Morello on Sona and Blitz nerfs.

Posted on at 4:22 AM by Moobeat
Got the server down blues while the Twisted Fate Game Update is being applied? Check out this duo of red post concerning the upcoming nerfs for Sona and Blitzcrank
Morello gave us a bit of an update on the Sona nerfs he mentioned yesterday. While it's still up for discussion, here is what he had to say:
"Just talked with Statikk;

These will be pretty light, but have effect. We'll put out the exact details when we test it out, but the goal is to make it so she's not as tough when she does get caught - likely will be in the base stats.

Poke and utility should remain good!"
He also mentioned that Blitzcrank is in line for a similar sort of attention, saying:
"I think we're looking at a similar approach with Blitz. We're in the couple days before patch lockdown, so getting the testing we need in. We agree there's places to remove power and not fun (Q + E will probably always feel good!)"