New Champion Pricing Structure

Posted on at 8:45 AM by Moobeat
Ever since Hippalus started his eCommerce reign at Riot, he has expressed a desire to normalize and improve champion pricing. That project has finally come to fruition and here are the results, include more expensive IP costs for champions intitally, a more reliable IP/RP reduction cycle, and normalized costs across all the pricing tiers.

If the TL:DR version of the new pricing structure doesn't float your boat, continue reading for a more detailed explanation, as well a list of seven current 6300 champions that are being reduced in price as part of this initial price change.
"The seven oldest 6300 IP champions (Ezreal, Vladimir, Renekton, Nocturne, Lee Sin, Brand and Vayne) have all been reduced to 4800 IP/880 RP."
Here is Hippalus with the full announcement:
"Hey guys,

We’ve been talking to players about how they feel about pricing for a while now – we’ve talked with you on the forums, ran surveys, met with some of you in person, and listened to your feedback.

As a result of those conversations, we’re making some changes to champion pricing aimed at generally lowering champion prices and making it easier for you to add to your champion collection. This plan will involve immediate and ongoing reductions of IP and RP prices of older champions, as well as increasing the time you have to earn IP between champion releases.

We will also be slightly increasing the first-week IP price of new champions to partially offset lower overall prices.

Here’s the plan, which is being implemented immediately:

New Champion Release Schedule

You may have already noticed the rate at which we’ve been releasing champions has slowed. Moving forward, we’re targeting 14-17 new champions in 2013 -- around one every 3-4 weeks. This gives you more time to accumulate IP between champion releases, and it enables our design team to spend more time developing and polishing each new champion.

RP and IP Price Tiers

We’ve also updated the RP cost of champions so that that they’re more strongly correlated with the IP price. RP costs now match IP cost accordingly:

  • 450 IP = 260 RP
  • 1350 IP = 585 RP
  • 3150 IP = 790 RP
  • 4800 IP = 880 RP
  • 6300 IP = 975 RP
  • 7800 IP (first week) = 975 RP

Immediate Price Reductions

The seven oldest 6300 IP champions (Ezreal, Vladimir, Renekton, Nocturne, Lee Sin, Brand and Vayne) have all been reduced to 4800 IP/880 RP. As with all permanent price reductions, we’ll automatically refund the difference for anyone who’s purchased one of these champions up to two weeks prior to today.

Price Reduction Schedule

Every time a new champion is released, the oldest 6300 IP/975 RP champion will be reduced to 4800 IP/880 RP.

Also, with every third champion release, an additional champion currently priced at 4800 IP or lower will be reduced to the next lowest tier, based on age and ease of play.

New Champion First-Week IP Price

All brand-new champions will cost 7800 IP/975 RP for the first week only, and will be reduced to 6300 IP thereafter.

  • New champion launch price is… 7800 IP / 975 RP
  • After one week, the price is reduced to… 6300 IP / 975 RP
  • Each release, the oldest 6300 is reduced to… 4800 IP / 880 RP
  • Each third release, an additional 4800 IP or lower champion is reduced to one of the remaining tiers…
    • 3150 IP / 790 RP
    • 1350 IP / 585 RP
    • 450 IP / 260 RP


  1. first? lol
    I dislike this.

  2. This sounds reasonable =^.^=

  3. 4 WEEKS for a new Champ?!

  4. The 7800 IP tier - temporary as it is - actually has some benefits. It cuts down on release oversaturation for those who purchase the champ - in other words, giving them a better chance of actually getting to play that champion.

  5. 7800 on release will hopefully cut down on the amount of game dodges and insta-locks on the release week of new champions. This pleases me :3

  6. Bartomeu Roig TorrensDecember 20, 2012 at 9:01 AM

    Penta Kill!

  7. As a person, who buys champs after month or more, I have actually nothing against that.

    And having 22~ reductions per year? Yes please.

  8. I'm liking this :] I know no gaming company is perfect, but at least I feel like Riot at least tries!

  9. Am I the only one that's confused about the wording "with every third champion release, an *additional* champion currently priced at 4800 IP or lower[...]"? I see no mention of any champion at that price level being reduced on a more frequent basis than that.

  10. least some smart move with this.. Congratulations.

  11. New meta: Stop playing for a year. Come back with all champions reduced to 450 IP. Enjoy.

    1. Good thing that I'm in Australia for a year then :)

  12. And also the complains of "omg i want my money back, i just bought xyz and i dont like it , i want my ip back", this for the newest champions.And i actualy see right? those seven will all be reduced to 4800 in the same time in the nearest future, or over the next year??

  13. The post says "have all been reduced", and that they'll refund people who bought it up to two weeks before today, so I assume it's already happened.

  14. Dude, you only logg into surrender at 20 to write this at the chat? A bit sad actually..

  15. It's already happened.

  16. Yay! :) I like this new system.

  17. Because they will redurce champion prices at that frequenecy?

    I'm not sure what you are missing there...

  18. from when that lovely thing will start ?

    "The seven oldest 6300 IP champions (Ezreal, Vladimir, Renekton, Nocturne, Lee Sin, Brand and Vayne) have all been reduced to 4800 IP/880 RP. As with all permanent price reductions, we’ll automatically refund the difference for anyone who’s purchased one of these champions up to two weeks prior to today."

  19. it's already happened.

  20. Motivating.

  21. They mean in addition to the 6300 champ they're reducing as well, so instead of just a 6300 champ being reduced to 4800, there's also going to be a 4800 champ reduced to either 3150/1350/ or 450

    1. No, what I understood is this: every third release in addition to the 6300 -> 4800 reduction, there's also a 4800 -> 3150 OR 3150 -> 1350 OR 1350 -> 450 price reduction. At least that's what I think. :)

  22. would i also get my discount if i bought it when the champion was on sale?

  23. That would be obvious if there was a comma or brackets separating "additional champion" from "currently priced at 4800 IP", it just doesn't read that way at all the way it's written. :\

  24. In one year you'll have around 16 new champions, around 16 current champions for 4800 and five champions currently in 4800 will go one step down the stair, explain to me how the hell did all champions got reduced to 450 IP? Also, you will not get IP in that time and if you're playing just to get the champions and not having fun in the process, just leave the game.

  25. If i had a son, his name will be Riot

  26. Yes, I am a weapon.

  27. so um... what happens to the RP i used to buy champs that will be reduced? or the IP i used? does that not get refunded? that is hardly fair

  28. Ah just bought Ezreal and Vladimir on same day 1 month ago XD

  29. It won't. Trust me.

  30. OK, so I bought Noc as a gift for a friend recently - so with that who is going to receive the difference - me or him?

  31. Yeah I kinda didn't like it when I saw that ezreal has been reduced from 6300 ip to 4800 ip, because I bought him yesterday, and with the Ip I could have gotten extra if I waited 1-2 days I could have bought like 3x450ip champions =\

  32. It's not just that, it can be any champion that is 4800 ip or less. In other words we might see some of the 3150 or less guys get reduced as well.

  33. And they said if you purchased in the last 2 weeks you get a refund

  34. This actually sounds like a pretty good idea.

  35. Where's my Adorable sona at?

  36. IVA increases also on IP prices xD

  37. 7800, that's fucking rich. I just quit this game last week, but wanted to keep up on news in case I came back for friends, but that's not happening now. Picked the perfect time to jump ship.

  38. I totally called this.

    "I feel like Renekton is in line for a price drop into the 4800's. The only champs that are older than him and still 6300 are EZ and Vlad. I wouldn't be suprised to see all three drop together."

  39. Probably this, It will only change the week it will happen. Instead of the release it will be a week after the release.

  40. Well shit at least I have been saving up my IP....

  41. So it must be

  42. man, think about it. why would you get them back? if you buy a champ for 7800 ip, then get back 1500 ip after a week then its like you bought the champ for 6300 ip. it makes no sense. your thinking is hardly fair man.

  43. Nice, I lost like 6000 IP -.-

  44. Does this mean that every new champion form now on will eventually be 3150 IP or lower?

  45. I disasgree.There will be many noob instalockers with tons of ip that will still do it.

  46. So... the next one is Yorick. I'll wait some weeks to get Skarner and Talon then (:

  47. It's also nice that we can expect to see more price decreases on some of the older champions.

  48. Ya, because waiting 1 week to get the newest champion would have killed you...

  49. Great, and I bought Lee Sin on December 3rd, so for 3 days I won't get a refund -.-

  50. ...
    You can't be serious.

  51. i think u didnt try their support yet ^_^

  52. Why the hell was I 4800IP when I got released?

  53. My price will be reduced

  54. Nobody, because it only caunts for ip, right? and you can't buy champs with ip, for friends only wiht RP!

  55. Actually.. I'm okay with this. Even though the immediate price goes up, it's only a week and now we get more reliable and consistent price reductions on older champs.

    Works for me.

  56. Yes, as you cost nothing to me.

  57. Yes, it's really good.


  59. incredible how there are sooooo many "champion comment" but the original one still gets 37 tumbs up, here get the #38

  60. Oh bother, now where oh where will my extra wealth be off to?

    This shall be most unsettling, for now I must find another medium in which to deposit my spare coin.

  61. it should get the difference anyway, a friend got the difference one time he bought a champ with RP and it got reduced

  62. LMAO here, take my like

  63. Actually, when this will be implemented it will encourage people to buy RP for the champion.

  64. What is wrong with the support ? I never had a problem with it , but all my support things about me buying rp or something like this , and one time was reporting a super troll and they answered me and replied to my reply.

  65. In my case idc much , i buy any new champion instantly even if i won't use it , and for sure i won't be like these troll instant lock in ranked , i try them when i have time in bot games (and not 1 game). <<< even tho i already tried the champ in pbe.

  66. Wow. This is what happens when you don't buy noxians/from noxians.

  67. "Also, with every third champion release, an additional champion currently priced at 4800 IP or lower will be reduced to the next lowest tier, based on age and ease of play."

    I have a feeling this won't end well.

  68. i doubt that price increase will hinder any noobs from getting the champ at day one...

  69. >.< ME GONNA BE 3150IP SOON!!! NOO!!!!

  70. For people saying this may help against the instant lock after champ release , well for me i don't think riot care about this in this current update , if they do they could of lock champion from being used in ranked the first week of release.

    OMT: i like the new change.


  72. Don't cross me Jericho Swain

  73. You are made from Viktor
    I am the original!

  74. you cant actually play the new champ without money. Nice asshole move you greedy company, i still wont spend 1€ on your game anyway. Im curious to ask how many other people are keeping their LoL account as the free to play it is.

  75. I wish more ppl would read the whole post first then they wouldnt ask already answered questions...

  76. what about skins? will they be refunded o.0

  77. I think it will lower the number of players instalocking in there. Some people will be stupid enough to buy it instantly and pay more, while the other half will wait a week. We will still see instalockers, but it will be greatly reduced over the time being.

  78. BUUUUUURNNNNNN...i mean...I will feast on their bones!

  79. ''As with all permanent price reductions, we’ll automatically refund the difference for anyone who’s purchased one of these champions up to two weeks prior to today.''

    This is some fucking bullshit, what the hell. I mean i got all of thouse and i bought them for ip. but that was some time ago, not bloody two weeks. Money hungry jew riot.

  80. Who is crossing the line here is you Talon.

  81. Your allegiances mean nothing to me

  82. Well I am still functional and stylish, and I AM proud of the trend.

  83. And MAYBE those new-champ-bought-day-one-sell-the-day-after-as-i-can-not-play-it naps too

  84. Their support is actually sometimes a 10 sometimes 2. Depends on how lucky you are and the type of query.

  85. You mean nothing to me.

  86. Better make server just for Poland, so I can finally win some solo Q games(they just feed and talk their language)

  87. great price labelling guys U KNOW HOW WE PRODUCE MONEY BEFORE RP TOP-UP

  88. update: I received some RP for Noc back
    Riot - respect

  89. my max waiting was 6 days , and my shortest was 1 days.

  90. Talking about the quality actually not that much about the timing

  91. I actually really like this. I feel like summoners will be able to get more champions faster because of this. Plus, 2 of the junglers that I'm really looking forward to getting (Nocturne/Lee Sin) are getting their price reduced right away.

  92. Maybe, with this structure... All champions of 6300 must reduce automacly to 4800.

  93. I think all champions of 6300 must have price 4800

  94. no its not! there fucking you over and ill tell you why

    "You may have already noticed the rate at which we’ve been releasing
    champions has slowed. Moving forward, we’re targeting 14-17 new
    champions in 2013 -- around one every 3-4 weeks. This gives you more
    time to accumulate IP between champion releases, and it enables our
    design team to spend more time developing and polishing each new

    seems good right?

    yeah on the surface intill you think for amoment what is it most people spend ip on? oh right runes runes becuse they are essenel at any level and cost a shit load of ip...createing a full ruin set takes lots of ip..and if you want to be effective you have to create one for every charictor you play. you wont be buying any new champs at that rate unless you pay real money. i gurenttie you.

    when no one complains about this fact they will take every oppertunity they can to fuck over casuals by making insanely over powered champs that will basically make any older ones useless..add this to consent nerfing and peer pressure and you have a recipe for squezeing every fucking dime out of your pockets.

    my predictions for the coming months

    -Prices will go up even more untill the cheapest champion is 6300

    -rp prices will raise from 10 bucks per champ to 18 or more

    -they are going to force you to buy stronger overpriced champs by makeing all former champs useless.

    wake up people there fucking you over this game has finely jumped the shark
