Relaunch team, Karma Visual Update, and Cooling Down Flash

Posted on at 11:10 PM by Moobeat
Now that you are all excited for the Nidalee update, why not calm down with a soothing batch of red posts?
Continue reading posts pertaining to the relaunch team, the confirmation of a visual upgrade to Karma, and a small post teasing ways to reduce Flash's cooldown.

 Relaunch Team
Nidalee's model update, the latest work of the relaunch team.
IronStylus made mention of a certain Relaunch team, announcing that he is now apart of them and that, in the future, they will be devoting more time to explaining the relaunch process and accepting community feedback. He says:
"The team is epic and awesome in its epic awesomeness. I just joined the Relaunch team so I had no hand in Nidalee whatsoever. But Rioters like Grumpy Monkey, Xray Alpha, Ququroon and others made this possible.

In the near future we'll be explaining more about the relaunch process, taking feedback on what you'd like to see improved in champions and really putting in a ton of effort to make timeless characters live up to the quality bar we've set with our current champions.

In response, a question came out asking why Sivir, who players consider very unsavory at the moment, isn't on the top of the relaunch team's list. Here is Grumpy Monkey's , one of the integral members of the Relaunch team, response:
"... We are going to work on Sivir. But there are a few that are scheduled to happen before her. Basically what we do is we look at the data of most played/visible champions combined that with opportunities and changes that the other departments might be working on (i.e. Lore and design) and cross reference that with our opinions on visual infidelity of the champs. For example, Ash and Soraka, Huge amount of play, and visibilty, they show up in a huge amount of bot games and Ash is in the tutorial, so we hit them up. Gangplank was getting a new splash and design had some changes they were going to make so we scheduled him to ride that wave. So hopefully that gives you some information as to how these visual reworks are scheduled. Please trust me, we are fully aware of the awesome visual potential these champs have, and I can't wait to get to them."
 New Look for Karma
Continuing on the theme of Relaunches, Grumpy monkey mentioned that Karma will be receiving a visual upgrade when she is relaunched with her new mechanics, saying:
"Yes She will have a visual upgrade.
Ways to reduce Flash's Cooldown in S3
 Lastly, Roku dropped off a small quip about new ways to reduce Flash's cool down in S3.
"... there will be more accessible ways to reduce Flash's cooldown if you plan on using it often... (most likely aggressively if you're planning on it)"
What could this be? Perhaps an item that helps with the cool down in some way?


  1. Been waiting SOOOOOO long for this lol

  2. Thanks for the late posts Moo! Feel better dude!

  3. Replies
    1. I've got a leak on what she'll look like.

      Moobeat, you should update this thread with the link below:

  4. CDR especially for Flash, or the Summoner Spells in general?

    1. We have seen item that reduce only CD of heal and revive, I think it will be the same way with flash, maybe flash and ghost CDR.

    2. PEople already complain about Flash being op, NOAW it will be able to have cdr!?!?! Dafuq.

    3. You remember that this is after they increase its CD, right?

  5. i bet hotshotGG is happy his favorite hero is getting a upgrade and also Moot the Snow bunny skin for Nidalee will it also get upgraded ?

  6. karma turns white now, i buy karma now.

    1. I'm happy she's something other than the status quo. I think I'll buy Karma now that she is black.

    2. you know that not only black people have dark skin... I say she's Indian

  7. It's a fact that Sivir needs a Remodel, and I event hink she needs it the most. Look at her model in Her face is worse than any of the other Champions. Her hair just doesn't make sense. And her model is just as bad as the one of a few others. But overall, she'S the worst right now. And people play her alot, since she is one of the few AD Carrys we have. She is also in alot of Bot games. So I think they should definitely do her first and I cannot comprehend why they aren't. I am also not the only one thinking that.

    1. its actually kinda strange. i just looked over champion usage at lolking, and they have sion on the rework list. sion is a very unused champ in ranked(even yi and sivir are more used). on the other hand, taric is very used, and he isnt getting anything. on a sidenote, just an idea... floating crystals on taric hammer(you know, like the draenei hammer in the bc trailer)?

  8. I would like to see a mastery that makes it so that if you flash towards a visible enemy, it has a much shorter cooldown, but if you flash away, it has the normal long cooldown.

    1. I think this will be something more like if you flash and score a kill/assist within the next 10 seconds, the cd is reduced by half.

    2. I think it will help early ganks some rioter wrote (Tl:DR). It will definitely help with that.

    3. Please dont let it be reset on assist/CD... What makes Kha, Kata special after that?

  9. The thing is that many times Riot still does what they think is more important, like Nidalee. And don't get me wrong, I was all happy when I read that she was having a visual update. As a Nidalee player I was very happy, but I don't see why Sivir isn't getting an visual upgrade. She looks like plastic if your FPS and qualities are low. Also I think some visual upgrades we need is (Listed in priority):
    1. Taric
    2. Sivir
    3. Karma
    4. Maybe Malphite and Maokai.

    1. WW really need a new model too, the difference between his original model and Firefang or Hyena is disgusting (but at least he has good skins to mask this issue)

      Morde can also use some fine tuning on his model, but it's understandable that he could be scheduled for a much later model rework since his triangle feet and bad proportions are masked under his armored spiked self.

    2. I'll add Sion and Mundo to this list.

    3. Maokai and Malphite are fine. They are non-human, their feet are supposed to be big.

  10. hey, moobeat i was looking around on the skinviewer and i saw this exterminator twitch skin. is this new or was it a cancelled skin?

  11. Imo people forget about how ugly Alistar is (even if I don't play him)

  12. Moobeat, I was wathcing your last stream, we have the same wallpaper dude! XD
    Why do u have a girl's wallpaper on your pc!? XD

    And btw, note to riot:


  13. I hope they'll give another look at Trundle. He needs some love as well (in the form of a visual update and a little tweaking of his animations).

  14. Poppy! I mean, it's hard to find worse splash art.

  15. off topic but new support sneak peak

  16. [ "... there will be more accessible ways to reduce Flash's cooldown if you plan on using it often... (most likely aggressively if you're planning on it)"

    What could this be? Perhaps an item that helps with the cool down in some way?]

    Yes there will be a way, because they will remove the special requeriments to get to the bottom of the masterie tree, so if you are non-escape abilitie carry, then you can get master mind so you can get a 12% of cooldown on the summoners spells. Riot also sayed that new masteries are on the the way.

  17. WHY WHY WHY do you not have the Nami Sneak Peek here on S@20 yet!?!?!

    Nami Sneak Peek

    New support champion. A Mermaid and utterly adorable. (Nami is japanese for wave, as in waves in an ocean.)

    - Kat



    1. ^^^wrong link ignore^^^^

    2. Yup, posted that just above you already =^.^=

      - Kat

  19. More champs before Sivir? Oh GOD, just how freaking long will it take? Just who else needs a visual remake more badly than her?


  21. Champion Sneak Peak :D


  23. I believe there will be a mastery that if you kill someone within % seconds of a flash you reduce its cooldown by half this would allow ppl to use it aggressively
