"no, no updates yet. it's pretty safe to say that there won't be any new public information for at least the next month or so since live design as a whole will be heavily involved with the season 2 finals and/or transition into season 3.I believe this "bigger projects > little projects" is very important to remember! As he mentions, the mastery update and jungle changes we saw after the conclusion of season one had a pretty massive impact on the game. So far the big projects we've been privy to so far are the Top Lane changes and "macro solution" for items.
since there's a possibility for larger changes (e.g., season 2's mastery and jungle changes) that could significantly impact champion projects, it would be prudent to let the larger changes develop and settle before pushing forward with champion adjustments."
Larger Changes > Small changes as we approach S3
In a community thread about Sejuani being sent back to the drawing board, ricklessabandon explained the unlikely reality of smaller projects come to fruition in the next month or so with S2 finals and bigger projects looming over head.
My feels about this are unsorted.
ReplyDeleteBut does that mean we will not see any new champions for a while. . .?
Teu are talking about champion balance changes takeing the backseat soon, im not sure how this will effect the rate of new champion releases but the rate has already slowed significantly. It used to be every 2 weeks, now its 3-4.
DeleteActually I like it. Balance old champs > releasing new, usually imba champs.
DeleteI just don't think Sejuani needs changes. She's a solid jungle and her ganks are amazing, well, as long as the lane you gank for doesn't just sit there and twiddle their thumbs...
Delete^ I think part of the problem with sejuani that the community talk about as well though is how her appearance and lore just dont really fit well and theres some kind of disconnection
DeleteI think only people who actually played her should give an opinion..
DeleteSejuani has terribad clear speed and shes Blue dependent. Not to mention her ult CD is atrocious at 6 and missing really doesn't help.
TL;DR: Everyone can do what she does.. but better and/or has stun.
I mean, even Annie has better ganking potential..
You know perhaps if they'd buff her cool-downs. Maybe make her ult be only 40 seconds at level 16 then she'd be a bit better. She's got a good kit. But give her better cool-downs and maybe slightly better ratios and watch people's opinion go from UP to OMG OP.
ReplyDeleteand considering how long it takes for them to actually get projects finished ("Karma remake where?" anyone?) Sejuani is gonna continue to suck for a long time
ReplyDeleteThe whole point of te article was the reason these changes are takeing so long is because their gearing up for another mega game changer like we saw with the launch of season 2, the impact of these changes will be so large makeing insividual champipn changes now would be nearly pointless as its difficult to accuratly predict how they will end up after season 3.
DeleteIm not going to say you lack reading comprehension, you just failed to connect the dots.
yet the 9-11 months until these changes happen just flew by and they didn't touch Sejuani one bit.
Delete^ I see what you did there
DeleteKarma is amazing, wtf are you talking about >.>
DeleteSejuani "sucks"?
DeleteShe needs cleaning up a bit. But no way that someone with that amount of initiation power can "suck". And she's also one of the only champs that can build full tank and still deal decent damage (Mundo being another).
She's kind of in a similar situation Mundo/Malph was a year ago. Give her some minor tweaks and people will notice her...
What about my Heimerdinger? :(
DeleteInteresting! I wonder if this sets back the soraka rework/new model.
ReplyDeleteNo, they are talking about balance changes i fail to see how changes in game balanceing aproaches would in any way effect art chnages.
DeleteFrom what i hear the inly thing keeping sorakas new model from launching is one of the artists getting super OCD about redoing the Horn.
DeleteIm exited the season 2 mastery + jungle reworks were a roaring success, they realy shook things up for the better it increased the methods for agressive plays and increased the pool of viable champions considerably, were nearing 2/3 tournament worthy picks, we may hit 3/4 by the end of the year.
ReplyDeletethey will do alotta remakes, on champions and maps as soon as the season 2 is finished, till then they're probly still trying to cough up that grand prize cash from phreaks ass
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty sure that some champions' changes are pretty big eg. VIktor, Heimerdinger..
ReplyDeleteone or two champions being reworked is hardly as globally encompassing as a mastery/jungle rework
DeleteFair enough, but it's not one or two champions that need a rework.
DeleteStarting from Syndra, whose mechanics need severe tweaking, we have a list of champions that need fixing
- Heimer
- Viktor
- Sejuani
- Xerath
- Renekton
- Karma
- Zilean (needs better AP scaling, worst base damage)
- Soraka
- Vayne (is either OP or UP, based on early game)
I can think of these ten right now. Considering that these are about 10% of the total champion pool, it becomes quite globally encompassing.
Somehow it erased yi, who has severe problems in higher elo play.
DeleteI mostly agree with you with the exception of Renekton and Soraka. If you ask me the crocodile is not completely unviable. Soraka isn't that bad either. She was actually played often before the cooldown nerf on her Ultimate and the nerf of the duration of her armor buff. Retweaking those numbers will easily make her accessable again. Soraka isn't a champion that needs a rework of mechanics.
DeleteVayne is also discussable. As you say, she can still be OP late game, her laning phase just isn't the best. But the same goes for Kog Maw. The game is just about Corki, Graves and Ezreal atm.
I'm kinda with you on the list but xerath is fine. Renekton is ok, but i think he could get some lategame buff and early game nerf.
DeleteWhich is exactly what I'm saying :) Having only 3 champions out of 100 fill the role of adc is a pretty globally encompassing issue.
DeleteSoraka makes the game stagnant and boring, becoming useless late game and providing infinite sustain early game.
I don't know about Renekton, I just don't see him much these days...
Another two champs off the top of my head are Annie and Sivir - completely underused (granted Annie is still strong, just not as strong as other apc.
Xerath is not fine, as he doesn't have a passive really, since the times he will use his passive are not many (for a good Xerath).
DeleteDon't touch my Karma she's perfect now.
DeleteThey r going to give her hard cc, bro :D
DeleteKarma is BALLS, "please riot dont touch my useless champion :(" is born from fear and misstrust of riots balanceing team. Its ok karmas reworks wont be design breaking shell be more or less the same just stronger. I wouldnt call have never seen her since 1 week after release, queue dodged regularly and only pkayed in pro league 3-4 times SINCE RELEASE "perfect" now calm down and receive these buffs whether you like them or not. People get super attached to the "feel" of a champions kit no matter how poor the statistics show the kit is
Delete4/8/40, 3/0/8, 4/2/28, 1/2/12, heal for 500 dmg + 15% of missing health, massive haste every 5 secs, massivex2 haste every 8secs [FOR WHOLE TEAM], while debuffing AND damaging enemy team for 600 dmg, shield for 800 dmg every few seconds, every 8 seconds damaging a WHOLE enemy team for the same amount of dmg, do i need to say more? all she needs early is mana, then CDR + AP. she's best support in late, even without auras. she can tank, if u like unusual builds.
Grghmm... I mean: she is one of hardest support, with need of timing, and skill to position AoE heal, AND clever team, who knows how much she can do. PPl don't use her help, because they are usually to stupid to understand how she is. Sorry if i forgot sth or misspeled a bit. Tons of damage[emotions] hit me.
Oh boy thats really bad news for anyone who had hopes that they might make Syndra viable... if they can't even make something about Sejuani after that fucking long time, Syndra will probably suck forever.
ReplyDeleteLets hope the refund system gets released soon...
i laugh at the people that think syndra is bad. she is by far one of the hardest champs i have played yet, and i feel that is why people think she is bad. she is the first new champ i havent been able to jump in ranked with,and own. just because you cant q,,w,,e,r for the kill doesn't make her bad, she is a champion that takes skill, position and well thought out abilities. i have played her roughly 30 times and let me tell you she has alot more to offer then most people think, at first i fed rapidly with her but now im at the point to where i feel i can zone harass a enemy and still come out on top. i dont know when i will bring syndra to ranked, but i know i will because she brings that much to the table. so before you qq because you fed in a ranked game go to draft and learn to play her then tell me she is bad.
DeleteShe is not even that hard to play, just clunky. Her low dmg, high mana costs and low range won't change when you play her perfectly. Ori is much harder but she is actually worth mastering since everything she does is rewarding and much more usefull than the crap Syndra does.
DeleteSyndra is Fucking op I have no clear what your talking about, she has decent escape and high dmg, and she can zone like nobody else, Diana is the only one I can't compete against..... Not to mention syndras ks ablity..... Btw has anyone seen zyra, she has seemed to disapear nobody plays her...
DeleteBlinks, speedboosts, dashes
Syndras escapes
Excuse me what? "decent escape" are you hallucinating? Please dont tell me you mean her Q,E stun aka "the most situational CC in the game"
If you think that Syndra is OP, you better stop playing this game...
DeleteHey moobeat, i'm curious how you didnt say anything about skin leaks: http://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/zzwes/dem_skin_info_leaks_again/
ReplyDeleteLook up his tweeter ;)
Delete- Viktor augments need tweak (deathray is the only viable choice right now)
ReplyDelete- Yi and Fiora need a tweak (possibly remove their late game melee carry damage and give them some sort of cc or escape instead)
- Sejuani buff (not tanky enough compared to other tanks, passive needs reworking)
- Annie shield should also absorb magic damage and castable on allies
lol, so u build sejuani wrongly o.O
DeleteYi and Fiora are ok. They are meant to be glass cannons. Offense diminishen defense need. Rly.
Sejuani is more of a magic damage bruiser than a CC tank. You build her full tank and she gains damage from it. Makes up for the fact she has no in-built mitigation.
DeleteHer problems actually lie in clunky mechanics such as her passive being effected by tenacity and s***. She doesn't really need any number tweaks, just cleaning up a bit. Could use a lower CD on that Q though.
She's one of the worst champions, there's no need to defend her. That's the reason why she's not played. They need to clean her up and buff a little and she'll be ok. Her spells have potential but no power right now. (Miss with ulti and you're f***!)
ReplyDeleteHeard it here first folks, if you miss your ultimate as someone revolving around CC, you're boned.