Here I have two small red posts for you on the morning before the start of the Season 2 World Champions!
Continue reading for "two" posts regarding upcoming Ezreal nerfs and an update on some changes for Trundle.Starting with the bits about Ezreal, Morello responded to forums thread asking about upcoming nerfs for the Prodigal Explorer, saying:
"After the world finals."which, due to popular demand, he later elaborated to:
"Next patch after finals, already testing specifics (though subject to change).
This is an obvious nerf as far as need goes - the winrate data on LoLKing makes him look balanced in comparison to the internal global one"
Moving on to everyone's favorite troll, Scarizard, one of the associate live designers, mentioned testing some upcoming changes to Trundle's "tech issues". He said,
"Sup dudes! Sorry i haven't been able to poke in this thread yet, i've been megaswamped but i haven't forgotten about you fine summoners.I know we heard a little bit about Trundle yesterday, but I figure this is a nice heads up. Hopefully we'll see some love come his way sooner rather than later!
I'm testing some changes (with the help of resident Superwizard Wiksy) that will solve/ease Trundle's tech issues, specifically concerning clunkiness with using Rabid Bite and Contaminate. I won't go too far into specifics, but i really think cleaning up these spells can go a long way in Trundle's viability as a jungler on live. This isn't to confirm or deny that more updates/buffs shouldn't come the troll's way, but i want to see what he's like when he is actually able to stick to targets like the tanky man he is instead of waving his arms around and yelling for a bit as his victims run away D:
So, that's all i have for the moment.Vague? Maybe! But rest assured that Trundle's something i'm personally looking at improving even if he's not top-level priority for everyone on Live currently."
Thanks for running such an awesome site I check it literally every day ^_^ lol
ReplyDelete+1 honor - friendly
DeleteI check this a few times a day, depending on home much news there is. :3
Deletei check reddit, s@20, and the website everyday xD
Deleteme too
Delete+1. I have S@20 on periodic auto refreshes because you get all the good upcoming news on changes and champ leaks.
DeleteKeep up the good work.
The first 2 things I do every day when I turn on my pc is to check my mails and this site.
Delete+1 Multiple visits a day. :)
Delete+1 :)
Deleteand of corse me too +1 ;)
DeleteSame here love you moobeat
DeleteMoobeat you're the best, This site is my newspaper to LoL. Props all round! o/
Delete+1, keep up the good work!
DeleteI agree with this I check this site at least 3 times a day
DeleteI actually have this site set as my homepage...... LOL. Moobeat you're my hero.
DeleteYea deffiently good work here. I check this everyday at school:D
ReplyDeletethey should nerf AP ratio only :P
ReplyDeleteThey should make AP Ez more viable. He is described to be able to play as AD and AP, yet people mostly play him as AD.
ReplyDeleteReason why is, that they gave his ult an ad ratio. This made playing him ap senseless seeing as how the purpose of ap was his ult damage which know would scale with ad.
DeleteI think the only thing they need to do is let Essense Flux (W) hit minions too, maybe for only half the damage or something. This way ap ez can actually farm a lot better (Biggest reason he isn't played on SR) and will punish ad ez for harrassing the lane by also pushing the lane.
Delete^ this, pls ap ez sucks at farming and this way ad ez wont be able to use w withouth pushing =D
DeleteBut if it hits minions too he will have a farming tool every 9 seconds, with 0,8 AP ratio (more than ahris Q). That would be a little retarded.
DeleteAlso, lets remember his passive, if Ezreals W hits minions too, he will have 5 stacks of his passive with only 1 spell, making it a must have for bot lane, and if you make it so his passive doesnt work with W, then its a really to weird. "Your passive works with everything... but your W" Weird.
The only change I think they could make on AP ezreal is : E will prioritize champions affected by Essence Flux's debuff. That would take AP ezreal to a next level, similar to le blanc. Not a good farmer, but a good assassin.
I think the idea of W hitting minions is great but they should make the passive proc only when the ability actually hits enemy champion, in that way it wouldnt be too strong in lane trades, if they would make the W hit minions also.
DeleteThen it would STILL be weird, your passive works on everything except your W which is more picky about what counts and what doesnt.
DeleteThe hardest skill cap ad? Please, ez is easy and strong as fck
ReplyDeleteLoL relax they nerf zyra and
ReplyDeleteShe still great. They nerf regar, super viable.
Relax dude :-)
nerf ezreal... WHY?!?! CAUSE FCK EZREAL THATS WHY!
ReplyDeleteFU! Just bc Ezreal is to skilled for u or bc is played alot doesn't mean he's OP... you noobs need to stop qq'ing!
ReplyDeletedid someone forget to have there nap today and is very cranky. :)
ReplyDeleteSyndra needs to be nerf, I felt that they did a great job buffing up Syndra, but at the same time, have unintentionally made her in to a farming machine early game, and if she lands her skills correctly, the damage hurts.
ReplyDelete"And if she lands her skills correctly, the damage hurts".
DeleteSo you mean like any other mage that relies on combos?
still 38% winrate, lowest of all champions =/
DeleteYou must not be building her support.
DeleteYeah lets nerf a useless Champ because she can farm minions easy and her spells do about the same dmg single target as most other APs multi... holy shit.
DeleteAs long as they don't touch AP ezreal then I'm fine with the nerfs.
ReplyDeleteHis ap build is a little lackluster and needs some love.
As for the trundle changes/buffs, I can't wait as trundle is one of my favourite jungles.
Nooooooooooooo!!! Trundle buff :(
ReplyDeleteThe only champion never touched by live design team after release (beside neewest champ/s). But I like it, love playing trundle!
And ez nerf is great, i hate playing against ez, passive is a real strong steriod, plus his blink can escape everything (even landed blitz hook)
He's not getting a buff he is getting a bug fix.
DeleteSo yeah he is still the poster boy for balance
Nope, changing the animation is a legitimate balance change. If they shorten it (as they should), it'd be a buff.
DeleteI'm kinda sad. I love Trundle, but if they don't change him he'll be stuck with his lousy animations forever and if they do change him he'll lose his title as the only old champ to never receive a balance change. D:
There were (pretty minor) balance changes, so he does not deserve that title. The ones I remember are that his Q can't be dodged (buff), and later on it was made blockable by spell shields (nerf).
Deletehis |Rabid Bite| Can be dodged, and do not affect |Black Shield| but it does affect banshee veil, the fix he got, was the buff in his |contaminate| but was a fix, between "buff" and "effect on area", and they fix how the slow on |Pillar of filth| was applied.
DeletePure Fixes, no balance at all.
"they nerf rengar" i lol'd
ReplyDeleteSomeone is hating cause he plays only viable ad carry after nerfing the holy trinity(They called it nerfs?)... wow dude u really need to relax and think.
ReplyDeleteYay, finally nerfing ez.
ReplyDeleteattackspeed slow on a carry = win every trade / or duel
ReplyDeleteon hit effects on mystic shot = phage procs out the ass
so you cant win in a trade, and you cant run away = you die
mystic shot harrass = cant be ignored
blink escape = difficult to gank
so you cant beat him in a duel, you cant run away, you cant just avoid him and farm, and you cant punish him with ganks, whats shocking to me is riot stated ezreals win rate is HIGHER than lolking would suggest which is already pretty strong.
Trash tier analysis there, bro. graves corki sivir vayne, all of them aren't affected by ez's w because of their kits.
Deleteplease tell me more about how you run straight allowing ez players to have an easy time hitting you, and they proc that 25% chance with 100% occurence.
"you can't win in a trade, you can't run away" you can't build an argument without blowing it out of proportion. You CAN win in a trade, and you CAN run away. You're just too bad to do it if you're making this argument.
mystic shot harass can't be ignored? STAND BEHIND A FUCKING MINION. team fights? STAND BEHIND YOUR BRUISER. And you still have dodging left. Dafuq, man?
blink escape - difficult to gank? yeah, about that, corki, graves, tristana.
He is only a bit stronger because the other carries received nerfs. Before them, Ezreal was slated to get buffs, not nerfs. He definetly needs some balancing now, because the other carries are doing badly, but your arguments are nothing short of retarded frustration, and half of them require you to stand in front of him sucking his dick without even attempting to get away, or going for a soft counter.
I suppose all the other AD carries also have a 6 second blink...
DeleteCool story bro.
Butthurt Ez players are funny...
anon #2 dont you get it? thats exactly the point the "big 3" of ranged carries is
Deleteereal, and the only 2 carries NOT hard countered by his attackspeed slows guess who those two are? thats right graves and corki, because they have enouph upfront burst to trade with spell damage, and escape before he can lay into them with a slow proc with their respective dashes.
everyone else can just fucking forget surviving the lane.
im a jungler main so your argumentation that im too "bad lane against ezreal" is HILARIOUS TO ME, it is one of the best laughs ive had all day, i have been jungler maining for partial or full premades for the past 800 games ive been a jungler for over 80% of my total games since the preseason 3 years ago, and your telling me im butthurt because im being stomp IN A LANE by an ezreal? keep pulling hollow accuzations out of your ass.
ezreal was NOT slated for buffs if you look at the related threads riot always said "hes crushing face in china right now we refuse to buff him".
also your acting like EVERY mystic shot is dodgeable, by that logic blitzcrank, morgana, ahri, should all be worthless pieces of shit right? cause there NO POSSIBLE WAY they could EVER land a skill shot amiright? I mean its not like ezreal can throw one ever 3-4 seconds, and reposition himslef to land the shot.
but hey apparently even the best of the best in the world must also be "too bad to dodge shots if im makeing this argument" his platnum win rate is listed as 56% on lolking and as morello mentioned the REAL statistics are actually HIGHER than lolking would lead us to believe id say a 60% win rate is not out of the question.
retarded frustration? I'm reading off statistics while takeing notes in the NA regionals and TSM weekly invitiationals, they first pick ezreal so they can dominate their opponent. this has nothing to do with y own personal feelings and everything to do with an anlysis of the hard truth.
HOW CAN YOU BE THIS DELUSIONAL? try harder next time buddy you might actually get it right next time.
So, he can hard-counter all but 2 other carries is what you're saying. Yeah... that's a good balance!
DeleteHis kit is extremely useful and every spell can pack a punch in a duel/trade off unlike most other carries, who have 1 or 2 spells that can be put to good use offensively, and don't have AS debuffs or blinks.
His main offensive ability reduces CDs and applies on-hits, and is quite fast and long ranged with those bonuses added in...
But hey, let's write a 2 page long rage post because someone doesn't agree with our views or doesn't find playing against this champion fun or fair. Cause that's how the LoL community works, right?
Vayne, Graves, Sivir, Corki... Seriously, stop it -.-
DeleteI hate when Riot do this kind of thing, listening the QQers
"but hey apparently even the best of the best in the world must also be "too bad to dodge shots if im makeing this argument" his platnum win rate is listed as 56% on lolking and as morello mentioned the REAL statistics are actually HIGHER than lolking would lead us to believe id say a 60% win rate is not out of the question."
Delete"I suppose all carries have a 6 second blink" tristana has a 0 cd blink as long as she gets a kill. graves has a "6" second bliink if he auto attacks fast enough. Ezreal has a 6 second blink only if you build 40% cdr on him, which is completely possible, considering that mid will sacrifice blue every time for you, right? because it's 6 seconds of cd only if you're lvl 18 and you hit the cap. oh, and if you hit mystic shot with no cdr you have a 7 second blink, if you hit every mystic shot when it's off cooldown. are you unable to compute the difficulty of delivery?
Yeah, it's retarded frustration. It doesn't matter at all that you watch tournaments. That's very fucking good for you. All you spouted is "omg this champ can do this" which is means ZERO. an entire kit can't be op, not even in Irelia's case.
There are numbers that are too high, specific areas they belong to. What you do is give a general description of the champ's kit, you blow it sky high out of proportion, and then say the champ needs a nerf because you find him frustrating. It's not a matter of debate that you're frustrated, I'm calling it retarded since you can't put up a decent argument. No, "omh he has this and this" is not OBJECTIVE.
You're saying i'm being delusional? Take a look at yourself, bro. You're blowing everything out of proportion, and all you do is stating what his kit does, then act like that's objective.
I said he deserves some nerfs, because he's doing this well. I at no point denied it, here i'll quote myself: " He definetly needs some balancing now, because the other carries are doing badly" but of course you guys can't do either basic math or reading.
He probalaby only listed 2 being grabes and corki, because vayne IS countered by attackspeed slows. Her ultimate is free AD an her W is an on hot effect she craves attackspeed probaly more than any orher carry out there. If anything id say shes countered the hardest second only to kogmaw in the "gets crapped on by attackspeed slows" department.
DeleteAnd sivir while less extreme is still questionable, boomerange blade is one nuke, the spelsheild can only block half of the Ws coming her way, and her attack reset is somewhat good for trades but is only one free attack before the attackspeed slow starts to drag you down, so any fight longer than Q, AA, rickochette, run away and shell feel the burn, her ultimate is an attackspeed boost so beyond 6 shes going to come out worse for ware on trades.
So yes 2 of the 4 you mentioned.
again, dumb analysis. Vayne can burst ezreal without being affected by his W. AA + Q + E is completely unaffected by AS. Let's also forget that she can tumble to get out of the way. Also, sivir can block only half of the w's coming her way? you only need one, and her 2 movement speed buffs make it so that she can simply dodge ez's skillshots. please don't talk bullshit to support bullshit.
Deletealright mr my oppinion > everyone elses humor us what is YOUR reason why ezreal is dominating high elo play right now, considering everything is easily countered in your mind, by your logic just 2 nukes is enouph to effectively trade with ezreal.(every AD carry in the game has atleast 2 nukes or an attack reset so by your logic NO carry are beat by ezreal which we both know is nonses at some point you have to budge) vayne man vayne, (crushed by all bursty carries vayne) and your saying she is not countered by ezreal, im just blown away, by just how wrong this is it really puts everything else into perspective. I could maybe budge on sivir but vayne is a full stop NO.
Deletevayne auto attack + reset + E assumeing it doesnt hit a wall cannot stand up to. ezreals attack, mysitc shot, attack, W, thanks to his blink he can now either force the fight while her attackspeed is slowed into additional attacks or disengage if the support steps in or the W wiffs or if the vayne E pins him, either way he has come out on top (best case or inbetween) or at the very least breaks even (worst case scenario).
ez can simply dodge sivirs boomerange, and force the fight to drag out beyond her initial burst, he can match her burst but she cant match his sustained dps. her spellsheild can also be popped by support or mytic shot if sivir doesnt time it just right. just like you I can shit out best case scenarios I can now berate you for being dumb just like you do to everyone else?
im presenting arguements and your giving me counter arguements, but rather than seeing me as someone to debate with you see me as a retard to talk down to, somehow your convinced that your arguements are not only right but that the person you are talking to is stupid enouph to warrant what are essentially verbal bitch slaps your ego annoys me. now talk like a civilized human as im getting sick of takeing pot shots at eachother betweent the lines.
so give us an analysis that isnt trash tier, cause all youve given us so far is, some numbers are too high (a major cop out), and every one but me is stupid as the majority of your arguement.
please keep bending unrealistic scenarios to serve your argument, please keep bashing people for differences in oppinion, please post something with content if you've got all the answers. you agree ezreal is too strong yet you shoot down any reasoning WHY he is too strong. clearly you know so why dont you share, others have ideas and are sharing and you have crapped all over them so far, whether your criticism are accurate or not is suspect at best but atleast they are attempting.
I treat you as a retard because you are one, as you prove over and over again by arguing against straw men, and repeating inane babble.
DeleteI stated again and again that i agree that he needs balancing, yet you act like i don't. Why do you waste so much on this?
I'm not trying to argue that those scenarios always happen, I'm just taking you on your position of "ez does this and this and that" with "well these carries do this and that and it counters this" to show how dumb merely stating what a carry does and calling it op is simply dumb.
I don't bash you because of your "opinion" is different, i bash you because your opinion is dumb as fuck. I told you several times that merely stating what a carry does is not an argument, because it's simply impossible for everything a champ does to be OP, especially when he's in front only because others were nerfed a bit.
Want a good analysis? watch a patch preview.
trundles q is fine it moves hi fwd which cna mean the diffrence rm getting a kill when ganking and not but his conmtemiate is the problem.... i cna see they are just gonna tweak the cast annimations
ReplyDeletei assure you trundles Q is not "fine" the animation locks him in place for so long depsite the "micro dash" that comes with it he actualy stand still so long it hinders his own chaseing power by standing still long enouph to more than compensate for the distance gained by the dash, the animation is also so long that any attackspeed beyond 1.0 is essentialy wasted.
Delete"Well, Guinsoo is working on the rework, and if history shows...strap yourselves in for Karmageddon."
ReplyDeletemorrello on the incomeing karma rework, now stop crying you "please dont touch my karma" babbies take you buffs and like them
I lkie Karma as she is, but i' m happy with that rework. Y should i complain if they said that they wont touch her unique playstyle... AND promised a buff! The only "bleh" is community who will play her sooooo often. I like playing uplayed champs ^^
Deletei think theyll just remove the attackspeed slow on his W and call it a day.
ReplyDeleteezreals harass, mobility, and DPS are already solid, so he doesnt need W winning him every lane trade by devastating his opponents ability to fight back by slowing their attackspeed.
Good that they finally nerf Ez. And i hope we hear more of Trundle these months, he's such a cool champ. :)
ReplyDeletestfu pig
ReplyDeleteAwesome Skyrim-themed FUS RO DAH Cho'Gath triple kill:
ReplyDeleteWay to blow it out of proportion. It's likely still a good indicator as any.
ReplyDeleteDid'nt they just BUFF Ezreal?._.
ReplyDeleteThey nerfed his W(his biggest strength) and lowered the mana cost on his Q very slightly. The problem is corki and graves were his only competitors and they got nerfed harder than ezreal, so now its all ezreal all the time.
DeleteEzreal is an easy champion , the only thing you really need playing him is to aim skillshots well... I don't like him as an AD carry and I think he should be weaker just to make other carries more viable because I'm sick of those stupid Ezreals everywhere... -.-
ReplyDeleteI'd nerf Ezreal so hard that he'd become more gay than he is now... Go for it Morello! Nerf that virgin~! :D
ReplyDelete"nerf rengar" just just no. your stupid that wasnt a nerf that was a buff. the only nerf was cooldown which doesnt matter cause its easy to deal with when you dont use mana or energy. while they upped the tankyness he gets from roaring your face off
ReplyDeletethe problem isn't ez's skill cap. the problem is riot nerfed the other ad carries until only ez and corky even matter, why? they deal the same damage as other carries but they have escape mechanics. and good ones.
ReplyDeleteive been playin Ezreal since 2010.. he was always fine as he was. once alot of people started to jump on the bandwagon after PFE, thats when he started to get more popular. ez is fine, he will always be. people start to QQ and thats when shit happens to a great champ.
ReplyDeleteYour not undersanding the big picture so let me lay ot down for you, the rise of ezreal.
DeleteBf sword cost reduction carry build decrease in cost by 200-400 gold per game.
Infinity edge gains 5% more crit chance increaseing carry dps
Mastery rework means carries are doing more DPS than ever before, this was the dawn of the "hyper carry meta"
Hyper carries vayne and kogmaw and sivir are nerfed.
Duo lane experience gain has been buffed twice since 2010. Carries and supports level significantly faster than they used to. Carries with strong damaging abilities are more rewarded from this change.
Health potion nerfs harrass and dueling stronger than ever.
Sustain support nerfs, CC supports taric, leona, blitzcrank, jana lulu take over.
Urgot is nerfed from new OP status from duo lane exp increases.
Ezreals mana costs are lowered.
The W first build from china makes its way to the US and EU.
Ezreal graves corki BIG 3 meta. Nukes, dashes, and mid game dominance rains supreme.
Graves and corki are nerfed, ezreal is nerfed the lightest, mana costs are lowered even more.
Ezreal 60% win rate in platnum elo.
Im sure ive missed something, long story short ezreal has come out the benifactor of an incredibly long line of mana cost reductions, bottom lane exp distribution, support changes, meta shifts, and other carries being nerfed makeing him stronger bu comparison, the end result He is now the do everything carry.
"THE ONLY HIGH SKILL CAP RANGED AD IN THE GAME" Come on, bro. Caitlyn falls off so much lategame (WITHOUT SNOWBALL, dont rage) that she has a way high enough skill cap. xD
ReplyDeleteAlso, Tristana is a huge range, very squishy AP scaler whose entire kit is focused on... getting as close as possible?!? Seems legit, Riot.
Ezreal Nerf?!
nerf rengar <___< balanced champion? = unbalanced champion
Buff ez, nerf ez... all time, riot...
ReplyDeleteWhy Just can buff other carrys and leave ezreal alone?
ReplyDeleteAfter 6 months of visiting S@20 i decided to log in to let u know, that im not 175t327486375648th instance of anon! Keep up all this awesomeness Moo and GJ for u Ninja!
ReplyDeleteAlso hi to Seranaya, im not in esports but GJ, too :)
You know what Trundle needs? He needs a damn skin.
ReplyDelete^ You mean focused on getting away. Her Rocket Jump and Ult both expand the gap between her and her targets. Her Q is an AS steroid, and E gives her attack Grievous Wounds status.
ReplyDeleteFirst people think Ezreal is weak and a troll pick now since people found out is actually good they deemed he needs to be nerfed. Peoples logic these days.
ReplyDeleteIt's not that they found out he is suddenly good, it's that most passive supports got nerfed too hard. It's just much better and easier to go kill lanes now, and that's why Ezreal is popular now, because he has sick burst to go along with the hard CC that kill lane supports bring.
DeleteMaybe you should learn what you're talking about before trying to be a smartass and failing.
I sense that he's not a lolking fan.
ReplyDeleteSeems legit...
Nerf Darihs? Omfg i beat him as Soraka ...
ReplyDeleteNerf someone whos realy broken, ezreal 60% win rate in platnum elo, pick rate and win % dwarf other carries.
ReplyDeleteSounds to me like their doing just what you asked.