Continue reading to preview the latest PBE content, including the new legendary Eternum Nocturne skin, the splash art for Arclight Varus, and more!
( REMINDER: Everything on the PBE is tentative and subject to change )
Eternum Nocturne
Riot sure didn't waste any time getting the recently announced legendary Nocturne skin on to the PBE. Eternum Nocturne is now available for testing and comes complete with everything you would expect a legendary skin to have: all new particles, animations, sounds, and a new voice over..
Here is a skin spotlight, showing off this fancy new skin in action.
Arclight Varus
Arclight Varus finally got his splash art added
New particles on CV
This isn't really new, but I did miss it in the earlier PBE patches so I figured I would mention it now; take a peep at the new particles for Clairvoyance.
Balance Changes
A few more Nami and item tweaks made it into this iteration.
- Aqua Prison now states it "stuns enemies" instead of "lifting them into the air...". Spell is the same, just worded different.
- Ebb and Flow healing increased to 75/105/135/165/195 from 60/90/120/150/180
Ebb and Flow damage increased to 65/105/145/185/225 from 50/90/130/170/210- Ebb and Flow's damage and healing value is now decreased by 15% everytime it jumps.
Enchantment: Homeguard
Sword of the Divine
- You now lose the regenerative / move speed effects if you enter combat.
Wriggles Lantern
- It now only gets it's cooldown reduced on champion kills instead of kills and assists.
- Activate duration has been reduced to 3 seconds from 4 seconds.
- Bonus damage increased to 500 from 450
Need to catch up on what all is in the Preseason / Nami PBE patch? Check out these earlier posts!