possible match-up for the IPL Faceoff finals on the weekend! It ended with Team Legion winning out over the IPL champions TSM 2-0.
Season two/Regional finals - Cologne at Gamescom
This weekend, Cologne is hosting the season two regional finals for Europe at Gamescom! The top 8 European teams have qualified to battle it out for a spot in the Season two championships in Los Angeles! Your top 8 teams are:- Moscow 5
- SK Gaming
- Fnatic RC
- Counter Logic Gaming EU
- Team Curse EU
- Team
It starts Thursday, August 16th 6am EST and lasts until Sunday, August 19th at 11am EST! Be sure to check it out, it's sure to be a fantastic tournament filled with great games.
Small update:
There is also another tournament I missed when I first posted this! This weekend also has some of the games involved in the Azubu Champions Summer 2012 tournament. This tournament has been on the go since July 4th and continues until September 8th! It is broadcasted every Wednesday and Friday at 6:30pm EST right here. It started as 16 teams battling it out for a grand prize of $43,300!!
On the 17th of August there will be a match between Azubu Blaze and Azubu Frost!
Now for a short introduction of myself:
My IGN is Seranaya and I'm an avid league player. I've been playing for over two years and I main AP mid carries. My favorite is Lux because lasers. I've known Moobeat for 3 years now and have been reading Surrender@20 since it's origins. Moobeat has asked me to cover the e-sports section of his blog for all of his readers enjoyment! I'm excited to be here writing for Surrender@20 and hope I can keep you all as updated as I try to be!
Feel free to follow me on Twitter here: Seranaya's Twitter