9-24 PBE Update: Skins enabled for testing and Rengar Nerfs

A small patch was deployed to the Public Beta Environment tonight! It enabled two of the new skins for testing and contained more changes to Rengar.
Continue reading for a closer peek at the changes!

Pentakill Olaf and Sultan Tryndamere are now enabled for testing. You can pick these up on the PBE server for a handful of RP and get to trying them out. They feature new particles, spell effects, and other such goodies.

There were also a small batch of Rengar changes.Please remember that these are in the context of the previous PBE changes!
  • Savagery ( Q ) - Cooldown increased to 8/7.5/7/6.5/6 from 6/6/6/6/6.
  • Battle Roar ( W ) - Bonus Armor & MR changed to 15/22/29/36/43 from 15/20/25/30/35.


  1. They are so undecided about Rengar.. -_-
    Buffs, then nerfs, then buffs again.

    1. They just wanna balance him but i think he was balanced from start ;)

    2. Nerf rengar? pfft, Me and Tankgar say thanks for the buff Riot!

    3. As does this guy! Tankgars unite!

    4. no no no assassingar ftw

    5. All Rengar needed was a reduction of the damage on his Q and the movement speed buff on ult. That's it. Kha'zix on the other hand needs to be toned down A LOT. Not looking forward to his release on the regular servers although I hope he'll be nerfed hard after the first week. He's like a Riven, only 2x stronger.

    6. Buffgar disagrees with this

    7. i run him randuins and laugh as the ADC can't do shit. It's like having another malphite in the game.

    8. kha'rix REALLY needs to be nerfed. hardcore.

  2. Replies
    1. Lol. Late game nerfs, he actually has a better late game due to his roar.

  3. He's pretty strong, this might bring him in line a bit more.

  4. Ok thats a little bit better the armor/magic res on Rengar.

    1. I agree. His previous nerf on his Armor/Mr was really way to big. This will make him more balanced.

  5. WHo won the riot crads?

  6. His issue was never his base cooldowns. It's the fact that they can be activated twice in a row for massive amounts of damage.

    His Q (activated twice with Ferocity and at max rank) has a base of 300 damage, with a 3.5 ad ratio. It's not even per bonus ad, it's whatever his ad is. So if he has about 175 ad, his Q bonus from his ad jumps up +612.5 damage, for a total of 912.5 damage just from his Q.

    Now think of this from his other abilities... Sure Bola is a utility spell, but Battle Roar will deal 510 damage (at max rank) when used twice. So, if he gets 4 stacks of Ferocity, uses Q, gets 5th stack, Q goes off cd so he Q's again.
    Then uses W, Ults, then W's again for a massive heal, he's dealt a base total of 1422.5 damage just from his Q W and R. Here's the scarier thought:
    He only needs to be level 13 to deal this much damage. Seeing as both Q and W would be maxed by then, and it's possible for him to achieve 175 damage easily.

    1. LOL for the calculations..this geek deserves an A+..kudos to you man..such an addict LOL gamer..

    2. was basic math my 11 year old sister could do o.o
      but thank you for the recognition anyway. feels good man.

    3. his burst kinda fits with his predator personna (or somewhat assassin-like character). Otherwise, he'd only classify as an ad bruiser. Honestly, I think the nerfs on cooldowns is to prevent having his ferocity up too often.

    4. The problem in your assumption is timing.

      A smart player won't stay near Rengar if he takes the double Q. He'll go under tower, join his teammates or w/e. (doesn't matter if it's the tank tho, as his armor/MR should be enough to shutdown the damage)

      Timings :
      First Q : Timeline 0s
      Second Q : Timeline 0.5s (it has a little delay while the game change the skillbar)
      Admitting you don't hit the enemy champ (which makes you lose the 150% AS for 2.5s), you'll now hit the ult. It will take you 3s to get the 4 ferocity stacks back. During these 4s, you have to stay stealth and not attack, as it would break the ferocity stacking.
      So, 3s later :
      First W : Timeline 3.5s
      Second W : Timeline 4s

      I'll admit 4s is fast (and it's assuming perfect timing), but it gives your opponent plenty of time to use an escape move between the second Q and the first W.
      And if you were to use the AS steroid from the double Q, you'd add 2.5s to the count (but a lot more damage too, I agree).

      You can also stop the ult at 3 stacks, use Bola, then first W. You'd gain 0.75s in the process.

      To me, the most efficient way to play Rengar is : (assuming you come from the jungle, with 3 stacks)
      - Close the gap with your target (leap, flash, w/e)
      - Use Bola Strike
      - First Q
      - Second Q
      - Hit him hard
      - If he hits you hard, use W (if you have help) or Ult to escape
      - If you hit him hard and he's fleeing (but not under tower), use your ult to chase
      - If he backs under tower, you're denying him and probably put him low life. You gave an advantage to the lane you ganked.

    5. Typo : replace 4s by 3s. Sorry

    6. not really.. after you use your second Q you can use your W and E (2 stacks) before using your ult to gain 5 stacks again for the second use of W, or Q again if you wanted to.

    7. You're right, you can do that to, but it doesn't change the timings.
      By adding 2 stacks, you'll need to wait 2.25s (3*0.75s) instead of 3s to get back to 5 stacks with the Ult (4 stacks with the 3s, but you'd go with W/Empowered W in this case).
      This is a diff of 0.75s that you used doing the W & E to get the 2 stacks.

      Remember that the Ult is the fastest (and safest) way to gain ferocity stacks (it's well-judged by Riot btw)

  7. That Tryndamere really looks great i must say :P haha ty moobeat

  8. I'm just concerned at his jungling ability. He's a fairly decent jungler right now, but honestly, a Q CD nerf, pretty much wrecks his jungler clear speed. He uses Q so much to build ferocity in the jungle. I just feel the nerfs could be better thought out.

    1. Why would you jungle with a possible top laner, who could pretty much twoshot your enemy in lvl 6? It would be a waste to go with him in jungle. Would rather want him in top lane, getting fed on his laner (if he doesnt get fed, he isn't good enough at playing Reng.), then he should start to roam to get more kills.

    2. because in the jungle u can babysit mid with shaco-like invisibility+gap closer ganks, with the difference of rengar having massive dmg compared to shaco

    3. Who told you that you should lungle him?
      He is indeed a great top laner + if you dont have an jungler you can always play Rengar and Jax top and dominate the lane, or you could have jungle Jax and solotop Rengar.I call this combo "The Leapers".

    4. I disagree, after the patch you might as well max "W" when jungling it is AOE damage and really fast clear time.

  9. in this way jungler rengar is ufficially dead.
    RIP jungle rengar

  10. Any information about Kha'Zix release date?

  11. WHY do they hate AP Rengar so? It has been nerfed already, if they take away the base damage and the armor and MR in order to nerf AD Rengar, they could atleast revert the scaling back to 1.0.... I mean, I will still play AP Rengar as I am good with him and he is the most fun to play, but my teammates might start complaining when I'm unable to perform well at all.....
    If he has AP scaling, AP should be viable. End of line...

    1. mf has ap scaling in 3 of her abilities and she is still not viable as ap....

    2. They dont hate him... it is just ap rengar wrecks faces so much more then ad cause he enters,DFG ,w ,w heals a lot and deals to much aoe and single target damage. He should be natural jungler,and should be predator and full ad. Not just another version of Sion,although i love diversity of builds,he isnt one off them.

    3. She CAN be played AP, but she relies too heavily on her ultimate to be viable in most of team compositions. It is hard to pull off, but it can be done. Her Q can proc lich bane often too.

      AP rengar relies solely on getting enough AP to be able to burst, or else he is useless. In the process, he gets NO HP, very little resists and is played as an assassin. As AD, there are countless items offering hp and resists in conjunction with AD, so he is tankier and can get lifesteal to heal him up. Also, the heal on W is the same for AP or AD.
      AP rengar is still a predator, natural in the bushes and to assasinate. I'm just saying, even after the ratio nerf he is just barely viable to be played, if they nerf his only chance of surviving more than a second, and lessen his damage even further, he will not be able to be played and will get an preremake Evelynn status.

  12. Should better nerf Jax than Rengar...

  13. Replies

    2. teemo needs moar skins

    3. Rengar: the new nerf Irelia. Better nerf Rengar.

  14. that nerf on rengar may he rest in peace, its been a good 3 weeks of pub stomping with you

  15. The bigger problem about Rengar is his cooldown reset with ferocity. His burst is simply insane.

  16. 2 seconds more in CD to his Q wont hurt his jungling like... a lot?

  17. Was good play with u Rengar...
    Rest in peace bro...

  18. Ppl have to realize that rengar doesn't have a damaging ultimate, and that his Q is his MAIN source of damage...Think about it this way: While wukong has his E,Q and R, All rengar has is his Q. A different mechanic in the game doesn't make him OP. People and Riot have to realize that. His double Q and his fairly low cd on his Q are what makes him viable as a champion overall.

  19. The Q cooldown nerf will really hurt Rengar's early jungle. He was already slow.

  20. No more jungle Rengar.

  21. Rengar currently has a 60% win rate roughly (according to lolking, and this is factoring platinum as well, which I filter exclusively to double check), which is quite high, before his last buff though he was at a 50% win rate, which means, somehow they missed that generally acceptable 55% win marker, which from other examples, is generally an alright percent.

    As a Rengar player, I can see how he's a little strong, the burst on his Q is remarkable, it's godly even, though we need to remember he technically doesn't have an offensive ultimate, making his ultimate generally another dose of Q (e.g, Q-Q, R, wait for fericoty, Q again). but I feel like the increase in CD on his Q is the wrong way to go. It's going to make jungle rengar so weak at the beginning, that gaining ferocity for the heal is going to be extremely difficult.

    They need to rethink this through as they wanted him to be played in the jungle, which is important, as we don't need another forgotten top, that can't be played in another role, and secondly, it's sort of the way they sold rengar, was that the jungle would be his strength. He was meant to be a stalker, a jungler, and honestly, I feel like it's a real knee jerk reaction to the current problem.

    Something that should be taken into the equation is the use of vision wards and oracles. People are selfish, and don't buy them. Then complain rengar is shredding them. If he's a problem, counter him. His ulti only becomes utility if you can counter the stealth aspect of it, rendering it almost useless.

    I find when Riot nerfs, they nerf hard, and this is no exception. I hope this doesn't make it to the live servers, because as 'small' as this nerf might be, it's actually a huge one, just like the they killed AP rengar, they kill jungle rengar, and who knows, maybe even 'viable' rengar.

  22. why you complain about rengar Q, when riot is bringing khazix witha similar Q spell that is 3,5 sec cd all levels and all his others abilities are ad scaling?

  23. I can't help but giggle at the children saying for Rengar to rest in peace. Primarily because you know it's the same people who cried out against 'unnecessary' Darius nerfs when they happened. It's the same people who feel that Tryndameres ult is just a smidge too short.

    In saying this, it's the people who can't play, and require an over-powered champion to carry their asses through the game because skill is something they just don't possess.

    Also, they should really buff Irelia. She's so underpowered.

    1. Darius got his grace period removed on his ult and that's the only "nerf" he got. Tryndamere hasn't seen any competitive play since his last nerfs, nor even high elo play. And yes, irelia's last changes were buffs. and she's still rarely played on competitive level. Where is your skill god now?

      Maybe the ones who "can't play" are the ones who can't counterplay "easy champs" like Darius? I'm looking at you.

  24. Bet the same fate awaits Kha'zix. First he'll be considered UP, then buffed, then nerfed.

  25. Nerf Rengar's Q cooldown while his W and E have a huge cooldown...

  26. awe you get poned alot dont you? >:D

  27. rengar win rates are going down bros...
    let s nerf zyra instead

  28. Honestly, Rengar isn't overpowered, people just can't see his dueling power, his assassinating skills, or his tank potential, in dueling, yes he can duel most champs with ease, but all you need to do is KITE, and not fight him in a bush area, assassinating, he is really good, but not if played carefully against him, tanking, he is also very tanky, which is why he should be focused, only Tankgar is to be considered a tank, bruiser/assassin Rengar should be considered a top priority target, people need to learn his skills and tricks, then boom, he is easily played against.

  29. doesnt take any skill to play rengar. def needs moar nerfs.

  30. The nerf on Q was uncalled for, if they are gonna nerf it, just tweak the base damage and AD ratio. Or tweak the timespam between Q and Empowered Q, making it 0.70 seconds can cut off the burst damage spam.

  31. HM they changed his survivality ok lets say its normal but on the other side his dmg is too high if he is played well... as AD carry u can be almost instant killed if he knows what to do with his items. Probably to strong to be a a figher/jungler/assassin who can easily jump out of the bush and strike u down in the few seconds.
