New Champion & Skin Sale 10/26 - 10/29

Posted on at 6:07 PM by Moobeat
A new sale starts tomorrow! This one features Nocturne, Varus, and Shaco for 487 RP each, as well as Spectral Fiddlesticks for 260 RP, Dreadknight Garen for 487 RP, and Super Teemo for 487 RP. These prices are good between October 26th and October 29th.

Continue reading for video previews of the skins on sale.

Spectral Fiddlesticks
260 RP
Dreadknight Garen
487 RP
Super Teemo
487 RP


  1. what happened to champion/skin sales being coordinated ._.

  2. Varus or Nocturne?. Plz help me Moobeat!.

    1. Mmmmm. Close call but I would go with Nocturne. Noccy has an ok jungle experience and fun ganks. I prefer a lot of other AD carries to Varus, despite liking his lore/character.

    2. Perosnally, Varus is one of the most viable hybrid carries in the game, being strong both as standard adc, hybrid, or pure AP, and I love playing him each way. Nocturne is a super fun, fairly simple champ (in terms of understanding) that can play very aggressively, and makes for wonderful counter-jungling (fear tether :))

    3. For me i am going for Nocturne because i already have varus.
      I don't like varus gameplay , when my friend like varus much.

  3. So they have gone back to their random skin random champ thing now?

  4. Wow, you'd think they wouldve done SOMETHING Halloween themed.

  5. T_T I wanted Super Teemo but his legendary is better =/. I love the lasers too much! XD
