A "Badass Female" Champion for the end of 2012

Posted on at 1:09 AM by Moobeat
 In a thread requesting more bad ass or undefined and gritty female champions, Morello gave us a little tease about what the final champion of 2012 might be.
"Could not agree more here - big hole in this archetype, and one of my favorites. Makes me think of Starbuck from Battlestar Galactica.

You will be very pleased with our final release of the year"
He then clarified which archetype he was talking about specifically by saying:
"I mean badass female, specifically - more in the Starbuck direction for sure."
 This is relevant to my interests! Perhaps this is the heroic female IronStylus mentioned a while back?


  1. I hope she is large and in charge chunky yet funky (and human ofc, not some kind of troll)

    1. How is one heroic when one is too fat to walk/lift/run/fight.

    2. Your comment is so wrong in so many levels.

    3. I hope she will be a brutal champ, fat, ugly, only got 1 eye (the other is blind ) broken teeth [ what is the different between teeth and tooth ? ] . Using Kingdom Suit , and show no mercy . huehue

    4. Tooth is singular. Teeth is plural.

    5. Agreed. But I think morello already redposted last month saying they wouldn't allow any female champs not to be "sexy." Sadly we will never have a fat ugly funny female character to play with. I'd even go for a crossdressing skin for urgot.

    6. Poppy is an ugly female champ... I thinks she's the only one.

  2. Sweet. Female champions are ALWAYS welcome!

    1. lulu and lux? i wouldn't even count lux! sona maybe? any more? id say soraka but shes to vengfull. So where are the too many?

    2. You... what? Lux? Soraka? What about Riven? What about Elise? Soraka and Lux are old news. Especially Soraka.

      (Oh wow, actually, Riven's pretty old, too.)

      Hm... well, looking at the numbers, out of the last 12 champs...
      4 female
      5 male
      3 animal/androgynous

      Nami will make male and female even at 5 each, with one less animal champ (Hecarim). I used 12 champions as a benchmark since that's about half a year assuming new releases every two weeks (or a year assuming new releases every four weeks). A good number to consider "new" or "recent".
      If you argue that the "animal" champs are "male" (arguable, since they all have male voice actors), I'd say that the first post in this comment chain is the most accurate, depicting the relative lack of female champions in recent League updates.

      In the whole League of Legends...
      33 (34) female
      48 male
      23 animal/androgynous
      1 Ezreal
      105 (106) Total
      (Since this total doesn't seem to add up, expect an error of +-1 champion. I must have lost someone when copy/pasting data.)

      Note: The numbers in parentheses indicate Nami, as she is currently unreleased. Full data can be found here: http://pastebin.com/igWDqj7d
      By this data, we need more Ezreals. Ezreal has only Taric to love. :(

  3. I hope she is like the mechromancer in bordelands!

  4. Damnit Morello always leaking irresistible yet not sufficient information for the anxiety

  5. For those who want boobies, if it's a badass militar-like chick, probably she wont have much boobs to offer. That's the way archetypes are, i would love to see what they really are designing

    1. Might end up like Diana where the default skin is non-boobs and the skin she comes with has boobs. :P

    2. Female with muscles? Do want!

    3. or Leona, where none of the skins has boobs XD

  6. They talked about making different female bodies but they keep throwing cliches at us.

    1. says the guy with that as his avatar :P jk I really dont care about it.

  7. Hmm, ad carry ? Military shooter ?


    So say we all.

    1. I'm hoping and expecting (slightly) an AD Carry. We don't get many of those :P Hoping for no military theme, would make me think of Resistance Caitlyn every time.

  8. INB4 Kassadin's daughter. Just saying...

    1. Ehhhh no. Considering they havent said anything about her being from the void, or hinted at it. And why would kassidin daughter be ugly? I bet you she wont be when she is released. (if she is released)

    2. If you had read the justice journal logs,you would know that Malzahar sacrificed Kassadin's daughter to the Void (not killed, thrown into a portal). And where did you get ugly...? You sir, need to get your facts right.

  9. Please let her have a natural look but deadly killer instincts inside her. I'm talking about that 'Mary Poppins' maid OR Levy from Black Lagoon, or that cyclops woman from Futurama :3. Wouldn't hurt either to have a burly looking amazonesque female champ

  10. That's probably IronStylus's new champion. He mentioned her like 2 or 3 days ago on forum.

  11. Thought it will be AD carry from Russian community from 10 000 refferals...

  12. I want more Flat chest champions XD
    Come on Riot, there is already a lot of females with big breasts XD

    1. The op is ghey.

      And try Taric as well. Im sure you think he is seksy with his big hammer...

  13. This topic has stured up a lot of ragers and riot haters. I know where I stand on the topic (pro Riot) i was wondering if Moobeat would care to share(if not i understand)

  14. Sadira, that's how she will be called :3

    1. is that what you're guessing or know from a source or just want her name to be that?

  15. i think riot dont know what is going on in game...we dont need copy paste champ...we just need a original champ

  16. http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2012/47/1353357078-kimeshanewchamp.jpg already leaked

    1. Its fake, she is Claire from Anima

  17. https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/59679_402598273143622_1580659387_n.jpg

  18. hoping it's an ad bruiser. the only female one is riven, and she's similar in description to this new character.

    although, why does morello feel like there aren't any badass chicks? you mean to tell me diana, elise, leona, riven, shyvana, kayle, and more don't suffice? i mean seriously. shyvana's a fucking dragon.

    1. people will complain for the sake of complaining

    2. He doesnt mean badass like that, bc obviously alot of the current female champs are "badass". He means a female champ that is NOT sexualized, big boobs cleavage, and sexy and female like. He means somewhat ugly, boyish, rough, something that the human race consider, "less attractive" then your average Victoria secret model.

  19. Replies
    1. if there 100% flat it means there young and innocent usually, ie lulu your looking for someone who dosn't mind not showing it off ie riven's first skin

  20. No mention of the Saintvicious tweet? About the champion after Nami possibly being his favourite champion yet.

  21. Kara Thrace is sexy and badass. Cant wait.

  22. badass as in not a model

  23. lol Ezreal has own category...

  24. She will be that "Badass Female" Champion :


  25. Lissandra? Please be Lissandra... I have wanted Lissandra to come out for months and months...
