DreamHack Winter 2012 Day 2 Recap

Posted on at 4:35 PM by Seranaya
Dreamhack as always was a really great event this year! After all of the matches today we have a winner of the event.
Qu1ksh0t and Panky casting during the Semi-Finals. Don't they look excited?
Wanna know what happened? Continue reading! I've got VODs for you along with a short description of the final games, and some screencaps from the tournament.

Welcome to Dreamhack Winter 2012! I've got a short reminder for those that haven't been following. The teams playing in this tournament are competing for these prizes:
  • 1st: 125,000 SEK
  • 2nd: 85,000 SEK
  • 3rd: 30,000 SEK
  • 4th: 30,000 SEK
  • 5th-8th: 15,000 SEK
Here are the VODs from the group stages on day 2. These are in order of the matches throughout the day, so if you missed out, just work your way down the list!
VODs for the semi-finals are available here:
Fnatic RC vs Counter Logic Gaming Europe
Win Loss
CLG.eu vs Fnatic
Bans Picks Role Picks Bans
Rengar Twisted Fate Mid Lane Orianna Irelia
Blitzcrank Ezreal AD Carry Corki Anivia
Vayne Lulu Support Zyra Lux
Malphite Top Warwick
Maokai Jungle Lee Sin
And early invade by CLG left Lee Sin without a blue buff. Fnatic counter jungle and take Maokai's blue buff as well. Corki takes first blood with help from a jungle gank by killing Malphite in the bottom lane. A gank by CLG in the top lane using Maokai, Ezreal, and Lulu goes very badly when Lee Sin shows up to help. Warwick dies but Lee Sin picks up a triple kill by killing Ezreal and Maokai while Lulu fail suiciding to the turret. Another gank in the mid lane by Warwick, Lee Sin and Orianna leaves Twisted Fate dead. Fnatic pick up the first dragon of the game at the 10 minute mark. First tower of the game falls at 11:20 to Orianna in the mid lane. Twisted Fate ganks top lane and Zyra dies. Meanwhile in the mid lane Snoopeh is dived by 3 of Fnatic who then take the tier two mid turret. Ezreal and Lulu dive Corki in top lane and Corki dies along with Lulu and Fnatic's tower. TF ports top again and they pick up a kill on Warwick. Lee Sin ganks bot lane and kills Malphite along with CLG's tier one bottom tower. Ezreal lands an amazing dragon steal with his ultimate immediately after. Warwick flashes for an attempt at an ultimate on Lulu but doesn't get in range. A teamfight erupts and CLG come out on top by killing Corki, Zyra, and Lee Sin when only Maokai dies. Another teamfight breaks out behind the dragon pit and CLG trade 2-0 killing Warwick and Lee Sin. They take their advantage and push down a tier two mid turret and a dragon. Twisted Fate split pushes the top lane tier two tower but dies after it falls to Orianna and Warwick. Fnatic pick up two great kills in the mid lane on Maokai and Malphite and disengage. An amazing teamfight in the mid lane again (ARAM anyone??) goes perfectly in CLG's favour with a perfect Unstoppable Force/Wild Growth combo which leaves Warwick and Orianna dead. CLG quickly pick up the first baron of the match at 37:00. While they have baron, CLG pick up both the tower and the inhibitor in bottom lane and the mid lane inhibitor turret. CLG take a second uncontested baron at the 45:00 minute mark. Fnatic initiated a team fight in their own base and end up getting aced, giving Malphite a triple kill. CLG take the first game of the series!
The famous Snoopeh stare
Game 2
VOD Available Here
Loss Win
CLG.eu vs Fnatic
Bans Picks Role Picks Bans
Rengar Twisted Fate Mid Lane Diana Lux
Vayne Corki AD Carry Ezreal Anivia
Nunu Blitzcrank Support Zyra Malphite
Irelia Top Jax
Cho'Gath Jungle Amumu
Twisted Fate gets executed right off the bat when he's seperated from CLG's invade. Jax blew his flash in an attempt to get the kill but didn't. Ezreal and Zyra die in the bottom lane and Corki dies under his tower to Diana. Cho'Gath picks up a kill on Diana directly after. Fnatic pick up the first dragon of the game at 8:00. A well timed gank top by Amumu leaves Irelia dead. A great snare by Zyra lets Ezreal take a kill on Blitzcrank while Corki is in base. This sets Fnatic up to start another dragon which is stolen by a Corki ult! A team fight around dragon leaves Cho'Gath dead while Fnatic loses Ezreal, Diana, and Zyra. Diana picks up the first turret of the game in the mid lane around the 17:15 mark followed shortly by the bottom tower as well. Fnatic take the sneakiest baron I've ever seen by flashing over the back wall at 18:30!! A perfect Blitzcrank pull leaves Ezreal dead but Diana kills Corki and Twisted Fate in response. Meanwhile in the top lane, Cho'Gath and Irelia take a kill on Jax. CLG follow up with a dragon. Fnatic push hard and seige down the tier two top tower. A teamfight breaks out under Fnatic's mid tower and Fnatic gets an ACE while only losing Amumu. They proceed to push down two mid towers and the inhibitor. Shortly afterwards another teamfight breaks out around baron. Fnatic kill everyone and lose no one. CLG turn it around with nothing but their nexus left and ACE Fnatic in the base. The follow up with a quick baron. Zyra gets caught out by all of CLG and falls while Fnatic are pushing the bottom lane. An engagement near mid lane leaves TF, Cho'Gath, and Irelia dead and Fnatic push to win, taking game 2!

Game 3
VOD Available Here
Loss Win
CLG.eu vs Fnatic
Bans Picks Role Picks Bans
Rengar Karthus Mid Lane Jax Anivia
Vayne Corki AD Carry Ezreal Lux
Diana Blitzcrank Support Zyra Malphite
Rumble Top Lee Sin
Amumu Jungle Xin Zhao
Both sides invade the other sides blue right off the bat. Lee Sin picks up first blood on Rumble with the help of Jax. Corki gets a kill on Zyra, only to be taken out by her passive. Ezreal follows it up with a kill on Blitzcrank. Rumble dies again shortly after when Xin Zhao ganks the top lane and Lee Sin picks up the kill. They continue to push top and take the first turret of the game just after the 7:00 minute mark. Fnatic pick up the first dragon of the game at 8:15 with no contest from CLG. Corki picks up a kill on Zyra again in the bottom lane. Lee Sin gets caught out in CLG's jungle and Karthus kills him with the help of an amazing flash/hook by Blitzcrank. After taking mid tower, Fnatic engages and kill Amumu and Rumble while losing Lee Sin and Ezreal for an even 2-2 trade. A dragon drance begins shortly after and CLG get decimated by Fnatic. They lose Amumu, Rumble, and Corki while killing no one. Fnatic's CPU overheats resulting in a pause. Aaaand resume! Amumu gets caught out by Lee Sin but gets away.. ONLY to be sniped by Ezreal! Fnatic pushes top lane hard and initiates killing Blitzcrank as well. Blitzcrank dies again in the mid lane but CLG exchange by killing Jax who went a little too hard without his team. Amumu gets caught out by Lee Sin and, even with Rumble's help, cannot get away. Fnatic take this advantage and kill the tier two top tower. A baron dance leaves Amumu and Corki dead and Fnatic is free to take baron virtually uncontested. After the baron pick up Rumble and Blitzcrank die while CLG only kills Zyra. Fnatic initiate on CLG in mid lane and get an Ace while only losing Ezreal. With massive respawn timers they push to win and take the match and the championship!!
Congratulations Fnatic RC!

Counter Logic Gaming Europe take second place.
lololol Wickd's face!