10/18 Minor PBE Patch: Particle Fixes & Elise Buffs

Posted on at 8:28 PM by Moobeat
A small patch was deployed to the PBE earlier, containing some minor changes for some of the copious amounts of content we saw added last night.
Continue reading to see some of the updated particles for Underworld Twisted Fate and Haunted Maokai, as well as some small balance tweaks for Elise.

Skin Updates
Underworld Twisted Fate's flaming hand and ghostly green card/ult particles have been fixed,while Haunted Maokai got some improvements to both his sapling toss and his ultimate.

Impressed? Feel free to hop on the PBE and give them a test run! Both are available for selection.

Balance Changes
There were also small buffs to two of the Spider Queen's abilities, despite her just becoming available for testing last night.
  • Neurotoxin / Venomous Bite ( Q ) cooldown lowered to 6 seconds from 7 seconds.
  • Cocoon / Rappel range ( E ) increased to 975 from 875.