Status update on Volibear

Posted on at 3:49 AM by Moobeat
As you may have seen, Volty has been poking around the forums looking for summoner feedback on the often overlooked Volibear. It's been a few days and he's finally returned with some grizzly plans!

Continue reading for an update on what's in the works for the Thunder's Roar.

Before we even move to the main post, you should heed Volty's warning of
"I want to also be really clear that this is just a plan for testing---none of this is set in stone or will necessarily see live servers.

But we are making progress!"
With that being said, here is Volty's full post about the current plan for Volibear.
"Thank you everyone who has contributed to the discussion! I really appreciate your input and especially the varying points of view.

So big update:

I talked to Morello today, we have a gameplan to move forward with into testing. All skills will remain in very recognizable forms, but with some significant changes aimed a solving some specific issues. Without disclosing all the details, these are the goals (and some of the solutions.)

- Avoid pitfalls of the fighter role, including binary performance entirely dependent on closing to melee. In plainer terms, we want Volibear to reach melee somewhat more consistently but not become massively threatening until he spends a little bit of time there first.
- Ensure jungle viability.
- Clean up scaling, probably by removing AP in favor of other stats. (Health scaling to remain.)
- R cast while moving, enough said.

I also discussed our approach with Live Design, who are enthusiastic about the direction.

I will try to get the changes into playtest soon, and will post more updates as I can."


  1. Lol nice! He kinda needs this

  2. i like the last change, now volibear's rolling thunder can finally have some lightning.

  3. I don't know but Voli seems to be underestimated on some servers, I dunno in NA perhaps, he seems very viable, and he's really strong in ranks whenever I play with or against him. ;/

  4. i like volibear the way he is

  5. New Volibear skin WEARRRRRR???

  6. I think some of these reworks are just to get people playing some of the champions that are very much underplayed. I do see Volibear players, but not as many as say Teemo or Katarina. It's nice to see that Riot doesn't just brush champions under the carpet and that everyone is looked at.

  7. Looks can be deceiving...

  8. seems fair, I like it.

  9. Dont let Voly rust... Ha - Ha - Ha - Ho - Ho - Ho

  10. Volibear is op as fuck.

  11. Agreed, whenever I play against him he pretty much rapes.

  12. i would wonder how a teemo rework would look.

  13. i wonder how a Teemo rework would look.

  14. I know what makes them tick, I know how to make the ticking stop

  15. He has strong play but its not as rewarding as some champs and needs quite a bit of skill, Riot wants to move away from everyone picking darius/teemo top or kat mid, I think they chose a nice champ who doesn't need too much work to reduce this constant meta we have

  16. I think a lot of Voli's current strength comes from the fact you play against maybe 1 in maybe every 100 games.
    With regards to the details themself; ensure jungle viability? I'm down for that, I used to love jungling with him when I first got in to the game and it would be nice to have him feel as powerful there as, say, Skarner.
    Oh and removal of AP, brilliant idea in my opinion!

  17. He only needs a hard cc ult like malph or amumu to be usefull in teamfights than you will see hin as much as other Champs

  18. Got axes , need victims.

  19. CAST
    Enough said, i'll love this bear even more.

  20. I think it's more that if they want to progress this game in professional play to the next level they need more viable champions to open up more options for viable strats in order to keep the game interesting.

  21. ... IMO, Volibear isn't that bad atm. I think Riot should focus more on some other reworks, like, say, Heimerdinger Karma Evelynn Twitch

    There, I said it.

  23. Ermagerd, a champ needing skill?! NEEDS BUFF NAO

  24. And that is ridiculous. It is NOT just darius/teemo top and kat mid... How about Kassadin, Morgana, and Orianna mid, and Jayce, Gangplank, and now Vi top? All are extremely common, both in NA meta and in progames, such as the S2 Championships.

  25. We both know that I now have to kill you. You'll just have to imagine the fire!

  26. So, you came back to die with your city...

  27. >Evelynn

    Wait, what?

  28. Volibear has a slow jungle clear, even more with the new jungle. I like the changes =3

  29. Not a fan of the reworks, as voli is my best champ and the rolling power that he has with a good build. He had perfect scaling in Physical , Magic, and Defense....

  30. Power that scales with HP is stupid. Health is there for defence, not offence as well. Buying HP should be to tank up your defence and not your strength as well. HP-scaling forces build-strategies. I don't like it...

  31. Ah, the tangled webs we weave.

  32. Ehm, getting a damage way because of getting more tanky is what makes a tank: Rammus and Malphite deal more dmg with more armor, Galio gets AP by magic resist (he's not a real tank, but pretty tanky), Sejuani deals more dmg with W if she has more max HP...
    That's what makes a tank being a tank.

  33. I guess Voli's rework is more an "adjustment", it'a like a "little rework"; and they can do it pretty fast compared to carma and Mr Brainhair.

  34. I think Volibear is pretty good. Just about everytime I play him, I bite alot of heads off.

  35. сосите хуй педики

  36. Flesh and blood; so fragile.

  37. You don't see Teemo or Kat? You must not be playing LoL, maybe your clicking the wrong game client.

  38. I hardly see voli at all, because of that if I am lanning against him (i like top!) I usually end up losing just because I misjudge/don't know how much damage his w does. Especially his early game burst is surprisingly high.

    I have started getting better though/more careful. And the last voli I played I didn't loselane, but I didn't win it either! xD. He wasn't even the worst voli I played either, so I think I am getting somewhere.

    But oh god voli's q is almost as scary as fiddle ult for me. I hate the sound of it

  39. This is not for u, is for us. It's funny for us. Then, stop ragin please.

  40. Reading comprehension skills OP. Nerf pls.

  41. The bigger they are, the harder I hit them!

  42. 1st: I'm not raging. 2nd: It's not funny, it's pathetic spam.
    Say something funny but also smart as normal person.

  43. Teemo top... I did not see Teemo at top..not a single time. BTW: I;m using Teemo at top, but I never saw other Teemo at top.. Maybe because I'm playing on trolled EUNE where it's rare to see single jungler.. (Blind Pick)

  44. In other post I said I did not see Teemo at top at all (in normal games). But now i need to say I never saw Orianna in this game...never. I started using Orianna because of that. People playying against me don't know how to counter this tricky-magic-ball-thing. Really. And i saw Kassadin about 3 times (next champion I started using because of this reason).

  45. You don't have to tell me twice

  46. Another Body for the gutter

  47. Let's finish this quickly

  48. somebody shat in their brainz.

  49. I say! Perhaps he may be bestowed a more, how shall I say, Enamored appearance. Such shabby steel plate mail, I'd surmise the King of Bears not be so modest in his apparel.

  50. If you are not ragin, why are you talking with us? Go out.

  51. He needs to scale with Armor. Armored bears must rise up.

  52. Needs Some HexTech Augmentations.

  53. You're right. I'll not feed trolls anymore.

  54. finally a re-work on my favorite champ, voli

  55. I'm the true volibear.

  56. Same. I hope they won't shit on him just in order to 'smoothen things up'.

  57. This game is starting to bump its head on the 'noob-friendly' tag a bit too hard

  58. Hopefully Moobeat will do something soon. Even though it's been going on for too long already.

  59. Vlad doesn't get half the DPS he gets by going AP if he buys HP.

  60. How to counter Orianna: Boots of Swiftness.

  61. Hrm, not so sure about these possible changes.
    I would love to see Voli get some more viability love, but removing the AP scalings would cut in his build options, as there are some nice items that do come with AP...

  62. You don't need to say me about this, really ;) I just told what it looks like when I'm playing Orianna. the enemy summoner is just staying away since my ball came from bushes. It's just because Orianna is rare to see champion like Rumble or Urgot.

  63. Change can look deceiving.- Leblanc

  64. With these comments from people using champion names? I send an e-mail to him, still waiting for an answer.

  65. You should pay more attention to what you're reading.
