9-10 PBE Update: Syndra Login+Music, Skin tweaks, and new Ping particles.

Following emergency  maintenance, a small patch was applied to the PBE.
The changes in this PBE patch includes a new animated login screen and music for Syndra, the new Nemesis Jax and Oktoberfest Gragas skins being available for testing, small graphic or sound changes for the three skins previewed in the last PBE update, an alteration to the platinum badge, and an assortment of new ping particles that made their way into the game folders.

The log screen has been updated to show an animated Syndra and music to fit her persona. Check out this preview of it and get yourself pysched for our upcoming champion!

Oktoberfest Gragas and Nemesis Jax are now available for testing! You can find them in the PBE store and pick them up for a measly 10 RP ( obviously this isn't representative of the final price! ).
There is still not a completed splash art for Oktoberfest Gragas ( nor Justicar Syndra for that matter! ).
Speaking of skins, our last batch of three new skins all received some sort of small change this patch.

Nemsis Jax got the passive graphic on his ultimate, the bonus damage every third swing, changed from a whitish yellow to a more suitable purple to match the rest of his particle changes.
Special Forces Gangplank got both a graphical tweak and his updated sounds we heard about yesterday.

His Remove Scurvy ability now shows him eating this traditional oranges instead of banana's and pineapples he originally consumed.
This is the worst skill to try and screen cap.
He also got new sound effects on both his Parrrley and Cannon Barrage abilities.
Pistol sounds more like a normal pistol than a flintlock and R has an "over the stereo" filtered laugh and rocket sounds on it.
Edit: Here is a video of the new sounds!

Oktoberfest Gragas's recall animation now has proper knee slapping sound effects and plays some traditional sort of music while you B.

 There was also a small update to how the recently updated version of the Platinum medal looks.
Big thanks to Pabro ( the redditor not the Rioter )for alerting me to this!

Finally there were some new particles for different sort of "pings" that made their way into the game files. Included are pings for "come here", "omw", and a few more.

These most certainly go along with the icons below, uncovered from the Jayce patch.


  1. http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?p=29123780#29123780

    You should feature this in an article buddy!

    1. I concur with this!

    2. It took me about 12 pages to finally find someone say be a man or man up. But in all seriousness, if you have such unstable emotional problems, it may be time to find a new hobby. It sucks he can't have fun on LoL due to the amount of shit he'll get but I sincerely doubt it's going to change any time soon. I rage at my teams on the rare occasion, nothing over the top just asking people what the hell they were thinking if they made a seriously blatant bad choice. Usually I just yell outside of the game to relieve my anger and it works. ANYWAYS, super cool of Riot to support him but find something where you wont have to deal with idiots.

    3. And that's because real men have a beer for an avatar.
      Cheers Kades!

    4. They should just replace the chat function with some ingame commands like in most FPS since all bans in the world won't stop retards from just making a new account.

    5. Translation: "Only a man can be a man" - Kades


  3. Oktoberfest Gragas and Nemesis Jax are now in store.. havent tested them yet

  4. Oh hey! It's me haha
    I'm really liking that Jax skin

  5. <3 all the fixes, and the new pings

  6. Funny how we haven't had a balance patch in a long time. Maybe that'll be this weekend, (and maybe even with new Soraka)

  7. justicar syndra splash art where?

  8. Love the new pings :)

  9. Whoa they actually changed Special Forces Gangplank after some brazilian complained about racism lol

    1. Well...he must eat citric fruits to get rid of his scurvy,and well...Bananas aren't citric,I don't see any reason to put bananas instead of oranges (pinepples are ok since Brazil is a tropical country and pineapple is like the king of tropical fruits) but bananas..bleh.

      Its like Riot used the "BR = Monkey = Banana" logic

    2. I don't see any problem on that, actually. But most of us got offended, even though banana is the most typical fruit in our country. They should keep the pineapple at least.

      Other thing that bothers me is that Special Forces Gangplank looks like Stallone more than any other thing lol

  10. omg..oktoberfest gragas dancing a "schuhplattler" ?
    with traditional music? can´t wait to see that ingame since i´m from bavaria myself :D

    1. Yes GJ Riot!!!

      Hopefully his jokes will have a bavarian english accent - this would be the top of the hill!
      Gragas needs to say: "Mia derfst no a Maß bringa!"

      Cheers JasonBorowski - EU West

  11. Can I get all the LoL music somewhere? They seem to only have the most recent tune in the game files. :(

    1. Search on youtube. I think you will find pretty much all the login screens.

    2. They have some music on their Sound Cloud for download

  12. Sooooo... will she get released this week then?

  13. If they replaced his Q(Parley) sounds, why didn't they change the crit sound as well? I mean, he shoots q, it sounds like a modern pistol, but when you crit from a normal attack, it just sounds like the old gun again. Don't want to be a jerk but it's just a little awkward to play with the skin like that since I want to buy it:)

  14. A lot of pings in there, seems confusing and too many. I think we only need one more, for calling MIA.

  15. bananas were great idea and they changed them...

  16. can we buy them for 10 rp to? :D

  17. i like the old new platin medals more, cuz they were more shiny and looked like platin =(

  18. We need commands like /ss Irelia= Irelia is missing!
    But pings are nice, too.

  19. How do you use the new pings?

  20. So no Syndra this week ;_;

  21. The music really does go well with her Ionian background.
