RP Price reductions on Kass, Rammus, Swain, and Trundle

Hippalus is back and this time he comes bearing a handful of RP price reductions for Kassadin, Rammus, Swain, and Trundle!
The new prices are as follows:
Kassadin has been reduced to 690 RP.
Rammus has been reduced to 690 RP.
 Swain has been reduced to 850 RP.
Trundle has been reduced to 850 RP.
The reductions have already been applied to live servers and are ready to be reaped. Anyone planning on picking up any of these bad boys?


  1. no! increase all the prices! except for the new characters! I have all of them so it doesn't matter! BWAHAHAAH

  2. Rammus I'd get, but I'm poor, and none of his skins really interest me.

  3. I am close to having em all as well... IMO any champ below 6300 IP should not be bought by RP. At the very leas 4800 IP champs can but its more effective buying 6.3k IP champs with RP.

    These price reductions suck... not just by the champs they picked to reduce but how do they exactly match up RP to IP wise.

  4. eh buying champions straight up is a stupid waste of money.

    1. make a trundle skin and ill be more impressed.

  5. Yes... thats my Kass... lol but i digress. Nice to see trundle go down in RP. Lets hope there's more price reductions

  6. These champs were chosen beause they are rarely seen. I'm actually really surprised that they didn't just make Sejuani 260 Rp (I actually like her, but she's not someone bringing in the money). Hoping for some more reductions though.

    This was what the red said: "Champion Pricing– Proposed plan(s) will be presented to the community for feedback in the next few weeks"

    1. imo the only rare champ in the bunch is trundle (O.O) I hardly ever see him

  7. So, people hates this RP price reductions... Why? They will still be doing IP reductions, just an RP one is not big deal. Y'now? They are a company, IP price reductions, even when for players are better, do not help the business; this in the other hand could do it (but I don't really think will be so much help for the sales).

    I agree it is not a big thing but it doesn't hurt anyone and a (very, very, veryyyyyy) little amount of summoners could use it, there are rich or lazy persons who get this champs with RP XD. So stop the hating Hippalus, he is doing his job.


  8. Own him... and have 2 skins for him...
    own him...
    own him...
    and own him too...

    Im good :/

  9. Trundle's that expensive???


  10. finally some trundle love :DDD

  11. I would never buy champ with RP.

    1. well, look at this:
      How many hours do you have to work in real life to get ~10$ ?
      And now how many hours do you have to "work" ingame to get 6300 IP ?

    2. The difference is what you just said, it's not "work": it's chilling at home while gaming.

  12. I always buy champs with rp and use ip to buy runes.

  13. Idiots who make more than a dollar or two an hour at work and don't play LoL twenty hours a week, I'd expect.

    I love LoL, but there's just no way I'd enjoy playing it often enough to build a sizable champion stable.
