This Week in eSports

Posted on at 8:11 AM by Seranaya
Well, we've had a few things happen in the eSports scene the last few days that I figured I'd combine and place all in one neat post for you guys!
Here's a little clipping from the brand new website launched earlier. GO CHECK IT OUT
We've got everything from the new Dignitas top laner, another pro player receiving a ban to a new, long awaited rioter. Continue reading!

KiWiKiD joins Dignitas
First things first, Since IWillDominate's ban from the game earlier in the year, Dignitas has been looking for a replacement in the top lane for their season 3 lineup. After two weeks of tryouts they've come to a decision!
Welcome KiWiKiD, He was a pro player in the Heroes of Newarth scene that has moved his interests to League of Legends! He will be the new top laner for team Dignitas in season 3. He made this statement here on his introduction post on the team Dignitas website:
"I am honored that Team Dignitas chose me as their Off-laner; I feel like Harry Potter, TheChosenOne. I am very grateful for this opportunity and will do the best I can. Thank you to all my fans, especially the ones that still follow me from the HoN scene. Season 3, here I come!"
Did he just make a Harry Potter reference? We're best friends already.

sOAZ gets a timed ban.
In other news, another pro player has received a ban from Riot, albeit not quite as intense as IWillDominate's. Fnatic sOAZ has received a timed ban for flaming. He put this statement on Facebook after being banned:
"#banned, riot waited me to back home to ban me MEHHHHHHHH that game was 1 month ago or even more
for once, do i really deserv this fckin ban ? ( i'm irelia )
can still play ladder tho if i don't close my client ahah
He included a link to his tribunal case in his post but here it is again for those that are interested in reading the game chat and forming your own conclusions.

Deman joins Riot
Finally, a member of the eSports community has FINALLY joined Riot officially and I am so excited for him! Deman, the wonderful caster from many a eSports events has officially joined Riot as a commentator for season 3.
I don't know someone more deserving of that fancy Riot t-shirt than him. He posted this photo on his twitter along with this statment:
"I am delighted to announce I have joined Riot Games full time as a commentator, looking forward to Season 3 and beyond!"
 A huge congratulations to him and I'm sure he is so excited!