Reddit User Vaeron Leaks another Batch of Upcoming Skin Names

Posted on at 9:20 PM by Moobeat
[ WARNING: The below information is potentially false information and should be taken with caution. ]

Vaeron, the same reddit user who leaked the of all of this year's Harrowing skins and a number of other skins  before that, has put up another batch of supposed leaked skins.
"Confirmed on Saint's stream!
  • Dragon Trainer Lulu
  • Noxian/Zaun Darius
  • Ascended Varus
  • Special Forces Miss Fortune
  • Dark Harvester Viktor
  • Metal Wing Kayle
If you haven't read the first[1] , and second[2] then check it out."
Note : I normally don't put up these kinds of leaks that can't be "confirmed" by the files or a slip up on a website but this redditor has been correct several times in the past, enough that I believe him to be credible. Enjoy :)