Here I have two small red posts for you on the morning before the start of the Season 2 World Champions!
Continue reading for "two" posts regarding upcoming Ezreal nerfs and an update on some changes for Trundle.Starting with the bits about Ezreal, Morello responded to forums thread asking about upcoming nerfs for the Prodigal Explorer, saying:
"After the world finals."which, due to popular demand, he later elaborated to:
"Next patch after finals, already testing specifics (though subject to change).
This is an obvious nerf as far as need goes - the winrate data on LoLKing makes him look balanced in comparison to the internal global one"
Moving on to everyone's favorite troll, Scarizard, one of the associate live designers, mentioned testing some upcoming changes to Trundle's "tech issues". He said,
"Sup dudes! Sorry i haven't been able to poke in this thread yet, i've been megaswamped but i haven't forgotten about you fine summoners.I know we heard a little bit about Trundle yesterday, but I figure this is a nice heads up. Hopefully we'll see some love come his way sooner rather than later!
I'm testing some changes (with the help of resident Superwizard Wiksy) that will solve/ease Trundle's tech issues, specifically concerning clunkiness with using Rabid Bite and Contaminate. I won't go too far into specifics, but i really think cleaning up these spells can go a long way in Trundle's viability as a jungler on live. This isn't to confirm or deny that more updates/buffs shouldn't come the troll's way, but i want to see what he's like when he is actually able to stick to targets like the tanky man he is instead of waving his arms around and yelling for a bit as his victims run away D:
So, that's all i have for the moment.Vague? Maybe! But rest assured that Trundle's something i'm personally looking at improving even if he's not top-level priority for everyone on Live currently."