Nidalee's Other Splash Arts and Vi Bug Fixes

While it may be snowing cats and dogs here at the S@20 base of operations, that isn't going to stop me from delivering you a warm bundle of red posts!

Continue reading for red posts concerning where the other updated Nidalee Splash arts are and some Vi bug fixes coming in the next patch.

Nidalee's Other Splash Arts are still in line to be updated.

Ricklessabandon dropped off another post pertaining to the other Nidalee splash arts that were not updated when her visual update was release, saying:
"they aren't finished quite yet. the splash team has been working full steam on seasonal/new content, which takes priority over updating older images when we're time-constrained.

she will get updates other than just the base, it'll just be a bit longer—apologies for the wait."
 Vi Bug Fixes coming in next patch.
According to gypsylord, there seems to be a few bug fixes for Vi lined up, particularly one that causes her to stop moving completely when she casts her Q.
"...Will fix when everyone gets back to the office.

Also will fix Q losing its CD when you get stunned.

Also will fix Q not refunding mana when canceled.

Also will fix other bugs. FEAR NOT!"
Responding to a summoner inquiring why bugs like this make it to live and aren't fixed during the testing process, gypsylord said:
"Yes, they should have. Bugs are going to happen but that doesn't mean it sucks any less when a player runs into one and has it adversely affect his/her game. This is my fault.

As a rookie designer I'm constantly learning new things about how our game works. When I heard that people were stopping when using Q I went and tried to repro the thing for a couple hours using move commands/smart casting/what have you. Did not realize having an autoattack target would affect a champion's motion in a totally different way from a normal move command and not allow you to continue after casting Q. Now I know. I'll fix this for Vi ASAP and make sure to never let it happen again on any of my future champs.

You have my apologies."


  1. Great! It was so annoying to cancel my Q as Vi by cc, lmao.

  2. I wonder if they will fix other faults community found with new Nidalee skins. It really bothers me, as they seem to be really rushed and no feedback from forums was taken when "improving" her.

  3. I tought they wouldn't update Nidalee's skins ^^
    French Maid is so different now, that would make no sense.

  4. only on days that end in Y!!! bahahaha

  5. Wow, gypsylord is a really nice guy. i kinda feel sorry for him xD

  6. They must correct the Surfer Singed Q color bug.. its green and its supposed to be pink.

  7. Luis Enrique Sáchez juradoDecember 29, 2012 at 4:07 AM

    9000 kills

  8. we all know that

  9. Actually no, look at the splash art a little closer!

  10. Really? :O I was gifted Surfer Singed and I thought it's supposed to be green. Good to know it's not cause I really wanted it to be a different color.

  11. He gets to deal a ton of damage.

  12. Nice, but Moobeat, I have a bug too, do you have any contact with Riot to report this issue?
    The issue happens occasionaly when I play Master Yi, After using my Q, the cd timer sometimes doesn't count. it just acts like the skill is available so i need to guess when it is back for real. Really annoying when playing AP Yi!

  13. i hope the patch comes out soon

  14. it's a girl I believe.


  16. Nope, it isn't:

  17. its ok keep it up u have my support!

  18. Its just the artwork, not the actual skins themselves. They are already updated, the skins that are.

  19. They say Vi's R wouldnt be able to stop, but sometimes champs can cancel my ulti

  20. The only Singed skin with a different colored poison is Riot Singed.

  21. I've noticed on Nami if I Q in just the right spot I can cancel Vi's ult, also with LeBlanc if you Distort properly you can screw up the ult as well.

  22. they must fix the kha'zix jump not refreshing :(

  23. I wonder if they'll ever fix that twitching glitch on pbe

  24. How about the bug when the audio plays for a champion constantly when it is only meant to be played during one of theirs skills? I.E., Garen's Q, Anivia's R, Swain's R, etc. (If you don't understand the wording, I mean that Swain will be in human form but will have the audio playing around him like hese in bird form.)

  25. Thats what he said, lol

  26. This is getting more and more annoying

  27. This has been in the game for a long time, i wonder why they havent fixed it.

  28. Hey man, atleast give credit to the person who discovered, mentioned, and got the reds to notice it. ME!

  29. Hey man, atleast give credit to the person who discovered, mentioned, and got the reds to notice the bug. ME!

  30. Hey man, atleast give credit to the person who discovered, mentioned, and got the reds to notice the bug. ME!!

  31. Hey man, atleast give credit to the person who discovered, mentioned, and got the reds to notice the bug. ME!!!

  32. Hey, how about you only post a comment once?

  33. Wow, it's a real surprise, of course.

  34. I'll purge you with silver...

  35. sure, in a coked out sort of way

  36. Raven "Arrogant" hmmm with a name like that are you really suprised they didn't read it?

  37. She bares no resemblance to a Sontaran, so no.

  38. That's right, Gypsylord! And don't let it happen again! >:3

  39. This was already taclked by Riot who took all the given feedback but have yet to ship it out with the Nidalee update (as otherwise it would take much longer to release). They're not done with her yet and I believe the fixes are due next patch or the one after. Don't be so quick to brush off Riot's teams as they do listen to the community a considerable amount when it comes to feedback. But remember, it is their game :P

  40. Oh! Thank you... But... Will it hurt? It's nothing personal but I think I prefer Sona or something like that...

  41. "You only need to click once"

  42. Talking about skins fixes. Remember Archlight Varus got his voice a little changed, i think riot should do the same with Justicar Syndra, because like archlight, justicar is too "going out" of the character evil personality.

  43. Adventuring

  44. @moobeat u dont post alot of things anymore ..

  45. that q was annoying when was stunned and happy to hear here not gonna nerf her yet ..

    still gonna have fun with her

  46. what ya mean? It's the holiday season and lots of rioters aren't at work until after new years

  47. Teemo icon tricked me!!
    (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

  48. OFC Sona looks much better then crappy vayne...dragonslayer vayne looks nice sona is better

  49. Hehehe..positive..i show you the might of noxus!

  50. Would be perfect if they fix her movement animation. It's good when the game starts but after casting Q she moves slowly and that's really weird.

  51. LOL is fckin AWESOMEDecember 30, 2012 at 5:33 AM

    and you thought that a woman would see that and say: "Hey,he is a virgin and i want to be fcked so why not ask for his phone number?". Well i have a suggestion for you: LOOK YOURSELF AT THE MIRROR. OF COURSE YOU ARE A VIRGIN

  52. Agreed, I don't even use Pharaoh, it looks like crap and it's been too long for a refund.

  53. How about Vayne and her Heartseeker skin?

  54. Thank you zyra, edited.

  55. Not sure if he still is though.......

  56. true atleast make it relavent next time -__-

  57. No problem general. I wish I was on my release state again.

  58. I think this being is lost

  59. Go ahead be negative you'll be just my type

  60. The problem is that people started to use you as a support, when you were OK in mid lane, riot nerfed you, now you are a normal support and a (execuse me)bad mid, they should nerf your base damage and buff the ap ratios.

  61. You said something else when I killed you on mid last time. Last nerf didn't really hurt my mid performance, the root is harder to hit and passive is useless. What they should fix are my plants, which don't respond to my commands. I like how champions like me get hurt because people abuse them as supports due to high base damage and pretty long root. Soon Master Yi will be able to outrun my root because they will make it even slower.

  62. IKR, this bug is really annoying

  63. I just heard it from him when I saw him talking to someone
