Upcoming TTL changes and BotRK & WH in S3

Posted on at 8:43 PM by Moobeat
While we still haven't had anymore updates about the end of season two, we have had a smorgasbord of red posts lately. Here is another set, for today, from none other than RiotNome.
Continue reading for posts concerning upcoming balance changes to the Twisted Treeline and two TTL specific items that are coming to other modes in the S3 item rework.

Upcoming changes to TTL
Earlier, RiotNome dropped off a post acknowledging his response to some of the problems players have had with the newly updated Twisted Treeline and offered a peak at what 3v3 specific changes will be pushed through next patch.
"I think a lot of the upcoming changes I have planned will address the issues that the older TT players have with the new map. Some of them are small, some of them are big. I'll discuss them as work on them progresses and things start to pan out.

And yes, 1.71 will have altars unlock at 3 min, reduce the gold bonus, and do several other numbers tweaks. The capture gold bonus is still there though. I'm currently evaluating whether it's injecting too much gold into the game."
Blade of the Ruined King and Wicked Hatchet in S3
In a thread inquiring why Madred's / Kitae's Bloodrazor is disabled in 3v3, RiotNome revealed that Blade of the Ruined King and Wicked Hatchet are actually two of the S3 rework items, not just exclusives for TTL. He said:
"Minor spoiler: Blade of the Ruined King and Wicked Hatchet are actually Season 3 items.

During development, we actually had a very powerful version of Madred's called Tankbusta that completely destroyed the Bruiser meta (yes, it can be done!). However, we found that there was a lot of crossover between Takbusta and the S3 items, so we scrapped Tankbusta and brought over the S3 items instead.

BotRK is definitely weaker than Tankbusta, but we'll separate them out again and give TT its own replacement if necessary."


  1. WOW nice way to give some love to the allways focused AD carry =)

  2. RIP swain...I'll miss playing you...

    1. Wicked hatchet coming to SR is going to completely ruin him..

    2. Actually, I don't think so, because Wicked Hatchet is pretty weak later on, +20 AD and +18% Crit Chance is easily replaced by Infinity Edge. I thought Ignite was enough to deal with him.

    3. But what about Mundo!!!! his viabbillity just plummeted.

    4. Also goodbye Mundo. And Vlad is going from not great to old Eve status, first everybody takes ignite, and now this :[

    5. Mundo is a retarded one trick pony he deserves to get punked.

    6. Exec. Calling still better imo.. this item i kinda shity

    7. goodbye all champions that rely on healing...gg riot

    8. "And vlad is going from not to great to old Eve status" Yeah that's why he was picked in the S2 championship more than once.

    9. and btw, where does it says that WH is coming to SR?

    10. You guys do know that's just an Executioners Calling with 20 ad right? All your favorite champs will be fine. Also Blade of The Ruined Knight looks like an item that would work well with Vayne.

    11. Not rly.. executioners is better than this... that items is trash and everyone sees it as the end of the world O.o

    12. Executioner's Calling, like Morello's, is 8 second debuff with a 20 second cooldown. The Hatchet is a 1.5 second debuff, but gets reapplied every time you attack.

    13. WH is just a not as good version of the old Executioner's Calling, back when the half healing was on each attack. It's definitely not the end of the world. The game functioned just fine pre- EC nerf, it will function afterwards too.

    14. The problem is, if there is a Swain that is doing well, the enemy can buy the Wicked Hatchet and completely destroy said Swain without leaving him any way to stop it.

  3. shity it took sometime to make a google account so im not third anymore

  4. hey moobeat check the title:
    it should be WH for wicked hatchet instead of WD.

  5. Tankbusta! what a cool name for a item! where prob. just a temp. name, but damn i like saying it. tankbusta. busta. tank.

  6. I've been waiting for some health killer items honestly madreds costs too much.

  7. I don't think this items will completely wreck Vlad. It's a 1.5 second effect and as long you keep your distance on top lane you won't be affected too hard by it (ok, I admit in a straight all out fight it's quite the disadvantage for him, but as long as he is just farming he can pool away and Q afterwards).
    I don't think it's that hard for Mundo. In late game in a teamfight you can cut down his Ult with that item, but as already said, it's stats aren't that good and it might be too weak for a late game AD carry. So if you take it as a bruiser you could deny Mundo's ulti - but you would be attacking the tank. Even with only 50% Healing from ult Mundo will still be very tanky.
    As a support player I do care more about Soraka. If an AD carry rushes this item on botlane Soraka loses all her "Burst Sustain" in a 2on2 fight. Moreover, Riot stated they made Heal Summoner Spell more "Supportive". So consider you are Soraka with Summoner Spell Heal, you bait the enemy, but pressing W&R&D just gets cut by 50%.

    I like, however, the addition of Blade of the Ruined King. I think it's a great addition, as it damages champions with full life bars quite heavily. Imho this is a great step for making Assasins more viable. I can imagine tactics where your Carry takes them down to 60% health in mid game fights and then assasin jumps in.

  8. Well, bye bye my dear Volibear...famn, död they design tydde items just to get him out of the game??? Major sad panda over here now! :(

    1. Wow, Swedish spell check, Dirty. It should Day "Damn did they design these items just to get him out of the game?"

    2. And I love how my phone thinks I mean Dirty when I write Sorry !

  9. People are completely wrong.
    This item...IS OP AS HELL.

    Pickaxe is 25 ad / 975 gold
    Critic 18%/ 850 gold

    This item : 20 ad,18 critic+ passive (Counter healing support and heal spell too) FOR 710 ¿HI? Guys pls.

    1. They did say they were reevaluating the costs of all items. Pickaxe's price is probably gonna change.

    2. The price of the hatchet is 1955 gold, 710 is the combine cost. I'm sorry, but you're the one wrong :)

    3. Pick axe is not a cost efficient item AT ALL neither is that retarded crit cloak

  10. Talon just became viable top with BOTRK. About time.

  11. You said Takbusta the second time, writer.

  12. Why are people dumb? It's not like Riot are JUST adding this and not doing anything else. They're changing around all the other items, such as the Spirit Visage buff; meaning after its all done, everything will be balanced.

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