10/18 Minor PBE Patch: Particle Fixes & Elise Buffs

A small patch was deployed to the PBE earlier, containing some minor changes for some of the copious amounts of content we saw added last night.
Continue reading to see some of the updated particles for Underworld Twisted Fate and Haunted Maokai, as well as some small balance tweaks for Elise.

Skin Updates
Underworld Twisted Fate's flaming hand and ghostly green card/ult particles have been fixed,while Haunted Maokai got some improvements to both his sapling toss and his ultimate.

Impressed? Feel free to hop on the PBE and give them a test run! Both are available for selection.

Balance Changes
There were also small buffs to two of the Spider Queen's abilities, despite her just becoming available for testing last night.
  • Neurotoxin / Venomous Bite ( Q ) cooldown lowered to 6 seconds from 7 seconds.
  • Cocoon / Rappel range ( E ) increased to 975 from 875.


  1. Interesting, would love to test her if my ping wasn't huge on pbe. Oh and, to make ragers rage, FIRST !

    1. Well they should fix her Q that doesnt slow

    2. I don't think that is as much as a bug as intended.
      They already nerfed her.
      What they, unfortunately, also did was to remove her viability as jungler, imho.
      Her only CC is now an unreliable, slow skillshot, in human form, and switching forms has a few seconds CD.

    3. Elise's stun was always a skillshot. I played her immediately after the PBE updated last night.

    4. To the guy 2 comments above me: Just because her CC is unreliable doesn't mean she can't jungle. Look at Mundo and Shyvana, both popular junglers with unreliable/no CC.

    5. She's not unviable as a jungler, the skillshot is still a stun that is quite good. A stun coming from the bush as a surprise is quite good. She's not ideal for jungling for many other reasons, like being squishy and being a better mid laner with Q harass for tons of damage.

    6. Why did they nerf her AP scaling on W (spider form)? She's so bad. She can't even harass, her Q have a shitty range.

    7. They didn't nerf the ap scaling on Spider W either. That's her attack speed spell, and the scaling determines how much her Spiderlings heal her when activated. It always had a low ratio.

      They increased her armor, and lowered the cooldown on Q. If anything, they buffed her solo top and her jungle game. Her stun was always a slow skillshot, and her AP ratios on anything other than the explosive spider were always low.
      Her passive is .1, both Q's have a percentage scaling; 2% for every 100 AP, .7 on human W and .2 for spider W, and another what, .1 on the R, which gives her bonus on-hit damage.

      She's always had low ap ratios. What they did give her was pretty good base damages.

    8. Elise "bad"? LOL I wish she was bad because she would become like a Syndra, rarely played after release. Let's be honest, her kit is like Nidalee 3.0 with probably the best ambush abilities since Shaco and Rengar. She

    9. I wouldn't call a champion able to solo Nashor bad.

    10. Elise ganks sound ridiculously scary. She has a hard stun AND a gap closer that is over 900 range. All you do is close the distance and apply red buff. If that's not slow enough you turn into human, stun and burst down. Elise jungle is mad scary


  3. Mistress Fiora got sound effect updates.

  4. They also changed the "text boxes" to a smaller size.

  5. Is there a way to Ban/delete/not allow "First" "second" "third" etc? :/

  6. Army mornings are so good

  7. Already a buff? thats hardcore. She is still really good jungler as long as she switches to spider and W, spider heal her it's too awesome.

  8. They should fix pbe ping instead ofher >3< God everyone has 300ms on pbe tonight ( i wait 2hoursto log on to not me able to really try her at least because it lags like hell (when usually everything isfine)

  9. I don't think she is intended as a jungler. I think she is more of a mid/top champ.

    1. its even stated in her champion profile that she is a jungler, and she is a great jungler at that

    2. Kha'Zix jungle is meh and Rengar's being nerfed.

    3. If you're saying KZ jungle is "meh" then you clearly don't know how to play him.

  10. I can't seem to login on the PBE. Anyone got the same problem?

  11. I can login to pbe, but when I clicked on Elise, I can't buy her, it said that she is unavailable. When I try to the other champion, that goes the same too.help :(

  12. Seriously... buffing her? She's strong as hell and they buff her? omg

    1. She wasn't 'strong as hell'. She still isn't. Her Q's range is so goddamn low, its gets on your nerves. Her spider E is a lot of juke fun tho. If you have wards, and you are being chased through the jungle, you can use Rappell near a camp which you have vision on and wait what they do. If they stop, jump to the camp. If they move on to the camp, just wait to fall down and walk the other way. Ohh, teh jukes.

      On a more serious note, her spider form is a lot more balanced then her human form. Her Q's range is too low, W is fine imo, her E had absolutly no range (happy that's fixed) and moves soooooo slow.

    2. I donr believe that she is that strong already tested her.

    3. @Anonymous with the jargon paragraph.

      Are you serious? She's stupidly strong. Her W range is so good, why are you complaining about her Q range? Also, you don't need wards to rappel to a camp since using it on the ground gives you vision within the circle. The moves are slow because they do a lot of damage or have a ton of utility like her stun.
      Please don't be one of the idiots that complains about abilities on a champion that completely craps on OP champions like Rengar & Jayce.

    4. they're gonna keep buffing her and she's gonna be a monster.

      her q scales both off of total health and missing health and her CDs stack differently for spider/human forms? she can pretty much kill any carry any time. gg.

    5. Just saying Brand kinda does her human job better in every way. His passive is 8% of max health (albeit over time, but it applies to all of his spells) his q (which is a pretty good nuke)has a longer stun than her pure stun which doesn't even deal damage, and it moves faster. (if i'm not mistake it also has a longer range, but i won't add that on since i'm not sure on that one) his w is instant to the area, not having to walk to where it is, and he has a really good ult when team mates or minions are around, along with his e spreading to nearby enemies. I think Brand will counter Elise pretty hard. So I envision some more changes coming to Elise soon, hopefully a range buff to both q and e, (i really want her w to have the spider look really swollen instead of just flashing)And then make rappel go to an area on the ground, and (maybe) nerf the range a little bit if the target the ground thing would happen. I also really hope they remove the mantle thing around her head. Drives me nuts that it's so wide, it ruins her royal appearance/posture (by royal appearance i mean she is thin, and pale not as in Queen Elizabeth secretly has legs growing out her back) her spider form is fine, however. I am not asking for more damage at all, but her utility isn't all that great. I am by no means a good player and I am currently on pain pills so my thoughts are really cloudy and hard to concentrate, so forgive any ramblings or something that just doesn't make sense.

  13. Like they guy above said. She is like Syndra now,except Syndra is good but ppl didn't play her cause she isn't competitive. And she will be. She is good Aoe nuker so.. Elise is just transormation fun ap mid champ.

  14. oh no! i loved this buggy tf with blue animation, and now its gone :c

  15. does anyone know what the RP price of the new TF skin is?

  16. Mang that TF skin needed to have his cape a little more dirty and with holes from gunshots, how come he cames from the underworld and his cape remains clean and intact, this can't be real

  17. Does TF's new skin have a new sound particle for stacked deck? I seem to hear something, and it reminds me of the sound effect of Gambit's cards from the 90's X-Men Animated series. xD

  18. They should make Twisted fate's voice sound a bit demonic or corrupt.
