More Tweets about the Karma Rework

Posted on at 4:54 PM by Moobeat
Guinsoo is tweeting about Karma's long awaited remake again and this time he's got a little preview of how her Mantra'd Soul Shield is currently looking.
@RiotGuinsoo: I'm getting excited for Karma. I'm buffing her Mantra Soul Shield today. It's not viable or interesting compared to Q or W #leagueoflegends
@RiotGuinsoo: I'm feeling frisky, so here's what we're trying with Karma's Mantra Soul Shield: "Stuns in an area around the target, damaging targets...
@RiotGuinsoo: ... and shielding the target based upon how many targets were hit." #leagueoflegends
Sounds neat right? Here is his last set of tweets about some of her other changes and, for those asking, here is the confirmation that she will be getting a visual update along side her kit rework.


  1. sounds awesome. i hope theyll release her soon

  2. First but ... who cares .Ok im very exited about this Karma update ... these stuns looks op but will see in future :)

  3. Wonder if she will get a visual rework also...

  4. You guys are forgetting that the Mantra is a real Ultimate now, with a hella long Cooldown. This is not OP for an Ultimate, Eve and Leona both have something similar.

  5. sounds weird.. kinda not feeling it..

  6. This is going to take forever.....

  7. ... Its not Karma... >> Its not bad, but this is not Karma... *sigh*

  8. you have an interesting idea of "fast"

  9. Guys! Its the same exact thing she has now...but it stuns. Don't be afraid of change.

  10. well for a support if u are not building any ap the damage is negligible

  11. if you go to the wiki it shows all of the future reworks and it shows that both her and heimer are getting visual and gameplay reworks

  12. I wonder if Karma will still be viable as a support with all these changes or if she would benefit from just going mid

  13. Karma hipsters everywhere
    I actually love these changes so far, hoping that she'll become a viable 0 cs support, which is my main role.

  14. wonder if it'll be like a similar riven W

  15. She will, it has been confirmed.

  16. Yeah, they are aiming for every mantra ability to feel good and feel like it is an ultimate instead of just an amplified ability.

  17. click the gear by your comment box at the top of the page then navigate to change profile picture.

  18. Plus come on. She's gonna be the only champ with three ults! THREE! She's gonna have the unique advantage of picking 1 of 3 ults to use, depending on the situation. Probably one thats great in teamfights and one thats good for lane skirmishes and etc.

  19. I have been following his tweets all week for some Karma updates. I cannot believe Surrenderat20 still beat me with 2 hours. >:(

  20. Except leblanc really only has two choices, extreme damage- or getting the fuck out of there asap. The third isn't even close to viable doublecasting.

  21. Kinda worried abt the stun if the range is still the same as the old shield dmg range. Would be rly painful in teamfights well placed then.

  22. Plus, you can use this at lvl 1. This is so gonna own lanes.

  23. 'remake'?...That's a weird way to spell 'release'.

  24. As long as her E will STILL DAMAGE. That's really all I care about. Her other skills can be reworked to death, but for the love of Guinsoo, please keep the damage on her Soul Shield.

  25. totally suggested it shield more based on how many targets hit awhile back:

    Teehee :P

  26. Once you break around 500 AP Ethereal Chains outdamages her Sigil.

  27. Sigil of Silence: TOTAL MAGIC DAMAGE: 90 / 150 / 210 / 270 / 330 (+ 90% AP)

    Ethereal Chains: TOTAL MAGIC DAMAGE: 80 / 130 / 180 / 230 / 280 (+ 100% AP)

    Mimic Sigil: RANK 3 TOTAL MAGIC DAMAGE: 126 / 210 / 294 / 378 / 462 (+ 126% AP)

    Mimic Ethereal: RANK 3 TOTAL MAGIC DAMAGE: 112 / 182 / 252 / 322 / 392 (+ 140% AP)

    I dont see how honestly.

  28. omfg i liked karma much better with her current ultimate, people just dont play her because she's not conventional, why give her a boring 'stun' ultimate ..really... :/ (and why give yourself a shield while stunning people, who is going to attack you to begin with)

  29. Eeehm, and if it hits no one? I cast the majority of my shields on my adc to prevent harass...

  30. then don't use it with mantra active?

  31. Guess I need to hurry up and buy and play Karma before she gets changed into an unstoppable beast that every support instalocks.

  32. She doesn't really need a model rework. Maybe new splashes, and thats it. Her model looks as good as the recently released skins/champs. See for yourself on Lolking.

  33. Im happy cus of new splashes and things .. but tbh i think that sivir and annie need new models .. more than karma ..

  34. same thing they did with shen ^^

  35. Easier, and alot more viable due to not being position-heavy, Two skillshots that may or may not hit over two silences with pretty much garunteed hits is an easy decision when you add in minions, other champions, flash etc.


  37. This new Karma is gunna feel and play completely different. I doubt she will be able to kite her way out of fight as well as she can right now and even gain some lane dominance with her current mantra. Right now she can lane with the best, but the remake, i fear it will slow that down. :(

  38. I don't like this at all. Why should every supp have some kind of hard cc? riot is being ''creative'' again fucking up everything they can.
