MLG Dallas Ends

Posted on at 4:59 PM by Seranaya
What a great day, and now we have our 2012 MLG Dallas Fall Champions!
Continue on to find out who won and what happened.

Counter Logic Gaming Europe vs Azubu Blaze
Game 1
Loss vs Azubu Blaze Win
Bans Picks Role Picks Bans
Singed Lee Sin AP Mid Diana Sona
Vayne Corki AD Carry Ezreal Jayce
Kog'Maw Zyra Support Blitzcrank Anivia
Irelia Top Jax
Maokai Jungle Cho'Gath
Azubu Blaze picks up a fast first blood on Maokai. This allows Cho'Gath to start invading his jungle. A very slow start to the game keeps it at 1-0 for Azubu Blaze by 13:00. Corki picks up a kill in the bottom lane while Diana, Jax, and Cho'Gath dive Irelia top. Azubu picks up the first dragon of the game and CLG repsonds by taking top tower and almost taking the top tier two tower. Ezreal picks up a double kill in the bottom lane while Corki only kills Blitzcrank. Another 3 man gank top leaves Irelia dead yet again and Azubu takes the top turret. CLG catches Blitzcrank out of position bottom and get a kill. A massive push mid by Azubu yields them an ace and the tier two mid tower, but they're too low for baron. Maokai gets caught out near baron and dies. Azubu cleans up with another fast ace and the inhibitor turret. Azubu initiates in CLG's base and gets another ace. They push for the win and take game 1!

Game 2
Loss vs Azubu Blaze Win
Bans Picks Role Picks Bans
Singed Ahri AP Mid Diana Anivia
Vayne Kog'Maw AD Carry Ashe Sona
Cho'Gath Janna Support Nunu Ezreal
Irelia Top Jayce
Skarner Jungle Olaf
Both teams invade the other jungle but Azubu falls back and finds CLG. They both disengage. CLG get sassy and take Azubu's golems. Azubu takes a fast top turret at 5:00 and picks up first blood on Skarner immediately after. The whole team of Azubu rotates bottom and picks up 2 more kills on Janna and Kog'Maw. Azubu picks up bottom turret at 6:45. What a fast paced game! Jayce single-handedly kills Irelia in the top lane giving Azubu a 4-0 lead. A team fight breaks out around dragon and Azubu trade 1 death to CLG's 3. They pick up mid turret. Azubu push down the mid tier two turret at 12:00 practically uncontested. This is a very dominant game for Azubu Blaze, leading 9-3 at 13:00. Bottom lane tier two falls along with 3 members of CLG. by 18:30 Azubu has an inhibitor down in the bottom lane and look unstoppable. CLG can't stop them and Azubu Blaze take the match. 

NaJin Sword vs Azubu Blaze
Game 1
Loss NaJin Sword vs Azubu Blaze Win
Bans Picks Role Picks Bans
Kog'Maw Katarina AP Mid Twisted Fate Evelynn
Vayne Corki AD Carry Ezreal Rengar
Singed Sona Support Zyra Jayce
Malphite Top Olaf
Nocturne Jungle Cho'Gath
Both teams begin with an invade in the others' jungle. Other than that is was a very uneventful start to the game. A lot of lane switching. Sona picks up first blood on Zyra and Twisted Fate responds quickly with an ult and kill on Corki. Katarina and Nocturne pick up a kill on Twisted Fate in the mid lane shortly after. Nocturne gets caught out but manages to get away and get executed by the tower! A really great trade for NaJin Sword int he bottom lane left only Sona dead in exchange for Zyra, Twisted Fate, and Cho'Gath (Who had oracles). Azubu Blaze is behind in kills 2-6 but is leading towers heavily 3-0 by the 21:00 mark. A perfectly timed Sona ult over the wall near mid lane leaves Cho'Gath dead again and out ANOTHER oracles, NaJin Sword takes their first tower of the game in mid. Sona gets caught in the jungle and falls. She's avenged shortly with a kill on Olaf. The teams get into a team fight near wraiths and NaJin Sword loses 4 to Azubu's 1. Azubu dives the mid tower and kills Katarina and Malphite, Nocturne gets a kill on Cho'Gath in response but Azubu Blaze seems to be pulling ahead. Team fight breaks out over dragon resulting in NaJin Sword getting aced. A 4 for 2 exchange in Azubu's favour leaves them with Baron. Azubu takes them game after another favourable team fight. 

Game 2
Win NaJin Sword vs Azubu Blaze Loss
Bans Picks Role Picks Bans
Kog'Maw Zilean AP Mid Diana Evelynn
Jayce Corki AD Carry Ezreal Rengar
Vayne Lulu Support Zyra Sona
Jax Top Irelia
Lee Sin Jungle Cho'Gath
Again the game begins with invades by both teams. A fast first blood is picked up by Diana on Zilean with the help of Cho'Gath. Corki picks up a kill bottom lane on Ezreal to event he score out. the pro stylings of the ever popular MakNooN on Jax get him a kill top lane on Irelia. A very patient Lee Sin waits for the opportune moment to get another kill on Irelia with Jax moments after she gets back. MakNooN is unstoppable on Jax and picks up ANOTHER kill on Irelia. NaJin Sword picks up the first dragon of the game just before 9:00. Cho'Gath gets caught near the dragon pit and dies quickly. Jax is going hard 5-1 by 16:00 and Azubu Blaze doesn't have a response for him. Zilean picks up a kill on Zyra and NaJin Sword immediately goes for and picks up baron. NaJin Sword picks up the tier two top turret and attempts an engage but Azubu disengages pretty smoothly. Jax and Corki catch Zyra off guard and kill her quickly. NaJin Sword turns the advantage into a fast baron that's compeltely uncontested. NaJin Sword picks up tier two mid turret easily. Sword picks up their third uncontested baron at 36:00. Sword dives Azubu under their inhibitor turret and Azubu comes out on top, 4-3 leaving Irelia and Ezreal still alive. They push down mid turret while Sword is still dead. An engage under the same inhibitor turret leaves Jax dead and everyone else low. A really great baron bait by Sword exchanged 3-2 and allowed them another baron. Jax starts a fight under bottom inhibitor tower and they ace Azubu. NaJin Sword pushes to win and we go to game 3!
Game 3
Loss NaJin Sword vs Azubu Blaze Win
Bans Picks Role Picks Bans
Kog'Maw Orianna AP Mid Zyra Evelynn
Jayce Ezreal AD Carry Vayne Rengar
Vayne Lulu Support Janna Sona
Nidalee Top Irelia
Skarner Jungle Cho'Gath
Azubu picks up a fast lead by Irelia getting kills on both Ezreal and Nidalee in the top lane. Irelia picks up another kill top lane on Nidalee by diving her to the second tower. Sword comes back quickly with kills in quick succession on Irelia, Vayne, and Janna. Sword picks up the first turret of the game in the bottom lane. Azubu picks up the first dragon of the game and Sword responds with the destruction of the top tower. After a drought of kills, Azubu dives Sword's mid turret and Cho'Gath picks up a kill on Skarner. Ezreal duels 2v1 bottom lane against Vayne and Cho'Gath and kills both of them while dying himself. Orianna then gets a fast kill on Janna. Sword follows up with a dragon kill for good measure. Azubu respond with a mid and bot turret take-down. By 28:30, Sword leads 9-7 in kills, 4-3 in towers and 41k-38k in gold. Azubu baits baron and picks up kills on Ezreal and Skarner. They follow it up with a tier two mid turret kill completely evening up the game. Irelia gets caught out in the mid lane and dies to all 5 of Sword. Ezreal catches Janna and kills her too while Sword pushes the top lane hard. Nidalee gets caught in the bottom lane and fail flashes to her death. Sword picks up baron but Azubu is too fast and gets there to pick up kills on Skarner, Ezreal, and Lulu. They take the tier two top turret. Azubu dive under Sword's inhibitor turret and things go wrong for them quickly. Cho'Gath, Zyra, and Vayne fall immediately and they're forced to retreat. Sword gets an inhibitor out of it. Sword picks up an almost uncontested baron and both teams disengage. Sword kills Zyra and Cho'Gath in their own base and pushes down an inhibitor. A team fight goes in Azubu's favour and they push to win, taking game 3 and the match. 
NaJin Sword vs Azubu Blaze Take 2
Game 1
Loss NaJin Sword vs Azubu Blaze Win
Bans Picks Role Picks Bans
Kog'Maw Karthus AP Mid Twisted Fate Evelynn
Jayce Corki AD Carry Graves Zilean
Vayne Lulu Support Sona Ezreal
Shen Top Jax
Nocturne Jungle Cho'Gath
Aggressive early play, lane changes, and jungle invading begin this game. Corki and Lulu pick up first blood on Twisted Fate in the top lane. Twisted Fate dies once more to Corki and Lulu. Jax gets greedy bottom lane against Shen, he gets the kill but dies to tower. Jax and Shen trade kills again with help from their junglers. By 17:00 NaJin Sword has succesfully secured a lead of 10-5. All 5 of Sword's members dive the bottom lane tower killing Cho'Gath, Twisted Fate, Graves, and Sona while only losing Corki. They followed up with a dragon while Jax pushed top lane and got a tower. Azubu gets a kill on Karthus in the bottom lane after picking up a tower. A baron fight goes 2-1 in favour of Sword. Shortly after a dragon fight goes AGAIN in Sword's favour as Sona, Cho'Gath, and Jax fall. Sword extends their lead 19-11 by 27:00. A bottom lane trade at 32:30 goes for Sword again killing Jax, Graves, and Sona while only Karthus dies. Twisted Fate gets caught out in the bottom lane by Shen and Nocturne and falls. Sword follow this kill up with a quick, uncontested baron and a dragon. They really want to pull ahead on gold! A team fight finally goes in Azubu's favour 2-1 near baron. Corki and Karthus fall while only Jax dies on the other side. They follow up with a baron. Karthus and Lulu get caught and die to Graves. Azubu takes that advantage and push as hard as they can down mid lane. Azubu Blaze takes game 1 of the extended best of 3.
Game 2
Loss NaJin Sword vs Azubu Blaze Win
Bans Picks Role Picks Bans
Cho'Gath Ryze AP Mid Twisted Fate Evelynn
Vayne Kog'Maw AD Carry Tristana Zilean
Malphite Zyra Support Sona Jayce
Jax Top Olaf
Maokai Jungle Nocturne
Nocturne picks up first blood when he finds Zyra out warding, he chases her to tower and gets the kill but the tower gets him. Jax gets ganked top and dies before Maokai can come save the day. Maokai is forced to flash out but dies to Nocturne anyways under his tower. Kog'Maw dies to a gank by Sona, Tristana, and TF in the bottom lane. Olaf, Nocturne, and TF dive the top tower for another kill on Jax. A gank middle by Maokai leaves TF dead but Nocturne goes clean up crew and dives for a double kill on Maokai and Ryze. Azubu pick up the first dragon of the game off those kills. Maokai ganks top lane and it turns foul for Jax who dies along with the Olaf. Zyra and Jax get caught out by their blue and give Tristana a double kill. Sword makes a play mid lane and kills Tristana. A well timed Sona ult disengages the rest of the team. The comebacks as Ryze gets caught and dies to Sword. A miniature team fight breaks out mid again and this time Sona is the one to fall. After mid tower falls, Azubu picks up kills on Zyra, Maokai, and Jax while only losing Nocturne. Azubu baits baron and Jax goes too hard and melts. Azubu cleans up the rest of Sword and take out the first inhibitor of the game. Azubu goes for baron again and takes it uncontested. Olaf dives Sword on the top tier two tower from behind and the fight goes in Sword's favour 3-2. Sword decides to engage on the bottom tower in their base and give Tristana a quadra kill. AZUBU BLAZE TAKES THE MATCH AND THE SERIES!

Congratulations to them!

P.S. Here's a slightly awkward photo of MakNooN getting a back rub!


  1. Now, no one is first. I'm taking this spot so I can stop deleting first comments.

    Seranaya was here -.-

    1. So cute. :)

      (PS.: I'm falling in love...)

    2. I try to be cool, sometimes. lol

    3. Y'know. We can always ignore your first comment and write "First after Seranaya".

    4. nd when i did it no1 commented,aw well atleast i got moobeat to comment(so worth it)

  2. Can someone explain to me that Game 1 Ap mid lee sin?

    And video links please. Thank you :33

    1. He didn't actually go AP in the mid lane. He just played Lee Sin in mid. It's something I know Froggen has been doing lately playing bruisers mid.
      Here's a clip from vs TSM yesterday where Froggen played Lee Sin mid:


    2. I didn't see it but I'm assuming he went AD to counter the lane and got an extra 25 MR through runes and masteries.

    3. Froggen has been playing a lot of Lee Sin mid lately, not necessarily because it counters other mids especially well, but because he really just loves to play it.

  3. On EUNE Lee Sin mid is considered as "Im not suprised pick" above 1700 elo, people around 1900's start to realise how to counter him tho, so from more orthodox picks you can see things like nunu(outsustain all day) or Shen(fast 6, roaming potential)

  4. im so bored to see only news about the championship -.-

    1. I'm sorry :c
      During the weekends other news is rather slow due to Riot putting time and effort into tournaments.
      Good news now though, the tournament is over!

  5. "CLG can't stop them and Azubu Frost take the match." Last time I checked Azubu Blaze won game 2 vs. CLG but clearly I'm mistaken.

    1. "Small error in the article you wrote 'Frost' instead of 'Blaze' when referring to Azubu". Super easy to politely point out an error

    2. My bad. I obviously meant Blaze. Typing this out while watching the games make for a few errors here and there. I'll fix it

  6. SO glad they wom,cause Najin sword relies on Maknoob.

  7. hmmm maybe i will try out zyra support too

  8. hmmm maybe i will try out zyra support too

  9. how they picked vayne when shes banned?

    1. vayne was free one of the matches rest was 100% banned ... the free game she raped faces :P
