1/2 PBE Update: More Balance Changes

After a long holiday break, the PBE has been updated!
Continue reading for the latest batch goodies, including some buffs for Udyr and a new update to The Lightbringer aimed at combating Teemo's dominance on the Twisted Treeline, and more balance changes!

( REMINDER: Everything on the PBE is tentative and subject to change, as is evident by several of the previous patch's balance changes being reverted this patch. )

Balance Stuff:


  • Turtle Stance reverted to 60/95/130/165/200 from 60/100/140/180/220. It is back to what it is on live.
  • Monkey's Agility, in addition to 10% attack speed, now also grants 4% Armor and Magic Resist for 5 seconds, stacking up to three times.
  • Thrill of the Hunt stealth duration now lasts 8 seconds up from from 5 seconds. (* Note: I believe this was in the original 12/20 pbe update but I missed it, either way it's currently 8 seconds )

Archangel's Staff

Hextech Gunblade
  • Spell Vamp is now unique

The Black Cleaver

Enchantment: Captain
  • Bonus minion movement speed reduced to 20% from 25%
Iceborn Gauntlet

The Lightbringer
  • New Unique Passive: Nearby Stealthed enemy traps are revealed.
Here is the new passive in action.

Miss out on the previous updates in this PBE cycle? Fear not!


  1. Please Karma be in here!

  2. Please let this be a fix for the Twisted Treeline bug splat thing.

  3. I really hope that Karma's in here, or something else big

  4. Let's hope to see something big here!

  5. The link on "The PBE has been updated!" goes to that thread about ARAM Queue "having been heard".

  6. i saw Karma and Sejuani files on downloading...
    Have something in live? Or just for next updates?

  7. Karma Rework? :D COULD THIS BE THE ONE!

  8. Yay my Iceborn Gauntlet Ez is back :3

  9. I saw celebration and bundle in the files downloaded, so let's hope for a New Year's something?

  10. So Iceborn is...gone? Thats one way to fix it...

  11. I mean extra armor/mr is nice, but it really isn't fixing his lack of ability to actually catch someone.

  12. Exterminator Twitch.

  13. I'm seeing a bunch of stuff about Karma and Sejuani, I guess we'll have to see..

  14. Wow, that makes the Lightbringer THE counter against Teemo mushrooms.

  15. Sooo... Where's Karma...

  16. C? I don't even have a profile picture anymore :( Nobody knows who I am.

  17. They made Lightbringer's the ultimate Teemo counter. wut.

  18. What about getting Zephy/Boot of mobility to remedy that?

  19. Well this may probably make teemo underpowered now don't you think?

  20. saw some files on a sejuani death night?

  21. Lightbringer isn't on Summoner's Rift. Currently Shaco and Teemo are really strong on Dominion and Twisted Treeline cause you end up blindly running into them.

  22. It's cool that Lightbringer will help with stealth traps for treeline (read: Teemo), but it's specifically for AD/fighters only. What about something for AP or non-AD champs??

  23. Karma, don't worry, we LOVE YOU! <3<3<3~

  24. Oh no! The only item(i think) that successfully counters Akali has been changed :/

  25. i didn't know the last item existed, no more teemo shrooms

  26. No NId splashes? I am dissapoint :c

  27. Hopefully, they'll upgrade the Hextech Sweeper, being the AP counterpart, to do the same thing.

  28. Hey Karma, are you here tommorrow big?

  29. well for me i always flash stun for team fights , but well getting a small base movement speed in bear stance would help.

  30. His speed isn't the problem, its his lack of being able to stick onto someone. Yeah the tenacity from Zephyr allows for more choices with your boots, but it doesn't fix his main problem, it just makes the problem slightly better.

  31. Its for twisted treeline so idc.

  32. sure you won't know -________- because its not an item in summoning rift , stop making this item as the end of teemo.

  33. I don't i always play udyr the kited hero and didn't have problem , i also think if they gave me more speed i would destroy top lane , and my ganks will be unstoppable.
    But yeah end game udyr can't catch a shit without flashing after. (his end game what needs a buff)

  34. does show shrooms inside brush before entering it ? if not then its another oracle = no big deal.

  35. with those new champions, they all got CC/stuns. you can easily get away from udyr.

  36. what about the cost of the zephyr? and how mobility boots wears off when your in combat?

  37. And then you get melted for sacrificing tankiness for more speed.

  38. Shaco and Teemo are super strong on TT, as they can ward, which is game breaking.

  39. catching someone as udyr isn't hard. Nocturne does it all the time without the use of his ultimate. And don't try to say there's a difference, because there isn't. Noc gets movement from Duskbringer, udyr gets it from Bear stance. Noc fears with Horror, udyr also stuns with Bear stance. If you ask me, Udyr is more powerful in this instance. Stun and movement in one (easily spammable) ability, and Nocturne has to use 2 abilities for the same result. I think you just need to learn Udyr mechanics before commenting that he's lacking in something.

  40. Assuming its jungle Udyr, your running phoniex stance. In this case, you deal dmg overtime by sticking to them. While its true once you get up close to them you can go and stun, but you cant still to many champs after the stun is over with all the flash like moves available on champions. The difference with Nocturne is he has a longer cc duration and has quicker dmg output from his AD steroid and passive, and can shield a form of cc that would otherwise stop you from sticking to them (aka the situation udyr is in).

    Note that the problem with Udyr isnt "catching" someone, its sticking to them.

  41. fighters can get the lightbringer, and aps dont need to step into traps

  42. We shall not let this stand for an Ionian, someone get Karma a rework, pronto.

  43. GG one champions ultimate

  44. I jungle Udyr using Tiger Stance, and it's always gone much better for me than Phoenix Stance, so this argument is invalid.

  45. Hextech Gunblade spellvamp is now unique. Checked it on PBE myself.

  46. odin is what all the dominion files are named.

  47. OMG Riot.I need a buff...

  48. Lying is, like, ninety five percent of what I do.

  49. Making an item to Fully counter a Champions ultimate. WOW that must be a clever thing to do. GG WP Now even haters can't play Teemo as a ward.

  50. that is why you have to build around it

  51. I see what you did there :P

  52. Classic misdirection.

  53. Lightbringer will be a new must-have item for AS based champs on Dominion. There's almost always Teemo in opposite team.

  54. Read: traps only. Not champions. You need an oracle's for that.

  55. Teemo shrooms nerf is pretty gay. The main thing about teemo that makes him so loved/hated are his shrooms and that they're invisible so you never know when you walk into one...

  56. But before the change, that item granted vision of champions for 5 seconds on basic attack. I recommended this item on adcs when playing against an Akali in Dominion which granted us victory 98% of matches. This time, that passive was changed lol. So I guess now you have to aim the stealth-detecting mist right where twilight shroud is.

  57. The map is small and the passages are super small, you put 1 shrooms in each and you win the game.

  58. God damn, they really don't want us having any sight in 3's. I feel like it's only a matter of time before mist is gone.

  59. so can nidalee... and she's uncatchable

  60. Do you remember me Karma? I live near you at the unused Champtions home.

  61. Who are you? o.o The last time I was on the Fields of Justice, there were no purple, angry women running about.

    I would love to dismantle those gauntlets though; they look like they could use a few adjustments.

  62. No Heimerdinger buffs? So sad :(

  63. That's what Ezreal hinted at in his thread. He said that they would probably "port" it over eventually to Hextech Sweeper.

  64. Why not get red buff for the ability to stick? I'm not sure why people are all "I CAN'T USE BEAR STANCE I'M JUNGLING D:" yes well, because you're jungling, you should have red buff.

  65. I'm thinking late January. Better late than never though.

  66. I'm assuming bits and pieces for a later update. Riot seems to be fond of shipping updates in pieces.

  67. Let me remind you about the Lunar Revel, man :)

  68. Oracles everywhere didn't make him extremly up, so one "next-oracle" cannot be that toxic for teemo.

  69. Udyr has less utility and is much less viable than Nocturne. Not even comparable.

  70. People still tiger jungle? ....

  71. Yes hunny, I know all. Remember when you used to be OP? hahaha, look at you you, how the mighty have fallen -_-

  72. Ahh, the days of three turrets before the descent of the nerf-hammer.

    But look at yourself, Morello and the meta left you behind without so much as a profile pic. Not all hope is lost though, my sensors have detected an extradimensional being referred to as the "Guinsooooo" which seems to have taken interest in your plight.

  73. You can see it, but it doesn't mean you can avoid it. And he can also use it in the middle of team fights.

  74. If your fine with gutting your clear time i guess...

  75. Who specifically? How is this different from all of the other majority of champs with hard cc? Udyr is an amazing jungler, and now he can afford more dmg, maybe an early phage or bilge water cutlass for ranged slow. His big problem is lane phase, but even then i see many people pull it off-that seem to know exactly what they are doing.

  76. Junglers with this problem often use exhaust. With an extra point spec'd in it also reduces armor and mr. Yes it has a timer but it helps for early advantage. Also Udyr can tank better than Noc (I think..) so if he goes for a simple gank, and the other jungler shows up, catching the lane by surprise, udyr can double stun and block/defend/tank for the fight, while putting out AoE dmg.

  77. and i think that next patch.
    No, *hope.

  78. French Maid NidaleeJanuary 3, 2013 at 2:53 PM

    I know dat feel.

  79. From what I can gather, in the S3 jungle Tiger Stance jungling is just as fast if not faster than Pheonix Stance. Also, Pheonix Stance is limited to using Machete, while Tiger Stance has been shown to work effectively with Machete, Doran's Ring and with a good 'leash' even Longsword and pots.

  80. Couldn't have said it any better myself

  81. Ha! Eat it Teemo scrub!!!

  82. After the jungle changes, he might be tiger in the jungle now. So...hurahh (sounds better in my head) he got some indirect buffs

  83. However, you cannot buy Oracles on Dominion, so your point is invalid. If you are playing a Champion that can more or less use the stats, then Lightbringer will be the ultimate Teemo counter.

  84. Not that TT is a huge thing but what was the point of making teemo obsolete on it now?

  85. While on dusk trail, which lasts 5 seconds, Nocturne ignores unit collision and gains 15/20/25/30/35% Movement Speed. It's also the spell he maxes first. He can also get within 425 range and cast unspeakable horror, which if he can stick within that range, will fear them. Nocturne can also spell shield 1 possible spell/slow/cc. And if that all fails, his ult is a jump.

    Udyr gains 15/18/21/24/27% increased Movement Speed for 2/2.5/3/3.5/4 seconds with bear stance. You don't max bear stance first. Udyr has to get within 125 range and hit them with an auto attack to stun them.

    Yeah, he's lacking. In terms of speed, duration, and range.

  86. I agree. I feel they should just simply add a few seconds of ghosting after casting bear stance. This would get rid of horrible pathing during a lane gank and overall improve his play without making him op.

  87. Less "viable" in what? Do you even know what the word 'viable' means in league? You can't just say something like "it's not viable because a pro said it sucked" or "it's not viable because no one plays it in solo queue". Udyr is completely viable in terms of solo queue and even team play. Less utility for better damage and better tanking. Especially with the new ar/mr buff to udyr's passive, he's much more threatening now.

  88. So, Tear Of The Goddes still +5 mana or 6?

  89. Except that Tiger Udyr now clears faster than Phoenix due to how they changed creep health around, and will be even better with the incoming reduction of creep HP in jungle, further deemphasizing aoe clearing. Add to the fact that your ganking as Tiger is MUCH scarier due to the absurd level of burst it has early game.

  90. Look two posts down...(hp decrease in jungle was leaked after I posted that)

  91. Depends on runes/masteries, I am pretty sure with tiger vs phoenix udyr I can clear my jungle in time to have reached level 4 about the same time you do if we go together jungle and rush it from top to bottom. It should take about 3,5-4 minutes from blue down to stoners and back to wolfs(4 levels).

  92. Nah bro, I just jungled you this morning. <3 Snowmerdinger OP

  93. It's like the best item ever on Sona.

  94. And it makes them less good and brings other champs into viability, something RIOT aimed for with the TT remake.

  95. :o Actually sounds like an good idea didn't test that.

  96. Where did you see more utility on Noc oO ? This guy doesn't seem to have much more than a fear in "utility". I mean, the only thing he does is damage. Well, that's good to get a kill, but the ennemy jungler should show up as well (if he's playing well). And there, Nocturne just doesn't have the stats to tank, while Udyr has these and can use his spammable W to get a shield.

    For the lack of Movement speed, you didn't mention his passive : "Udyr gets 10% bonus Movement Speed for 5 seconds when he casts an ability. This effect stacks up to 3 times." So Udyr has a stun, and a huge Movement speed boost (15/18/21/24/27% + 10%), just with a spammable spell (about 5 seconds cooldown).

    Then, how about the damage ? Well, Tiger Udyr has an insane burst early on, I mean he can do a simple combo : Tiger Stance to gain the proc on an auto-attack and deal 30 + 1,7 AD (at Tiger Stance level 1), plus the Attack Speed boost, plus the 10% Movement Speed, and the Bear Stance to catch the ennemy, gain the 10% Movement Speed from the passive again and the Movement Speed boost from the Stance. Then you normally hit the ennemy to deal the damage from Tiger (the proc stays) and you can cast your Tiger 2/3 seconds later. You can also use the Phoenix to gain bonus AD and Movement Speed, that goes well with the Tiger.

    Udyr deals as much damage early on, and tanks better at every level.

    Tell me again that Nocturne has more utility now :D

  97. ocelote neds buff

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