9-14 PBE update: Balance Changes galore!

 The PBE has been updated with a small patch containing mostly balance changes.
 Continue reading to see the TENTATIVE and UNOFFICIAL notes for this PBE patch!

Remember these changes are highly tentative and subject to change. Don't get too riled up!

  • Piltover Peacemaker ( Q ) - Reduced damage to subsequent targets reduced to 10% from 15%
  • Piltover Peacemaker ( Q) - Minimum damage dealt to subsequent targets increased to 50% from 40%
  • Thundering Blow / Acceleration Gate ( E ) - Mana cost increased to 40/50/60/70/80 Mana from 40 mana at all ranks.
Miss Fortune
  • Bullet Time ( R ) - Mana cost reduced to 100 mana from 150 mana.
  • Strut ( Passive ) - Time for speed boost to kick back in, after not being attacked, down to 5 seconds from 7 seconds.
  • Battle Roar ( W ) - AP scaling reduced to 0.8 from 1.0.
  • Savagery ( Q ) - Base damage dealt increased to 30/60/90/120/150 from 30/55/80/105/130.
  • Thrill of the Hunt ( R ) - Bonus movement speed increased to 20/25/30 % from 10/15/20 %
  • Base Movement Speed increased to 305 from 300.
  • Tides of Blood ( E ) - Damage reduced to 60/85/110/135/160 from 60/90/120/150/180.
  • Crushing Blow ( Q ) - Now grants next attack an additional 125 Attack Range.
  • Omen of Pestilence ( W ) - Mana cost increased to 55/60/65/70/75 Mana from 40/45/50/55/60 Mana.
  • Move speed of Ghouls reduced to
Levels 1-5 reduced to 300 from 350
Levels 6-8 reduced to 340 from 380
Levels 9-11 reduced to 390 from 410
  •   Ghouls no longer block pathing.

  • Mega Inferno Bomb ( R ) - Damage taken by enemies further away  increased to 80 % damage. from 75%.

9/17 update: Added in the nerf to Yoricks Ghouls.


  1. Replies
    1. jayce nerf......... me no like >.< and vladimir... why the hate riot? :'(

    2. If you watched ipl, mlg, or any of the season 2 qualifyers you would know why.

    3. Because he was picked for 4 games lolk. What about Yorick with meki + 2 mana pots?

    4. Hey, look. Yorick 15 mana cost increase on W on all levels. Nerfed too.

  2. Wukong and Rengar buffs? Color me enthused.

    1. Man now I need to somehow work the monkey and the lion into ranked a bit more :) hope these changes make it to the live servers

    2. I'm praying for Rengar, Wukong, MF, and Ziggs buffs to make it live.
      In that order.

    3. Rengar is a LIGER.

    4. Rengar is not getting buffed overall. Read the numbers again. Two nerfs, one buff.

    5. what? you mean 2 buffs 1 nerf. More movement on ult, more dmg on q less dmg on w. 2 buffs 1 nerf

    6. At least they are nerfing his ability power ratios.Ap rengar could 1shot any mage with that spell.

    7. Aww.. Ap rengar was my favourite =/

    8. Screw Ap Rengar, it's as stupid as AP Yi.

    9. Wow... I just bought Rengar yesterday.
      This makes me happy.

    10. Ap yi is actually usable, but ap rengar was pure stupidity
      This 'nerf' isn't much seeing that most rengar players don't buy ap items at all on him.

    11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3R2z1Evg1Kk&feature=g-u-u

    12. Wow a lot of my favorite champs are getting some love! Rengar, Caitlyn, MF, Vayne, Ziggs... hope this stays!

    13. Wukong buff is very strange, his attack reset now double his range? Quite odd but interesting.

    14. It's not odd because his staff extends .

    15. Wukong is based off the money king in Chinese mythology, the monkey king has an extending staff, not really odd

    16. ^ you sure are a badass ♥

    17. ^^ It sounds like someone got 3,0 AP ratio to the face.

  3. Let's hope they KEEP the Ziggs change.

    For those who don't understand, a little while ago they did the same buff on Ziggs's ultimate, and took it away just before the patch hit live. I hope they actually keep it this damn time...

    1. Yeah I hope so too, but that ulti when done right is a huge game changer. Maybe they just think that 5% boost for outer area of explosion would make positioning or setting up the ulti easier

    2. Ziggs is gonna need more help than this, when he forst came out he was been "propped up" by his OP minefield, when that gor nerfed he fell apart.

      I think sachel charge needs the most help the cooldown is horendous and the damage is unimpressive, the knock back is decent. Tho buff to hos passive would be the most fun.

    3. They need to do something with Ziggs definitely. He's viable, but it's kind of "why pick him over XXXX". He just doesn't do anything amazingly. Not only that, but he's a 1 trick pony. His Q is his main/only source of spammable damage. If you can land every single one, that's great, but the second you miss (or they dodge), then you've lost almost half your damage.

  4. Lol yes wukong! Time to go mid again

  5. I like how they buff AD Rengar.

    1. That's cause it is what they wanted him to be, so of course they will buff it.

    2. You don't understand, AP Rengar is the new meta. Your foes dropped their pants when you roared. AArrrrghhh!!

    3. Imagine a ferocious lion being trained as a wizard. Ridiculous

    4. I dont get why a Lion would use a sword. Or why Ashe would use a sword.

  6. I like the MF and Wukong buffing love.

  7. Dat 18 damage at Vladislav last lvl of tides of blood

    1. Its 20 damage off an at max stacks its 40 damage off quite the nerf id say.

    2. You don't understand, there was a typo and it showed 18 instad of 180. Jeez...

  8. Caitlyn, Vayne, and Wukong buffs? Jayce and Yorick nerfs?! NO!!!!!!

  9. uUUnf.Love those buffs on my MF! <3

  10. All buffs on MF are warmly welcome.

  11. Replies
    1. I know, Yorick is perfect fine the way he is now :/

  12. wukong buff? yaaaay!!
    i hope this will make jungle wukong viable too.

    1. Only adds range to it, but I jungle him openly. He just needs a heavier armor page for it to work.

    2. lol ate the guy sayng that this will make wu viable..its just a "lore buff"
      and he is viable..

  13. Caitlyn buffs - Yay
    Jayce nerfs - Expected
    MF buffs - Finally
    Rengar Tweak - DIE AP RENGAR!
    Vayne buff - Finally
    Vlad nerfs - Expected
    Wukong buff - Sweet!
    Yorick nerf - F U, YORICK PLAYERS
    Ziggs buff - Yay

    1. Rengar "TWEAK"? Definitely a BUFF. As if AD Rengar wasn't a pain enough.

      As for the Yorick hate, an extra 15 mana on his SLOW minion won't hurt his sustain at all. A little less zoning is all it'll be, unless he's running some mana regen runes/masteries. It's not that much of an issue.

  14. I really wish they'd stop nerfing Vlad... he was already pretty balanced.

    1. That's why hes played top lane in almost every pro tourney right? Cuz hes balanced.

    2. Yeah right every game because he synergyzes SO well with non AoE burst teams .-. Put a Janna in the enemy team and that whole strategy is bursted (See what I did there). That aside I apreciated the buffs a bit ago yet I didn't think he really needed them. As a since-release Vlad player he was always fun to play for me and completely viable. He just suffered because he had a huge sustain and Riot especially Morello tend to hate sustain... You might notice damage-wise he stayed more or less the same. So you also might understand the feeling of Vladplayers now. Why a damage nerf? It's hard enough to stay in the frenzy to deal damage.

      Top lane has worse problems than Vlad. And you might have noticed how Irelia and Riven etc are still picked more often than Vlad. You generalize facts that are simply not true. Move along and troll somewhere else.

    3. Well, he was picked really heavily the last couple of tournaments. Top lane is the world's number one game of rock paper scissors imo. Also, Riven isn't picked very often at all in tournaments. She's way too unstable in the sense that she needs to win her lane to be effective.

  15. Is it really so hard to increase Nidalee Cougar attack range to 125 from 100???

    She is the only champion with 100 attack range.

    1. Shes faster then 3/4 of the champs in the game and has a free gap closer/evade ever few seconds: attack range isn't a real issue for her cougar form. If she got any buffs or tweeks, u should expect several nerfs chucked in that either hit her spears damage, increasing mana costs on her heal, or even slight mobility reductions o_o

    2. She's the ONLY champion in the game with 100 attack range still, and they said they were equalizing it out, so 125 is THE melee range.

    3. It's true her cougar should be put up to 125. I feel like the base damage on her Q should be dropped a bit, cause even as AD Nidalee it hits pretty hard. I don't think it needs to be dropped a lot, cause it's easy to dodge

      Biggest QoL change I want for my Nidalee is for Pounce to bring you towards the cursor


  17. That Jayce nerf was expected, but really...80 mana instead of 40? Isn't that a bit too much? +5 mana cost/lvl would be enough to make him less likely to spam his abilities.

    1. Gee.He has a passive,which restores mana per attack.

    2. But yeah, I'm not surprised of the Vlad Yorick and Jayce nerfs. Tbh I wasnt expecting them to nef Jayce so soon, but I'm happy they did anyways. Those three are like the Terror Trio of Top Lane.

    3. Jayce needed a nerf, but this completely kicks his E > Q combo in the nuts. Going to need to build a mana item on him early if you want to continue chain casting his harass

      However, I feel like this was needed; he's definitely the biggest bully in top lane

    4. Yeah, Jayce's acceleration gate was really stupid in the "I have shurelia's and I'm ungankable lolololol" kinda way. His E does a lot of damage. Honestly this probably makes him a fairer champ to deal with.

  18. Caitlyn buffs? I hope they know what they are doing...
    Vayne got her movement speed increase! Yay!
    Finally they increased the mana cost on TB/AG.

    Still waitin' for those Viktor changes :P

    1. Well, that ability is pretty hard to use, since it has both sound and animation and is not superfast either. Having it reduced to nothing because of minions behind makes it pretty weak.

    2. Caitlyn really need buffs as well as MF, Varus and Vayne. Screw Ezreal, nerf him

    3. I agree, I was crazy for Cait for a little bit because her traps were such an amazing level 1-3 and her ult had such a huge range, but I hardly play her anymore because in the long run, she often deals nowhere near the damage of other adcs, especially her ult which often seems like just a reeealy slow autoattack.

      (note i play ap and support so dont be mad at me if i got something totally wrong)

  19. Really hope they keep the MF changes. She's my main ADC!

  20. Omfg I want my Vayne back :s, i guess 5 Ms is something i got to feast on xD

  21. Jayce change is very small since he's maxing E last and then there should be no big mana problems. And Yorick with Tear/Manamune is still a beast with no mana problems. More Cait buffs pls, so she'll be a viable AD Carry :)

    1. rotfl dude, vs most of enemies Jayce is maxing e first

    2. Mas E for the win.

    3. lol, Max E first, it deals tons.

    4. You blind bro? Caitlyn's auto-attack is 650, Tristana 750(during late game), Varus 575, Graves 550, Ezreal's 525(I think?)

      Caitlyn can always free harass, give her more movement speed and you'll be damned. I think her problem is that delay from her 1st skill but rather than that she is BALANCED imo.

    5. Tristana has 708 if i remember correctly, Graves 525, Ezreal 550. The problem with Cait is that she doesn't have any real steroid late game so she is outclassed my most ADCs, that change will help her to zone better the enemy and try to win before she gets behind in damage.

    6. Well, he wont be maxing E anymore. Cait falls off late game, she needs a steroid badly.

    7. Cait is supposed to fall off lategame, that's the point. There is a tradeoff of early laning phase safety and superiority for late game strength.

  22. Buffs, Nerfs, ... WHERE ARE THE HEIMER, KARMA, etc. REWORKS? Q_Q

  23. I get a Ziggs buff for my birthday. Swag.

    1. Declaring you're gay on your birthday too? Or are you using that abbreviation more commonly? :p You should check what those mean beforehand and not follow those teenagers who adapt everything they find "cool". ^^

    2. I think he/she meant to say is "fag" XD

    3. No he meant SWAG as in SWAGGER I thing you should learn your urban slang before you make an ass out of yourself......

    4. You're new here, aren't you?

    5. Anyone who thinks Swag means "secretly we are gay" obviously does not know what they are talking about and are just as dumb about believing things they read online as the people they are trying to berate.

    6. People say SWAG is an acronym for "Secretly we are gay" because they do not like people who have SWAG - also known as Swagfags. Swagfags don't have any class, and think looking like total idiots makes them cool. Anyone with "swag" needs to grow the hell up and stop being a douche. That's all swagfags are - douchebags who haven't learned to dress themselves yet.

    7. SWAG also means Stuff We All Get, used by companies when they give stuff out. This could also be applicable here.

  24. Finally lower mana cost on MF's ulti, I don't know how many times those 50 Mana would have got me a kill lol

  25. Not enough Jayce nerfs. They need to nerf his stupid damage on E, seriously. And his 10000 escapes.

  26. He needs a small buff on his early game but rather than that he's pretty balanced I think.

  27. Better buff Syndra soon too, but oh well I will enjoy my free mid lane wins against her with [insert any other AP] next week until then.

    1. Oh, who have you been using vs her? I only faced her once as Ahri, but thought her Q could use a small range Nerf, and maybe some better scaling.

  28. Nerf Vladimir? really?
    why...? nerf Vayne, Darius! , Katarina... wow..

    1. Darius doesn't suck lol, he's a massive bully in lane. I honestly don't know what you're talking about. He's strong and most definitely not sucky.

      Vayne is high risk high reward, her place as a hypercarry kind of makes her outclassed early game, but played well enough, definitely beats other ADC's imo.

      ... but kat does get destroyed by cc. lol

      So don't be all like 'you dumb' without getting your facts right either.

    2. You not getting it, darius is a lane bully? Most top lanes are, his lack or escapes or engages makes him popr at escapeing ganks or initiating small skrimages, makeing him an undesirable pick. When he got picked by westrice at na regionals he got pooped on super hard.

      Vayne has the lowest win rate accross all elo ranges of any AD carry saying she high reward is stupid jer damage is MAYBE 15% more dps than your average AD carry late game but her early game is so shit youll never make it. Double lift "the best vayne player in the world" only has a 40-35% win rate with her. No other team even bothers to pick her up. Shes the nasus of the carries no matter how strong her lategame she will have already lost before she can get to late game.

    3. I agree, it's like they are trying to indirectly delete Vlad from the game, by nerfing him to a spot worse than pre-buff Evelynn.

      And about Darius, he is incredibly strong absolutely, to the point where I might say he comes close to being OP. He needs to be nerfed just like Rumble, because Darius is just a bad a bully in-lane as Rumble was before his nerf.

    4. Are you guys seriosly comolaining about vlad nerfs, pre-buff eve dont be such a drama queen. Hes only like the biggest thing in top lane since ipl 4, ipl face off, mlg aneheim, mlg releigh, Kings of europe, pax prime, NA regional. I mean oh god why would they nerf such a dominating top lane picked or banned in ever tournament for months, i cant figure it out guys can you help?

    5. To beat Darius with every melee champ top: Go in small steps close to him, be ready, when he Q's step away and quickly jump in, attack a few times and go away again. Just don't let yourself got too many times from his Q, good range and good damage.
      I don't think Darius is or OP or hard to handle, I hate when my Team bans him in ranked, because I tell them everytime I can handle a Darius so easy, he will be no problem.

    6. http://www.lolking.net/champions/vayne

      Doublelift has a 76% win rate with Vayne.

    7. Vayne can easily get fed early when she has a good Alistar with her. I've won 12/13 games in ranked with a friend who plays Vayne and I play Alistar.

    8. The double lift vayne winratrs were for recent tournament play, that 76% win rate is all game since probably the begining of season 2 maybe even further, shes been nerfed quite alot since then.

  29. I think you may expect some remodel next pbe patch.


  31. Jayce nerf too hard, Yorick and Jax still OP... great.

  32. Wukong now trades even better!
    gJ Riot.

  33. Rengar's getting a stun duration increase on his ferocity E bonus that scales. But they haven't decided on the time duration yet so they just left it as "second(s)" for now.

  34. Yorick's mana cost was perfectly okay... why you gotta hate on him Riot? :\

  35. darius soooo easy. nuff said.

  36. Today i bought da jayce. FU riot

  37. Yay!!! Wu Kong buff!!!! :D monkey king bar op! XD

  38. All the while AP Eve still roams free...

    1. Meh... there all weird hybrid builds now though

    Hopefully this will make vanes early game a little better.
    Oh god Wu...

  40. Death to AP Rengar indeed.

