Statikk responds to Talon and Riven nerfs on PBE

Posted on at 11:53 PM by Moobeat
If you follow the PBE posts, you probably already know that quite a number of champions received some heavy handed nerfs in the most recent patch. Some of these changes have elicited quite the response from Summoners and Statikk has taken to the forums to explain the reasoning behind a few of them.
Continue reading for responses pertaining to the recent nerfs for both Riven and Talon on the PBE.

Response to Riven Nerfs
Here is Statikk clearing the air on the Riven changes, referencing an erroneous report from another new site that Riven's E had  been nerfed.
"Firstly, some of the information you guys are getting from these unofficial sites are incorrect. For example, there is no change to the ratio of Riven's shield at all, we are simply slightly buffing the base shield value for Valor.

The goal for the Regen reduction is to reinforce the value of timing and counter play to Riven in lane. Now when you poke or trade damage with Riven, it sticks a bit more. As the Riven player, it is now more important to make sure you're trading while your shield is up as much as possible and getting out before your defenses are down.

Once again, I wouldn't trust unofficial sources for exact details."
For reference, here are the details of the TENTATIVE Riven nerfs put on the PBE earlier tonight

  • Base Health regen per 5 seconds reduced to 4.5 from 9.5
  • Blade of Exile cooldown increased to 110/80/50 seconds from 75/60/45
  • Valor's shield absorb increased to 70/100/130/160/190 from 60/90/120/150/180
Response to Talon Nerfs
 Here is Statikk explaining what's up with Talon and how a bug fix will also be deployed in an upcoming patch, resulting in a big buff for him.

"No, we have no intention of making Talon unviable, we're simply looking to find a balance for him in the context of Season 3.

The reality is that many of our AD casters were tuned to a state where they could exist in Season 2 with extremely poor itemization that was non-ideal for them.

We now created an environment where they have legitimate optimal item paths and the numbers are now out of balance.

The question to ask ourselves is if Black Cleaver is still too strong for AD Carries like MF or Graves. If we were to nerf Black Cleaver, it may become impossible to even think of building it on non AD Casters.

Looking at any strong item with above 3000+ gold cost will show a high win rate because if you have the resources to buy an item of this tier, you are most likely ahead in the first place. Items are not only an indicator of your future success but also a reflection of your past success. Any decently strong high tier item should statistically look and feel "overpowered."

As a closing note here, there is a buff to Talon that is impossible for the dataminers to get to. We are fixing a bug where the damage amplification from Cutthroat was not actually working."
Gypsylord then elaborated on the bug fix, saying:
"Say a champion's ult was intended to do 5000 true damage but there was this nasty bug that made it ACTUALLY do 1 damage. If we were to go and fix said bug we would be BUFFING that champion's damage by 4999.

Talon's E currently amps his damage by 0% for two seconds against a single target, regardless of rank. This bugfix will buff his single target burst by 15% when E is at max rank."
For reference, here are the details of the TENTATIVE Talon changes from the PBE update earlier tonight, sans the bug fix mentioned above.

  • Noxian Diplomacy's bleed damage reduced to 10/20/30/40/50 from 18/36/54/72/90
  • Shadow Assault's damage per hit reduced to 120/170/220 from 120/190/260


  1. At least some champs, still get Unfairly Nerfed.

  2. Bullshi* riven need to be fighter, not a bloody tank

  3. Nerf bloody tanks that are banned in solo q, like shen, darius, malphite, amumu, mordekaiser, nautilus, morgana, blitz, kassadin and other mostly banned champions.

  4. I still think it's an overnerf on Riv's health regen.

  5. So how does a champ as old as Talon have a bug that makes one of his abilities completely useless?

  6. I wouldn't say it makes it completely useless, you know, E is still a gap closer and a silence...

  7. This game needs a hero, I shall save it from the darkness.

  8. Don't worry, I'm sure they'll pussy out like they have been doing with alot of the nerfs recently.

  9. Yeah. Oh hei, let's get rid of over half of it. They feel a need to nerf Riven and NOT Garen?

  10. What the hell is this? First my Diana got nerfed then buffed again so i couldnt complain, but Riven got shot down that far? omg.

  11. I still think this is genocide vs Noxus =\ :D

  12. Some champions are overpowered and banned all the time, yet riot goes ans nerfs champions that you barely saw anyway. Champions who got their new viability from the new items. I don't see what's going through their minds, I know a lot of champions I'd rather nerf than Riven and Talon.

  13. true story Kata

  14. No explanation on Riven's ultimate nerf? Of course not, talk about the nerfs that don't mean nearly as much...

    1. Xypherous has been saying that riven's ult cooldown is way too short considering it costs nothing pretty much since her release. It leads to too much snowballing when she can just ult you every time you respawn (huehue darius)

  15. your health regen nerf came along side a shield buff that negates it 100%, the shield blocks 10 more damage on a 10 second cooldown, you regen 10 less health across a 10 second time frame. the shields cooldown is 10/9/8/7/6 so its actually better in the long run.

    but hey lets just focus on the negatives.

  16. Really annoyed at the bleed nerf
    Ult is not that huge of a nerf

  17. Riven has no sustain on laning phase i think that nerfing health regen is not a good idea

  18. What about the bug with his ult? You can only deal damage with 2 blades coming out and 2 blades coming in to a single target. In theory with what the abilities reads, you should be able to hit them with every blade.

  19. Still I don't like being nerfed, It pissed me off

  20. xXx1337MLG420noscope360December 21, 2012 at 1:45 AM

    the shield doesn't heal you, it simply blocks damage for 3 secs
    temporal health is not as good as your life bar which is up 100% of the time

  21. That's only a loss of 60 health per minute. That is almost nothing. I'd much rather have a stronger on demand shield (not that 10 more damage is that much either, but it is more reliable). If you wanna complain about a nerf, talk about her ultimate's cooldown.

  22. worst nerf ever, talon need a buff on his passive, and they nerf him, is unfair nerf, he is not op, u just stack armor and he sux, what the hell is doing riot with this changes?

  23. You've got a point there.

  24. You want an explanation on that ? It currently has a 75 sec cd which means that if she kills you once at lvl 6 either 1v1 or with the help of her jungler she is going to get a lvl advantage on you and kill you again the moment you come back to lane .

  25. Riven has CC, mobility, shield, steroids, she is very universal bruiser, giving her sustain is just stupid, she can't have EVERYTHING in her kit/stats.

  26. I shall now rest in peace with Rengar ;_;

  27. That Talon's E ... this explains last games

  28. Yeah...its kinda stupid not even healing 1 hp a second...

  29. idk man that's could be 40 hp you had to win a close fight as a riven player when playing against a counter like teemo or garen or something it count as far as getting ahead or leaving with like 60 hp or something

  30. lol dude that's like getting to lane when teemo kills you only to find out he had shrooms everywhere for him to kill you again yes let's nerf teemo shroom timer

  31. To be honest if they going to do that they got to make her shield last longer if they trying to get us to trade with more. This just make her weaker in lane now and possible to get poked out easier. They didn't even need to take half of it off though.

  32. That's only breaking even if you assume that you are using your shield on cooldown constantly AND blocking 10 or more damage with it every single time

  33. I'm one of those riven players who mainly use the shield as a gap closer or to get out of a trade, I max it last most of the time, and it was trouble already to keep your sustain with the current ratios, now this is just plain stupid.

  34. The max you can shield is 60 health per minute. Realistically you will only use 20 of that. There is no situation in which the shield is better, it is not more reliable it is less reliable. If you don't want to sound like a mathematical moron you should probably just say that Riven needed sustain nerfs.

  35. Hp regen is actually a lot more reliable, as you are always gaining it, opposed to only blocking 10 more damage whenever you get the chance to use your shield

  36. A) 60 health a minute is not enough to count as real "sustain" like irelia's W or garen's passive.
    B) Isn't riven on the squishy side of bruisers anyways?

  37. Maybe it's just so outrageous that nobody's taking it seriously? I mean, when was the last time a cooldown got changed by 35 whole seconds?

  38. Riven is all about being aggressive, and you can't be aggressive with such low health regen, and yes, she's on the squishy side early on, she's going to suffer from that hard.

  39. Well if Riven and Talon are soooooo OP they should go for it and nerf jax and olaf, especially jax which is much more stronger than them both, but no worries soon his time will come :D

  40. also I wonder why is this possible for jax to have almost highest health in game, they should nerf it like riven HP/5

  41. Funny story, darius is 4th for health regen at level 1 and 2nd at level 18. Take from that what you will.

  42. which makes Darius even more annoying to riven than what he really is...

  43. It is good they are fixing Talon's E,

  44. There is a big difference between a utility-ultimate like Teemos and a pure battle/killer ultimate alike Rivens.

  45. it holds the same concept ok if you wanna use battle/killer ult then let's use Daruis who refresh on kill. He can ult you to finish you each time you come back to lane and have his ult again when you come back .

  46. Just to repeat they didn't have to take over half the health regen 2 maybe 3 but over half lol roit pls get it together

  47. That is Darius you are talking about, HE has too much stuff... Riven is not OP, and has not got a high winrate...

  48. yup, agree with Mr. Cooper you have no clue ... at all.

  49. *Cough* Irelia *Cough*

  50. Riot needs to learn to nerf op champs, Riven is fine the way it is.

  51. dianas range buffs really didnt make up for her damage loss at all shes still down.

  52. so do Jax, CC, mobility, 'AD immunity', HUGE survival steorid on ult, crazy AS, crazy burst, mixed damage that's whats stupid.... Mr. "Brainless"...

  53. Agree, also if they nerf according to winrate/banrate ezreal and especially lee sin / blitzcrank need to be nerfed, ah and amumu.

  54. Last time I checked Garen doesn't have AoE stun or knockback.

  55. WOW! That Riven nerf is getting out of hand. Seriously the increased ULTI CD is unnecassary IT JUST GOT INCREASED BY 50 %! I don't understand why she gets overnerfed that hard.

  56. last time I checked Riven doesnt have silence which also remove all slows and give MS, free % damage and CC reduction skill that also passively give you defensive stats and Black-Cleaver-Spin-to-Win ability

  57. I concur. I guess Riot wants all 15 Riven players to have to max shield first for her to have any viability.

  58. Truth is with the new pricing method for champions, they want us to think newer champions are worth more than older champions, so we invest on them.
    Otherwise I can't find an explanation on why they're nerfing Talon and Riven, and buffing Diana and Rengar again if they're seen in 9/10 games lately. Even in tournaments, have we seen a Riven or Talon picks? As opposed to Diana or Rengar bans.
    Well, maybe the nerfs for Rengar were a little too much, but jungle Diana still kills you in one combo.
    Riot moto might be changing from "real life money doesn't give you power" to "our newest stuff is better, so buy it."

  59. No, because she has 2 CC's, more mobility than most others, and a shield all of which help her to negate damage. At the same time she puts out more damage than most other champions.

  60. @Batman :This ain't no place for a her .<3

  61. Totally agree, that ridiculous insane innate tankyness.

  62. Agree, but still, they could have nerfet Riven a bit less, like 6-7 HP regen/5

  63. Shen's Ult, Soraka's Ult, Karthus Ult. thier legitamate though, don't get me wrong.

  64. I don't think the nerfs will do much to me, considering the bugfix. I'm still going to stay awesome.

  65. 15? Since season 3 shittons of players picked up Riven, she was even picked up in Tournaments

  66. The Riven Nerfs are very moderate. I mean the Ult Cd should Prevent her being to snowbally and the HP Reg isnt as bad as it seem. If you are really afraid getting outrade than try 13 potions start.

  67. Seriously, ppl always getting so butthurt over these things, especially a nerf that she needed. Frankly if you look at them, its obvious they are nerfing her early game lane dominance, she has a lot of survivability in lane thanks to her mobility and stun and they are trying to make her early game a bit more fair because once riven hits lvl 4 and has QWE she starts to dominate the lane hard if she knows what she's doing. That HP regen nerf will mean shit all lategame when you have sustain coming out of your ass, and the CD on her ult is only 5 seconds longer at lvl 3. As it is, I find riven snowballs a bit too easily. Because her kit is excellent for teamfighting, riven can lose top lane, wonder around for a bit, pick up a couple lucky kills and assists and all of a sudden, starts cleaning house every teamfight and carrying the match once she gets a GA, but that's also not guaranteed to happen but I see that happening more often. Also someone said Garen is more unfair than her....well yes early game he is...he's supposed to be, Garen falls off super hard lategame once ppl get some hp and armor,even with a Black Cleaver, riven gets MUCH stronger lategame. Lategame Riven will murder a lategame Garen and leave him as a footnote in the lane. Also Garen's ult does bonus damage based on % missing health to one person, riven's ult does up to 200% bonus damage based on % missing health in a cone. So riven's Wind slash can smash a whole team and Blade of the exile gives her 20% increased attack damage and makes the aoe of her Q and E a bit larger and increases her attack range by 75 and, I'm honestly not sure about it, but the increased attack damage should increase the strength of her shield as well as it scales of of your AD. So if you are QQ'ing over the nerfs you are an avid Riven user or haven't had a moderately good riven play against you ever.

  68. "hurr durr, we want your damage to 'stick' a bit more on Riven in lane"

    Seriously, how stupid are you Riot. Balancing a game around an OP item. I already miss the old black cleaver.

  69. It's funny how they improve MOBAs by creating League of Legends and also making it so addictive and still they expect people to avoid creating unofficial sites, Riot pplz, be smarter lol. We LOVE LoL.

  70. Well, then I think it's fair to say that they should NERF THE SHIT OUT OF DARIUS' BLEED.

  71. I don't think they expect people to avoid creating unofficial sites, I think they just want to remind us we should take fansite information with a grain of salt.

  72. Yeah she was picked all of 1 time at WC and 0 times at IPL 5. Lots of times.

  73. Come on, Riven. Your spirit is not lost :<

  74. wtf riot cmon goddamn nerf only the champs that i like cmon

  75. Comparing Darius ultimate with Riven ultimate is a bit wrong. I mean, how many of you can kill during the lane phase as Darius without using ultimate? Plus most of the time Riven players don't even need her ultimate to finish someone off, they use it if opponent flashes or something. A good Riven will melt you and will back off without getting trades because of her shield. If something goes wrong u can stun and flash away. I won't even tell you how many times I saw that evil Riven winning the fight because she knocks the other back with Q, cancelling their AA animation, and survives to enemy ignite because of her shield.
    It won't hurt that much, she isn't ultimate reliant to win the lane.

  76. Well, we can't have her in tournaments! Nerf her!

  77. Black cleaver, what have you done....

  78. You have no idea what you are talking about. I have won lane so many times as Riven, and always, ALWAYS her ultimate is a huge factor in deciding the battle. Are you even aware of the massive AD bonuses you get from her ult? Apparently not. The AD bonus from her ult ties into every other ability, resulting in more dps, and a bigger shield. You have completely made Riven to look like an ass. "...she isn't ultimate reliant to win the lane." Are you serious?!?

  79. Well, you know, the purpose of a nerf is to make a character weaker, not stronger

  80. lol and so started the pathway of "excellent" and "balance intended" nerfs that riot would soon exact upon the champions that they saw fit for play and not so.

  81. what your saying is you cant be agressive and heal up to full hp. the mechanics of toplane are as followed, take a safe route and farm/dodge harass, or do the harassing and take a possible penalty for it, higher risk but higher reward. when you can run in soak up alot of initial damage knock back and stun just to regen all your health back with a ridiculous regen rate is not how this lane was meant to be played

  82. riven has a win rate of 52.65% currently, the 16th highest in the game right now. soooooooo id say out of 100+ champs being in the 5th of all win rates is pretty high

  83. i agree, this is a bit of an over nerf, but it is definately much needed. she could exchange for free

  84. worlds was pre season 3. gg

  85. IPL 5 was on old patch bro.

  86. agreed, its just like riot was saying, they were non item dependent champions before, and now that there is items that help them it doesnt matter how hard you outplay them they will be able to bounce back very easily

  87. Why have you lowered talon`s q with almost a half? talon ain`t op,or something like that and black clever ain`t so op on talon...i`m not even using black clever,why must i have half sized q?i don`t get it, my q also does so little dmg,i want an explanation why u halfed it

  88. don`t forget about his almost useless pasive and low q dmg,which now is halfed

  89. I find it unfair to nerf talon just because of the black clever,RIOT nerf the black clever,i`m not even using it,why u nerf talon cause u can`t make a BALLANCED item?

  90. u just try to fight top lane with talon vs maphite or darius or mundo (they have heal+exhaust) and try to lane against them so tell me if he need nerfs or BUFFs

  91. All they did was get rid of 1 hp a second on her. Not too bad

  92. Lol, garen is only a tank in team fights with zero gap closer, while riven has insane mobility stuns and better scaling. You're dumb and probably very low elo.

  93. What is broken can be reforged!

  94. Well, lets do some math on Talon damage
    Actual Mercy : Extra 10% if the target has a cc.

    New Mercy : Extra 25% damage if the target has cc (+15%)

    Noxian Diplomacy Actual Bleed Damage 18/36/54/72/90 (+0%)

    Noxian Diplomacy Nerfed Bleed Damage 11,5/23/34,5/46/57.5 (+15%)

    Actual Cutthroat : Extra damage to target 0/0/0/0/0%

    New Cutthroat : Extra damage to target 3/6/9/12/15%

    So just lets say that, all his abilities are getting a 15% Damage buff. Riot only nerfed the bleed and his ultimate. Rake, On-Hit Noxian Dimplomacy and Mercy are buffed by a 15% Damage. For me this is a buff.

  95. They have crossed the line >:(

  96. But they cannot go unpunished

  97. If you die in lane to Riven at 6, by the time you both get back to lane, her ultimate will be up again and she will push you out and snowball even more. Xypherous has been wanting to change her ult CD for a long time.

  98. How should i proceed ? :S

  99. Oh you'll be fine Talon, you'll still burst squishies for half their HP and do it more efficiently now that they're fixing your E.

  100. Their bones will whet my blade

  101. lol do you even play Riven? I done what you are saying that's apart of her combo you AA in between spells to get more damage from her passive. The ult nerf is fine but the guy was saying how Riven players would just come back to lane and kill them with her ult . I'm just saying it hurt her early game which Riven is all about if she get hit she going to to feel it in lane.

  102. Criminals aren't complicated Sona, we just need to figure out what they are after.

  103. Insecure Minority GuyDecember 21, 2012 at 12:41 PM

    All i read was racist stuff.

  104. With all due respect sir, perhaps this is a man you don't fully understand either. A long time ago, I was in riot, me and my friends were working for the balance deparment. But, whenever we achieved to balance a champion, the champion was nerfed by a man named morello. For a long time we tried to understand the reasoning behind these constant nerfs, but in 2 years we never understood any single one of them.

  105. riven gains some health regen per lvl, he said her base was 9 well, at lvl 2 she already have 11, as long as they dont mess with the health regen per lvl im fine, still disgusting ulti cooldown :|

  106. i havent lose my lane as riven. yet im at 1029elo (yea i feel ashamed i reached 1346 and went down :(), yeah... win rates doesnt always tell you the truth, i dont know why you guys are all like "OMG THIS CHAMP HAS THE HIGHEST WIN RATIO, MUST BE OP"

  107. Irelia has *cough* mana

  108. Her ult cd is ridiculous right now, but +35 seconds is ridiculous.

  109. Garen doesn't has a lot of mobility like Riven. You're talking too much shit. Let Riot decide whats right.

  110. A bit too much on that nerf on riven don't you think so riot?

  111. There was NEVER ANY reason for Riven to have so much hp regen. This has always boggled my mind ever since Riven's release, why does she need intense hp regen? Have you ever noticed why Riven can stomp almost any top or mid? There's almost no counter to her, her base damage and insane tankiness just makes her invincible in lane, the only way to beat a Riven is if you're more skillful, counters or picks have nothing to do because she stomps practically EVERYONE.
    Why in the world does Riven need this much hp regen? Considering how you interpret Broken Wings+Valor, Riven has 2~4 escapes, 1 shield, and 1 stun, why does she need 9.5 hp regen on top of it? That's actually the highest hp regen in the game other than Garen, and it doesn't even play in her kit or playstyle, neither her character, she doesn't even NEED THIS MUCH HP REGEN, it's been a problem ever since release and no one's been willing to accept it.

  112. what I'm saying is that against people like Olaf (true damage, AS and Life steal) or Darius (true damage and annoying passive), GP (heal), Irelia (true damage and heal), Yorick (well... it's yorick), Cho, Jayce (ranged poke) Lee Sin (life steal) Fiora (life steal) Garen! and the list goes on....
    Every single bruiser had a sort of sustain (except of few, including Riven) and against all of them, Riven's only method of staying in the lane was her health regen + her health pots... this will render riven very useless.

    I don't mind the ultimate CD, it makes things more interesting, but the regen... really?

  113. I really dont want to have to run health regen quints on Riven, Riot pls.

  114. Riven deal 100% physic dmg. Build armor and shutdown her. Try to stop Jax for example. He deals half magic and physic dmg ,got extremely good mobility and his aoe stun is far better than riven 0.75s stun (without tenacity). Not to mention Olaf or Darius (Darius got 3 types of dmg : magic,physic,true).

  115. true that. I think Olaf, Darius, Jax or Xin deserves nerf much more than Riven and Talon. People say Talon was op because his win ratio was highest. But it was before tbc fix. Riot should care more about champions like Olaf or Darius. These champions can be build 100% tanky and deal tons of mixed dmg. Try to build Riven without ad, have fun.

  116. Agreed with that summoner. Im hoping also for some GAREN's nerfs...

  117. A fed Garen wins games, no more discussion about this, is true reality.

    He needs quite a nerf!

  118. Pull the strings. Watch them dance.

  119. everyone complaining about riven nerfs when they don't realize that her all ins just got buffed with the shield. also if you care about the HP regen so much put one or two HP regen quints on. you lose about 4.5 AD and stay at the same health regen. A 4.5 AD decrease is not very major.

  120. Well from what I see you're proabably 100% Coop-Ai since you know shit about this game tbh.... Peace.

  121. Then explain me why Jax has third highest base HP in game.. yes above most tanks..? You can't, that's so obvious like your clueless wall of text. /facepalm.

  122. so they should nerf Rumble to the ground by your dumb logic because he does have highest win rate in game ! followed by eve and amumu !... gosh those noobs...

  123. That is Riven. That is the whole point of Riven. She cant kill anyone without her ultimate unless they are extremely unskilled. Almost anyone can abuse the cooldown on her ultimate now and win the lane. Her ultimate had a short cd like that so she could stop her lane. She scales off pretty hard late game, though not as much as others. And also, that is the whole point of top lane. Its a snowball lane.

  124. while that is a good arguable point that is why alot of top lane champions build wriggles for the lifesteal

  125. clueless crying noobs, i do like the alliteration but when a champion makes that large of a jump in win rate is when it should be looked into, rumble has been towards the top for a very long time. on top of that i was just making a comment on the previous response that her win rate isnt that high

  126. They did the exact same thing to Rengar, and Riven needs more of a nerf! First time riven and i got a quadra kill and then carried my team. her q is too much especially with her ultimate active.

  127. It's not that simple, with Riot, it never is.

  128. I guess you missed that time they nerfed Garen's early game ult cooldown and explained they planned on doing the same exact thing to riven later on (which they now are). Also Riven has a ton of mobility and a shield, she is extremely good with trades being able to easily shield up, stun an enemy, poke them and gtfo with no consequence. Chill out a bit and see how it goes.

  129. Well it appears you have forgotten that the shied isn't 10, only the buff is 10.
    the reality is that you can at max shield 420 per minute at rank 1. Realistically if used frequently to block dmg and not jump around like a jackass then you should block about 300 dmg. When calling someone a moron you should try to not mess up what you are saying. As for this balance change making Riven nonviable, no it will not make her nonviable. Riven players will just have to not charge in like tards and not block the dmg with her shield and still come out on top because they have the highest health regen in the game and 2 cc's.

  130. Venture off the beaten path.

  131. Is riot drunk??
    Dissnerves Regabr, whe is still extremely strong (not op) but nerves well balanced riven in this extreme way??

  132. And Vlad remains untouched- I love where he is right now. He is a sleeper op champ lol

  133. I main both, and I can say both are OP as hell. So please, to everyone "butthurting" here, shut up.

  134. And IEM Cologne was just recently with the new season updates. And she was picked, yet again, zero times.

  135. Looks like S@20 still hasnt noticed Talon's Q AD scaling is nerfed by 0.2 and his R scaling is nerfed by 0.2. Go try it.

  136. Xin deserves nerf? :D:D:D I understand the other 3, but Xin is balanced imo.

  137. It actually is, sir. He did it because he thought is was good sport. Because, some men aren't looking for anything logical, like balance. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned or negotiated with. Some men, just wanna watch the world nerfed.

  138. The comments make me think people want to nerf all champions that counter their favorites xD

  139. so you are saying that every top laner except riven can kill you without using his ultimate and that the nerf will make her completely pointless ?

  140. If you noticed, most of those have natural form of sustain, not like riven

  141. dude calm down. you play riot's free game. stop the hate

  142. Morello, could you tell us more on these nerfs to talon and riven?

  143. There were dealing to much Tons of Damge

  144. You forgot to point out that they were also dishing out tons of damage

  145. But why is Riven's health regen so nerfed?

  146. I play health regen as a jungler.

  147. Phreak just answer your question nika

  148. What about Talons damage?

  149. Reread the full convo sir I don't think you read it correctly

  150. Im sorry but the only broken champs are burst ad casters such as Riven, Talon, and Kha Zix. Garen is a tough lane same as Darius if u dont know what ur doing top lane, which as I have read most of u do not. I am personally a 2100 elo player and must say Rivens hp regen isnt as big of a problem as Garens but in saying this Garen lacks burst in lane, he is viable now (not recommended). I love Riven and ill say this she does need this nerf as does talon but no kha zix? hmmmmm. I would say make it 5.5 base instead of 4.5 from 9 IMHO.

  151. Stop with your questions and go make me a sandwich.

  152. How would you like your sandwiches guys?

  153. Trinity forced with a pinch of jungle.

  154. Think it on this way: Yes, you won't have mana problems if you play the "correct" way of laning with a mana champion, but let's take the manaless champion Riven here. Irelia won't have mana problems if she doesn't abuse her skills, Riven CAN spam spells 24/7 everytime they are off cooldown (and they got a pretty low cd at rank 5, including ult) without having to worry about it. Riven doesn't needed much of a nerf, but an increase of Ultimate's Cooldown at later levels would be needed, is such low.

  155. i would like mine nerfed

  156. Garen does not need a nerf hes easily killed if you know how to play against him the only thing that might be OP is his ult thats it.

  157. It's easy simply talking summoner, Garen can decently take over so much damage and do many at the same time.

  158. We're seeking justice, Alfred. How can that ever be a mistake?

  159. lets talk about poppy bugs ...

  160. Did I ever tell you the definition... of Insanity? Those nerfs.

  161. And? If Riven wants to spam, an irelia player stuns them & punishes them for harassing them. CD at early levels is whats he needs, if you wanna nerf her. Nerfing her ultimate CD's late game is stupid. Because not only does she need her ult late game bad. She get's focused easily. I don't know why people find riven to be a problem. Darius can build tanky & still output a lot of damage. Riven can build off tank & not do nearly as much damage she would have done building AD. She has a strong early game, but so do a lot of champions without mana. Kennen has one of the best, if not the best laning phases.

  162. Sad times for Riven. But please promise that you won't give up! There are Noxians out there, still believing to the noxian dream. And we ll need you.. General, to bring justice and restore order to the nation we are born and sworn. My life is yours! NOXUS Forever strong!

  163. Whatever, you can keep being mad, Riot just realized there was no point for Riven to have so much regen, and that's why she can stay in lane for absurd amounts of time. You're just a mad Riven player, Jax already got nerfed months ago, you don't see us QQ'ing like you guys are. Riven's regen still getting nerfed, now whether you realize why and until you admit it was needed, you can go QQ in a corner of the forums where nobody will give a shit...

  164. Seems like people don't realise Riven's HP regen nerf is the equivalent of 180 gold.

  165. you complain about riven being to high when her base hp is one of the lowest for top laners, they then cut it in half moving her from #1 hp regen and move her down to like the 5th worst hp with the only 2 top laners having less then her is rengar and gankplank.....who both have a heal, while people like irelai olaf and lee sin have 7p5 hp regen while having inbuilt ability to heal damage, at the very least bring it down to thier level

  166. OMG..really? nerf Riven that hard? the R makes riven, and u nerf her like that? what about darius and garen? still want ppl to play unskilled champs with no brain??

  167. dude u dont have a fcking clue what ur talking about..jsut be quiet and lsiten the the other isntead....

  168. Meanwhile in Darius and Katarina Land....

  169. I always max W first and then E. Her shield makes her an awesome trader at top. Use it.

  170. well, that's what I do mostly, but you know, every game has its own conditions

  171. garen = health regen that resets, silence, shield, slow spin2win, single target execute
    Riven = built in sheen, knockup, shield/dash, stun, aoe execute.

    yep. riven deserves it.

  172. they need to buff her. make her a bit more tankier to trade a bit more. if not tankier then stronger at least. i say tankier is the best option.

  173. yeap. i find her not tradeable against darius since she will die from darius no matter what. you cant run away from the grab when you poke. so what can you do against darius. cant even get a creep. against garen you cant really hurt him cuz he does massive damage and that silence and is really tankie.

  174. wtf? like rly? now every base 5 potions as riven ..

  175. we lost a lot of blades..... why nerf talon omg...

  176. no real person trying to get to late game is going to ever and I mean ever buy wriggles
