Small talk about Trundle & Karma and some UI Improvement Discussion

Posted on at 2:01 AM by Moobeat
Here is your daily dose of red posts, comments or threads made by the men and women behind League of Legends!
Continue reading for a set of red posts regarding some of the under appreciated champions and even more concerning future improvements to the UI.

In a thread questioning if Rioters are even attempting to balance and improve some of the least played champions, Morello commented briefly about the idea of reworking and updating Trundle, saying:
"Eventually, not yet though. We may have little cleanups in the interim."
Morello also spoke a tad about the Karma rework ( which we heard an update about yesterday ) and why other champions, such as Xin Zhao, has reworks completed before hers.
"It's a work-to-value ratio. Xin was also more overdue than Karma due to time released-vs-rework need.

Additionally, Karma is much harder, and work can sometimes take unexpected turns or not work out as planned. Originally, I think we estimated Karma would be sooner, but Guinsoo bit off a lot more than he thought with it, so it's still being worked on.

So buffing a number by 10 is trivial to do, a full rework can take much longer. That can effect the decision a lot."
This is the work-in-progress version of a new UI ( meaning incomplete and having some wonky stuff like map/score not working right ) , provided by a Rioter about two months ago on reddit.
Since there have been a number of questions about an updates to the UI, I figured I'd share this aptly timed post from rjcombo;
"We have to be super careful about altering the HUD as players tend to be very sensitive to such changes. That being said, we do want to revisit quality and usability of the UI."
No big reveal here right? We've known there has been a new UI in the works but we haven't heard much about it lately. He

He continued on, mentioning his want to revisit the options menu and craft up some custom keybinds for each character.
"We'd like to revisit the options menu in general, so this might be something to include when that happens."
 He also expressed the goal of better and more comprehensive tracking of end game stats
"Better stat tracking and presentation in general is something we're working on."
Sort of keeping on the same page, boourns, a UI Designer, mentioned a few UI related things, talking about both in game item purchases,
"... I am in favor of allowing players to undo purchases/sales/combines that they make by mistake throughout the game if we can cover off the abuse cases."
and a UI indicator for which skills you've ranked up,
"Actually with the new HUD we are working on we will show pips to tell you how many points you've put into a skill. That should make situations like starcall more obvious."
Clipped from the previous new UI show, we can see an easy to read indicator for what abilities you've invested in!
What do you guys think about the idea of these improvements? Yay or nay on the tentative UI?


  1. YAY
    As long as the UI isn't completely revamped but instead updated to have these changes, I'm all for this

    1. How do you reply to a post and say "1st" Got Downs?

    2. 1st reply to the top comment?

    3. 1st reply to the top comment?

    4. How do you grammar?

    5. Brrrt i just ferted

    6. wat es gramar? i r scienc majr

    7. Scientologist**

    8. I like the new UI except for one thing: those golden bars at the sides of every box, They look pretty but i think it loads the picture way too muc and occupy a lot of space. I'd rather have some really simple golden "lines" at the sides instead of that "columns"

  2. I LOVE the new UI as it was shown a while ago, I can't wait to see the full reveal, whenever it comes out (hopefully season 3 <3 )

  3. Can hardly wait for the HUD changes. =)

  4. Why fix something that doesn't need fixing?

    Setting up smart casting literally takes 10 seconds. I don't know why people are all touchy about it.

    1. Who says that it doesn't need fixing? And why not improve something that can be improved? If all people were living by this principle "why fix something that doesn't need fixing" we would be eating food that is cooked with pure fire that lights from woods and only. Who knows what else.

    2. That kind of mentality is incredibly toxic and if we all had it the human race would never advance. Constant improvement and development is what drives creativity and technology.

      Imagine if mobile phones were never developed further past the initial release. People would have to lug around bricks, figuratively speaking.

      The old textured on summoners rift weren't broken. Does it not look better now? Would you prefer it if they hadn't of bothered?

      I thought not.

    3. I would not say "fix", but "Upgrade".

    4. upgrayedd* spelt with two d's for a double dose of pimping

    5. Smart casting between multiple champs can be a real pain in the ass. I like to smartcast Caits Q, but I dont like to smartcast other champs Q. Having the ability, on the fly, to swap smartcast on/off is a HUGE improvement. Without having to go into the menu, select my keybinds and default a few while maintaining others.

      I love the way the newUI looks. Its cleaner, and much nicer looking.

      Compare our current UI with the beta UI. MASSIVE difference. Both served the same purpose, but streamlining things does help.

  5. A mana cost integer on the spell icons would be really helpful for quick mana calculation. I am regularly needing to quickly hover over spell icons to check that during fights. 1 superiority of dota2.

    1. One thing thats great about the dota 2 ai is you can see how many point you have in a spell and how much mana its going to cost. Would love to see that in league.

    2. You forget that DotA 2's HUD middle panel is, like, 4 times bigger than that of LoL.

    3. There is no reason NOT to have mana costs on the UI. You don't have to change anything, just put a small number in the spell icon and you are done.

  6. Yeah i did a video for this way back with that UI really great i use FOXE UI but want to get a really nice one

    1. I don't see how you can use FoxeUI would still rather have a jazzed up UI like these concepts with unnecessary borders, textures and curves that don't make me want to play the game more, but rather made me chase down a minimalistic UI mod to cut the crap out. Not only did Foxe remove the crap and put all the HUD on semi-transparent, non-distracting black, but it also move some of the HUD to more intuitive locations like the character profile closer to the skills display with items in one row label 1-6, enemy stats to right of the skills and teammates just above the minimap. Not having to look at every corner of screen is better design.

      If Riot wants to make people happy, they either need to allow easy customization or provide a similar minimalistic UI for people not wowed by flair.

  7. Where's the small talk about Trundle? Have I gone mad?

    1. "In a thread questioning if Rioters are even attempting to balance and improve some of the least played champions, Morello commented briefly about the idea of reworking and updating trundle, saying:

      "Eventually, not yet though. We may have little cleanups in the interim.""

  8. were is the trundle's part?

    1. I think that we got trolled :/

    2. "In a thread questioning if Rioters are even attempting to balance and improve some of the least played champions, Morello commented briefly about the idea of reworking and updating trundle, saying:

      "Eventually, not yet though. We may have little cleanups in the interim." "

    3. I don't think that there's anything wrong with trundle. I picked him up quite recently, and he's one of the most fun champs that I have played! The only problem is that he's balanced, and people only want to play OP champs...

    4. No, the problem is he's super clunky and doesn't get the job done quick enough... If you build tanky to survive while you cast your abilities, you have no damage, and if you build damage to benefit of your W and R, then you get burst down in seconds...

      All his cast animations take forever... His Q's basically a self stun, his W takes 1.5 seconds to cast, making enemies actually catch up to you instead, his E could use a faster animation or cast time, or both, as for his R, it needs to be able to shred Baron/Dragon's armor and MR again.

    5. So tour aaying 40-50 champions are OP and trundle is balanced? Have you considered maybe trundle is just weak and champions stronger than him are balanced? His animations are super long cutting his ability to move and deal damage effectively.

    6. I still don't understand why Stonewall has him in Tier 1 of the junglers, sure he has amazing recovery and destroys single targets as well as have good invasions but in teamfights he is absolutely horrid and can be kited easier than a Darius

  9. I hope they at least change the K/D/A Icons at the top right, I really don't like how they're all the same color, they blend too much.

    I like the way they look now, they all have a distinct look and it's easy to read.

  10. looks just like DotA2^^ but it's an awesome change, which hopefully makes it live soon!

    1. agreed. With this and the new honor system LoL is looking more and more like DotA2. This is no bad thing, LoL can learn alot from DotA2. I still prefer LoL but there are a few minor cosmetic changes that DotA2 has on top of LoL like this which would work really nicely.

      Please don't think I'm ranting in favour of DotA2. I'm a much bigger LoL fan, but I do play both.

  11. Interesting stuff... Totally agree about UI affecting players. Though some can adapt faster than others and some chose to not.

    As far as undoing purchases in a game or etc I think that is a bad idea. People need to train themselves and know what to get. Sure you have the occasional misclick but that is just part of the game (and life). Players just need to deal with it IMHO.

    1. I don't think that there's anything wrong with being able to undo the purchase before you leave the platform. What's the point in NOT having the ability sounds them? It wouldn't affect balance in any way. It'd just mean that the person making the error would take longer to get to lane which is a punishment in itself.

    2. Ignore the word "sounds" that should have been "to refund" autocorrect fail....

    3. I can't help but agree with Chris, if someone goofs up and accidentally buys two pairs of boots ( Something I'm guilty of ) or anything similar due to over-zealousness, then they should be able to fix that mistake, even if it's at the cost of having to go through several menus to fix it, thus delaying their in-lane time.

      Just seems like it could work out.

  12. As long as you don't leave the base platform, I don't see any issues at all with reselling for full value.

  13. NAY at the so far new hud, looks really bland and generic mmo-like.

    as if its a step back to the year 2000, in the bad sense.

    I prefer the old hud, if they decide to change it to that ..thing.. i hope they allow people to keep using the current.

    1. It's the Protoss HUD, Blizzard will sue, but seriously why would they do anything to make the mini map take up more space? It's only a few pixels bigger but as it is I hate to shrink the mini map as it reduces accuracy, but I can't play with the space it takes up (click it by accident while aiming/moving) >:/ makes me wish I could put it on a second monitor.

  14. <3 new HUD...<3 very very good effort of course but,i dont think that refunding items its something that fits in the competitive area of moba games.

  15. 500hp at level 10, op. On another note, not sure I'm a fan of that new HUD.

  16. In the pic with jayce, what item is his enemy using?

    1. it's not an enemy, it's his teammate, & yeah new item leaked

    2. Looks like MoM recolor...

    3. Colour swap of Maw of Malmortius, interesting (obviously a place holder for one of the new "AD caster items". My big question with it is why would Galio buy it as his first item? Maybe it isn't and AD + spellvamp item after all.

  17. Why galio has 0 ap?

    1. If you look, minimap is off
      Stats on Galio and Jayce are wrong for the level and items
      His HP on picture is more than 500;
      Jayce's kills and assists add up to more than the team total kills....

      It is just a preview, example, not an actual screenshot.

  18. dont care bout the rework on trundle...all i want is my JUDGE TRUNDLE SKIN!

  19. Hell, i just wish they fix the custom game 'top rating' bit. Either name it what it is, current rating, or change it so it ACTUALLY shows the players top rating.

    Also, i would like if in the pregame options you could choose which hud you want to use, or in game options. that way can have more changes, and if you dont like you can use older/different models

  20. Trundle ist balanced! he is ok :D not to weak not to strong... Only champ ever been balanced since release !

    1. He is a bit too weak, I mean - it's wonderfull champion with fine mechanics but every single jungler does his job better, he has no hard CC, no dmg... a buff would be very generous...

  21. The new UI starts looking a bit too much like Dota 2.
    The skill level box-bar is straight rip-off from Dota 2 but I don't care, I love it!

  22. Trundle the cursed troll lives up to his name.

    Trundle needs the rework. The chance of my seeing a Trundle is minuscule No-one plays trundle. I used to play trundle. Then I realized how many champions do his job better. He's fun to play, definitely, but he has a weird spot in the team. My biggest qualm is with his ultimate. It's hard to see, most players don't know what it does, and it's not a massive game changer in the big scope of things.

    I find that Trundle is one of those forgotten champions. Heim, Karma reworks could wait, Trundle can't even be placed in a team properly most of the time. I do hope as time clears up, they'll put him higher on the agenda.

  23. They need to display the ultimates and summoner spells on the character icon, so people can see them, when allies have ultimates ready etc-

  24. I still want to see my teams Summoners CD's on the left side champion thumbnails. Like in Spectator mode.

  25. I think it looks good, especialy the feature that shows how many points you have put into each spell.

    The only downside, is that the UI looks a bit out-dated.
    I don't know if it's only me that thinks this, of if other people think that too.

    Just my opinion

  26. OMG! I'm FIRST!! :))

  27. Those skill points are important for streamers.

    No more "What you are maxing?!" questions :d.

  28. I personally dont the new HUD, it looks like the old post-game screen.
    Bah, it looks so old and grey.

  29. The current HUD looks better IMO, but it could definitely use some improvements.

  30. New Ezreal posts Moobeat!

    1. Yeah, I started doing a post on those a few hours ago but then I started streaming and playing normals >.>

      it's up now though.

  31. want to see allies' summoner spells

  32. One very newbie question, why is jayce's ultimate in the "E" hotkey? :I

    1. Supposedly because of the new key-binding functions. You will be able to rearrange your skills...

      I don't like it one bit. People should just learn where their skills are on the keyboard instead of changing it.

  33. like the hp and mp bars, hate the protoss theme of the ui. Needs more runes. I like the skill lvl idea, but i think the dots are unoriginal.

  34. I wish they'd move the allied champ health+mana portraits from the left side of the screen over by the minimap.

    1. Personally I have to disagree. I believe that would oompromise the balance of the UI and make it look less visually appealing.

      Though saying that.. People do have different opinions and it would most definitely be a great idea for them to make UI elements moveable objects.

      Maybe implement the option to drag them around and resize them as you do with images in photoshop or powerpoint etcetera. Then you could save the new layout. That way everyone would be happy

      Then again there is always going to be something people will complain about no matter how airtight they could manage to make it..

  35. Sorry but new UI is soo much identically to Smite UI but it's ok ;)

  36. Why the ultimate have 5 slots for invest?

  37. Also , Off topic, but

    Where is your stream Moobeat?

  38. Looks wayyyy too much like Dota, NAY FOR ME.

  39. The new UI looks nice but not suitable for LoL

  40. Why not just have a option to switch back to the old UI, please both those who like the new and the old.

  41. I want to be able to see the cd's of my teammates if I click on them!!!!!!!!

  42. ruined twitch, now trundle.. !?

  43. Is Jayce's Ult now his E? I am confused...

  44. Here's a thought, far as possible monetizing could go.

    When Pulsfire was released, I had the faintest hopes that this would literally be a theme, as in when you're playing that skin, you're playing it: Voice-pack for the announcer, the HUD, etc. was all designed in theme of your champion. People already use custom UI's, though I am not sure how widely and I am aware it is highly frowned upon, but I wonder if Riot has considered doing this sort of thing on their end. Just a thought

  45. Dota.exe CTRL+C ---> LoL.exe CTRL + v :P

    mi like it

  46. The color scheme makes it look old/outdated =/

  47. This remind me of "atrox" hud....was pretty similar-

  48. This remind me of "atrox" hud....was pretty similar-

  49. yo creo que esta bien, pues da mucha información de forma mas sencilla, sin usar tab, además, da mas facilidad, pero la forma de visión es como si fuera una hoja de papel y un dibujo y eso no mola, merecería mas la pena un conjunto entre la actual y la covertura de información qeu esta ofrece

  50. Trundle rework? I am sad. Trundle SLIGHT buff? Is a good thing.

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