1/3 PBE Update: Lee Sin, Blitzcrank, and Amumu nerfs. More Tweaks to Jungle

Edit: Added information about the changes to the speed shrine on the Twisted Treeline.

The PBE has received another balance oriented updated!
Continue reading for the latest set of PBE changes, including more changes for the small Jungle creeps, nerfs for Lee Sin, Amumu, and Blitz, and a change to the Twist Treeline's speed shrine.

( Reminder: PBE Content is tentative and subject to change. These numbers and changes are not set in stone. PLEASE HEED THIS WARNING FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS TEEMO. )

Twisted Treeline's Speed Shrine Changes
The shrine in the middle of the Twisted Treeline now generates out a health relic that restores HP, Mana/Energy, and grants a speed boost. The shrine no longer grants movement speed unless you pick up the relic.

Spawns at initially 1:55 and respawns roughly every minute and a half ( estimate ). It is also visible from the mini map.
RiotNome has already commented on this change, saying
"Trying it out as a replacement for the Speed Shrine. May or may not eventually have a jungle mob spawn at Vilemaw's position as well (until Vilemaw spawns). Speed Shrine had to go though"

Jungle Monster HP Changed Again
Here are the most recent alterations to the HP values of the small jungle creeps and a few new changes to the bigger creeps. These changes are relative to the previously reduced numbers from the 12/20 update, not the numbers from live.
  • Big Wraith HP increased to  900 from 750
  • Small Wolf HP increased to 200 from 150
  • Big Wolf HP increased to 1000 from 900 
  • Small Lizards at Red buff HP increased to 203 from 153.
  • Small Lizards at Blue buff HP increased to 203 from 153
  • Small Golem at double golems HP increased to 300 from 200.
  • Big Golem at Double Golems HP increased to 1100 from 1000. 

* Edit: Since there is still come confusion, here are the numbers relative to live servers, These are the current differences between PBE values and what they are on live:
  • Big Wraith HP increased to 900 from 750.
  • Small Wraiths  reduced to 150 from 250
  • Small Wolves reduced to 200 from 300 
  • Big Wolf hp increased to 1000 from 900
  • Small Lizards at Red Buff reduced to 203 from 303
  • Small Lizards at Blue Buff reduced to 203 from 303.
  • Small Golem at Double Golems reduced to 300 from 500
  • Big Golem at Double Golems increased to 1100 from 1000.
New Indicator for Varus's Q
There is a now* a second circle displayed, indicating the maximum range, when you charge Varus's Q
Props to redditor T1m3Paradox for pointing this out.
* = I believe this was actually from an earlier PBE update but I didn't notice until now.

Balance stuff
  • Curse of the Sad Mummy now only roots those hit by it instead of rooting them and preventing them from auto attacking.
    *Note: I have personally tested and can confirm you are now able to auto attack while afflicted by Curse of the Sad Mummy.

  • Mana Barrier's cooldown increased to 90 seconds from 60 seconds.

Lee Sin
  • Safeguard no longer refunds half the energy cost if the shield is broken.
  • Iron Will's Life Steal and Spell Vamp increased to 5/10/15/20/25% from 5/9/13/17/21%
  • Iron Will no longer grants bonus armor down from 10/15/20/25/30 armor.

  • Cripple's slow reduced to 20/30/40/50/60% from 30/37.5/45/52.5/60%'

  • Thrill of the Hunt stealth duration now lasts 7 seconds down from 8 seconds. ( Note: Rengar's ult currently lasts FIVE seconds on live but was increased to 8 seconds in the last PBE update. I phrased it as reduced because it is relative to the last pbe update.)

Miss out on the previous updates in this PBE cycle? Fear not!



  2. French Maid NidaleeJanuary 3, 2013 at 6:04 PM

    Karma please.

  3. I'm excited to hear what the next new champ will be, if only because people will stop caring about my Vi.

  4. Pft, Vi got so stupid. It was like when Zed got released - Lots of love and noone using the champ after a few days.

  5. Yeah, I know, I was guilty of doing that to Zed. Now I can't wait to have it happen to Vi, mirror matches suck.

  6. Oh yeah, EVERY SINGLE GAME I play there is at least 1 Lee Sin

  7. French Maid NidaleeJanuary 3, 2013 at 6:10 PM

    It is his free week.

  8. Please don't nerf Lee into the ground. These current changes aren't too gamechanging, but it could happen.

  9. Yes because Lee Sin needs so many nerfs. I'm betting Graves' W is next. They need to take away the slow because two CCs in one ability? Completely unbalanced.

  10. When can i enter and play?

  11. OMG. Amumu ult now snares instead of stuns.... o.o

  12. it's never been a stun.

  13. Are you on PBE right now, because I can't log in

  14. Lee Sin doesn't need this nerfs. WTF?

  15. If people can't log on, that must mean that this is an incomplete patch or some maintenance is going on.

  16. i am overjoyed at every blitz nerf, i so hate that guy

  17. Blitzcrank and his sub 50% win rate. Must nerf. You Americans need to be more like the European scene- those guys are past banning blitz.

  18. I never really understood why Lee Sin could give people bonus armor.

  19. Nobody needs a massive shield every 60 seconds.

  20. why the hp increase on the neutral monsters???

  21. He never did, it was only to himself.

  22. Nobody needs it? They put it on an item so everyone can have it!

  23. Hey guys, I am going to have vacations on a mega brothel in a small island near Ionia, so I wont post in the next 10 days or so. Goodbye.

  24. They should make his grab range increase with the skill levels. I think that would balance him pretty well.

  25. I know that feel broJanuary 3, 2013 at 7:18 PM

    I don't really believe lee sin needed those nerfs, maybe the little tweak on cripple, but not the other stuff, blitz nerf is not that huge, blitz might not be able to be aggresive all the time but that's all.

  26. Been waiting on karma for months :( supposed to come out this month.

  27. Lee sins clear time is already crippled (no pun intended) why more nerfs? Thank god he can still gank and do crazy stuff, or else he'll be in at around tier 3-4.

  28. Why wouldnt you want that? lol

  29. He means they should shorten the range at level 1, and by level 5 have it reach it's max range. It would help mitigate some of his early lane threat at least. Honestly though he can be beaten in lane early just by playing smart, it's when he ruins your late game that causes him to be permabanned.

  30. Rengar nerf? Is this a joke?

  31. "Note: These changes are relative to the numbers from the 12/20 update, not the numbers from live."

    Their health is still significantly lower than it is on live, just not as much as before.

    Comparing to live:
    Small wolf: 300 to 200
    Small lizards: 303 to 203
    Small golems: 500 to 300
    Small wraiths: 250 to 150

  32. Regardless of his actual effectiveness, he's frustrating to play against, you have to be on-edge constantly.

  33. I'll hunt you down later...

  34. But it happens since... ever.
    And everyone that plays him, has a good score.

  35. lol rengar nerfs to the centre of the earth

  36. is this joke with rengar???wtf

  37. Rengar Ult = 1 kill confirmed, even more if you build Sword Of The Divine, they just passed to another champion what used to make Evelynn OP and added that crazy jump that has no fucking cooldown.
    There are champions I don't even notice their passives while playing, in Rengar's case he IS the passive.

  38. good they nerfed in good place leaving his hook alone and nerfing his passive :D

  39. LOL rengar and lee sins nerfs, also buff jungle mobs. Rioty sovsem poeshali

  40. Finally Blitz nerf

  41. Nerf Fiora please riot, why do you expect ADC's to build tanky just to counter her.

  42. LOLOLOL, please read my user name, it's very fitting of you.

  43. lol, you're using the ever so flawed win rate argument (from sites using incomplete data to boot) and saying we should be more like you? yeah no thanks. But yeah, the ironic part is that, every time I join the IRCs of popular streamers from the EU, There's always constant bitching about champions like Blitz and Darius to the point it's so sad. But it's clearly the NA scene that's getting Blitz nerfed, what with your awesome evidence you've used to show your case and all.

    Also, to anyone who genuinely thinks that Lee Sin genuinely doesn't deserve to be nerfed....just read my user name, I made it for you. there's a very good reason Lee Sin is a common first ban at high elo and even tournament level.

    INB4 But lee sin is so hard to play!!!!!1one!1, news flash: no he isn't.

  44. That's one less second rengar has to either bail, kill or die.

  45. I challenge any of you idiots actually defending Lee Sin to justify why Lee Sin doesn't deserve to be nerfed in his current state, please, by all means, why does a Jungler who's so good he's practically in his own tier of junglers, who can also do 2 other roles very well even at tournament level (Top and Mid, if you doubt he can play mid, go ask Froggen how unviable he is mid.) and is laughably listed as a "hard" champion even though some of the most terrible players known to man can pick him up and do good with him.

    Please, do tell, what makes Lee Sin so undeserving of nerfs? he's one of the very few genuinely overpowered champions ingame thats gone under the radar for too long (he has been nerfed, but his last one was months ago, so stop pretending he gets nerfed every patch please, ok cool thanks.)

  46. when i posted this it did not specify that. Thanks for the information tho!


  48. Mumu will be even more sad now :(

  49. Where is Gangplank buff? :(

  50. its a buff. they over buffed him on PBE, its a buff for live as its currently 5sec on live servers

  51. They should insread the base shield strength. That armor removal is harsh >_<

  52. sorry! I should have posted them quicker

  53. over buff him? lol after what they did too him?

  54. Blitzcrank gets nerfed, bottom lane rejoices.

  55. Don't be afraid to get your feet wet.

  56. Rengar's passive is purely dependent on the enemy; you can simply force a fight away from a brush and his passive turns to nothing
    Really, if you're going to build a Sword of the Divine on Rengar, then you might as well play Master Yi because it suits his kit better.

  57. lol, after two long years of gamebreaking dominance, Amumu got a slight nerf. And it almost looks like a bug fix.

  58. wait... i kind of get amumu's nerf though that hits his cc hard... ranged adc's are a threat even within his ult now but i guess it's still just as good for chasing but it's team fight presence got hit hard...

    and lee just lost all of his bonus armor from his W.... how is that balancing him exactly?
    I would at least considering changing the name of the skill if it's designed to heal him and not reduce damage taken but that's just me...

  59. I really excited about all this guys that post comments before read. They can't really get the idea what is "buff" and what is "nerf" and start crying about it. So funny.

  60. I don't get why they would nerf Lee's early game. He falls off late game anyway. All he has to offer late game is a small shield, knock up (hard to use effectively if your opponents aren't lined up, which a decent team will not do) and a MS and AS slow

  61. Locket of Iron Solari gives a rather small shield in comparison to Blitzcranks Mana Shield. Blitzcrank is a very toxic champion and riot is being careful not to nerf him in the wrong places, his Grab is the most toxic ability in the game and riot is keeping it because there would be nothing but complaining for the next 3 months about how blitzcrank isnt fun any more... which is bullshit because Janna's signature tornado got nerfed into the ground, i personally feel riot needs to reduce the range on his grab by 100.

  62. When will this finally reach live?

  63. He meant seraphs engrace

  64. Finally they nerf Lee Sin and Blitz. Lee Sin is way too overpowered, and Blitz's mana barrier always seems to come up at the right time whenever I play against one. :/ DANG BLITZ YA GOT AWAY AGAIN!

  65. Safeguard no longer refunds half the energy cost if the shield is broken.--- was removed in season 1: tool tip was never updated for it.: losing the Armour on iron will will be detrimental to his game play for jungling and laning gaining a insgnificant amout of spellvamp/life steal will not make up for the loss of defense stats

  66. You misspelled needed.

  67. lol had better give Lee Sin More sustain for free. Riot you be trolling. 25% Lifesteal? When Lifesteal costs such a premium now. Soon it'll be Rengar, Cho and Lee Sin top...always. Natural Sustain on Champs is already one of the best top lane qualities.

  68. Quit flopping around Nami.Feet are strange. Like mine.

  69. Awwh, but you're suppose to max Powerfist first. :(

  70. the problem with that is that while it sounds good on paper, in practice it is very confusing for players, especially new ones, to have range and/or speed on abilities change as they level up because. It just doesn't translate well in practice. Ive seen many games make this mistake and most of them eventually fix it.

  71. Why riot just dont let Rengar with an insta stealth? god... 3 seconds is like "wow they are ganking me, I will activate my ult and die in the next three seconds!" Rengar is unviable imo..Old rengar was fkin awesome

  72. Except it is designed to actually hunt people, not just escape. You know, Thrill of the HUNT?

  73. Lol, They won't nerf Kha'Zix :P

  74. Amumu is dead, Ranger is completely gone now , and the jungling Mobs became stronger......how should we jungle now ?!

  75. Dunno if you noticed, but that nerf is a nerf to his current PBE buff. Regardless, he's still being buffed on live, from five seconds to seven. This is a buff...

  76. You're...blind. Read the comments or at least the post more precisely. Amumu is fine, I think you'll find rooting the whole enemy team to still be a fantastic skill. Scared of the ADC? Build armor then. Rengar is being buffed. They're simply nerfing his buff, but he is still being buffed, 5 second ult -> 7 seconds. Jungling mobs have had their changes reverted from a PBE patch. This is NOT a jungle buff. It remains to be a nerf.

  77. Exactly what I thought. They better give him a REAL nerf and not this excuse. Honestly that's more like a buff than a nerf, but hey ... RIOT logic....


  79. Nerf into the ground? We're still about 6 nerfs away from Lee Sin being balanced so chill out you won't loose your lovely OP champ any time soon.

  80. Last time I saw him on top, Mr. Rengar could pretty much jump from the top bush down to the cliff next to the river... a.k.a. across the entire bloody lane.

  81. but.. Noxus will rise.. oh well.. it can wait..

  82. It works for Tristana. lol

  83. EXACTLY! they should rename the Ult after this patch to: "Curse of the VERY SAD Mummy." or "Curse of the even sader Mummy." or just "Curse of the QQ QQ QQ Mummy."

  84. Never nerf Sejuani, dude! No with her last buff!
    Riot please XD

  85. Hey, you have a point there, sir. I'm not a Lee Sin player, maybe I use him like 2 or 3 times a month, and i consider him OP, but the shield is, indeed, too low. That would be a nice idea after the armor nerf he's getting.

  86. Can you hear yourself, you just said the FACT that he has 2 CC on 1 ability that they deemed may be over powered and decided to chance, is completely unbalanced, dafuq man. Lee Sin is a complete all rounder, its about time he was set a more balanced role of Bruise / Jungle, right now he can technically fit any role simply because he is energy based, thus never runs out, Bruiser stats thus can output damage and tank this up a bit, gap-closing ability that also does percentage, and it aint small %, 8% of missing health on all ranks is devastating even to tankers like Mundo and Singed, especially when you can do this every 7 seconds at rank 5 with 0 CDR, Q can also be used as a long-range poke to farm easy.
    His W is another closer that gives him and an ally a shield, that refreshes some of his energy when broken, meaning 25 energy insta, this also gives him SpellVamp and LifeSteal AND armor; E is AoE, that can also cripple AND reveal, and then he can Knockback with ult that can hit technically multiple targets. Thats not even mentioning his passive that gives him ATS and energy refund.

    ffs the champ has too much on him, so never say that he is underpowered because there is no champ as op as he is.

  87. at least we may see him more in ranked i guess, people might make the mistake of thinking this will make him unviable :p

  88. why nerf Kha'Zix?? he has terrible popularity and his win-rate is below 50%, the math says he is either balanced or under-balanced

  89. The grab needs to be more precise but have increased range at level 4 +(10) and 5 +(30) That would balance him imo. Because most of the grabs should just be missers but amazingly enough they always seem to hit in the most retarded hooks ever.

  90. actually is +2 seconds from the live version instead of +3, so yeah, its a buff

  91. old rengar was OP, its 'thrill of the hunt' not 'run away with my tail between my legs' although 3 seconds is a bit long, perhaps 2 may be more sensible, fiddles ult channel is 2 for instance. New rengar will have longer stealth time, heal will be level based and damage will be smoothened to less early and even more in late. he will become viable when they finish with him, trust me

  92. If you have played against a safe guarding lee sin, youll understand how much the skill itself is pretty strong because of a follow up life steal as well as damage mitigation. With the nerf, the shield is easier to take down, and it no longer refreshes energy. It will starve people who will go with W first just to be a bully.

    an extra 4% on MAX ranked safeguard/ironwill doesnt mean anything if 30 armor isn't there to reduce the damage, let alone refund energy if the shield breaks.

  93. Buff Diana ulti range ffs, not even fun to play her anymore.

  94. Riot use Nerf Lee Sin....riot disobbeyed and used buff lee sin

  95. V1.0.0.139:

    Safeguard: cooldown increased to 9 seconds from 8.

    Iron Will: life steal and spell vamp reduced to 5/9/13/17/21% from 5/10/15/20/25%.


    Sonic Wave base damage increased to 50/80/110/140/170 from 45/75/105/135/165 (Hotfixed 2/21 due to an unintended nerf in the Nautilus patch).

    February 21, 2012 Hotfix:

    Sonic Wave base damage increased to 50/80/110/140/170 from 45/75/105/135/165.

    these are the last 3 changes to lee sin since FEB 21 2012, so yeah, your so-called nerfs dont exist really, 1 second on safeguard aint a nerf, its an adjustment, lifesteal and spellvamp decreased because that was the time they decreased that throughout the whole game and the rest are adjustments leaning towards buffs. you can check it out yourself here, he hasn't been actually nerfed for a year.

    http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Lee_Sin/Background - just scroll down to patch history

  96. she is not ADC, she is a bruiser, get with the meta man! ADC are only ranged champs now, the only exception to this rule is trynda, but would you ever want to take trynda bot against a ranged ADC :P

  97. you forget he can snowball, cripple & reveal, deal percentage damage thus can take on heavies no matter how shit he plays, can separate a target from a group with ult and also prevent certain ults like katarina wilth it, also his shield can save you from certain deaths like cait ult or ignite if its been upgraded accordingly. so hmm, really falls off late ey?

  98. Well, he is going mid nowadays where he is dominating the universe.

  99. calm your tits fool, this doesn't kill him off, just means he can't nonchalantly walk in, ult and the enemy team dies because of his ult, too many times do i see an Amumu play with a Kat, and its painful

  100. it wont change the fact that your team will most probably get a kill when he ults, it just means that he will have to place it more carefully and it means allies with 2 boxes of health cant sit around and kill shit when Amumu ults, this also clears up his position, because his ult was a stun, people would sometimes build him full AP, making him do crazy amounts of damage, with this he will have to prioritize better, damage or tanky.

    Lee Sin has been the top of the scene for too long, his track record has him placed with one of the highest win-ratios, for the longest time and he is the number one champ summoners have complained about, even more than darius and teemo. He was bound to get a nerf by now.

  101. the spellvamp and lifesteal are a return from the last patch, the rest are nerfs

  102. no champ until near the end of this month, riot said this early december

  103. I'm waiting for karma please.

  104. Huh. Lee Sin nerfs.

    Bet he didn't see that coming.

  105. And suddenly Amumu was no longer OP.


  107. Totally agree with this nerfs.. Blitzcrank mana barrier had such a low cooldown.. Leesin one's pretty standard.. except the armor reduction to 0. Amumu ulti shouldnt stop basic attacks, its just a root like Zyra's one.

  108. You can use my new patented SENSOR O' ILL WILL to aid your search, Lady in Black.

  109. lee sin nerf ? wtf his shield was the only good thing i liked at him and u nerf it? how i suppose ti fight 1vs1 now?

  110. weeeeeell. Amumus nerf to his ult was needed, since his one button changes everything, but he should be compensated in other aspects. personally I think his E should slow auto attacks. He is weak without his ulti, but too strong with it. at least they're nerfing him in all the right places now instead of AP ratios.

    Lee sin felt strong this season, but I can't tell why, so I'm guessing it's the same reason all the AD casters are doing so well: the penetration change (although I've seen mostly tank(y) builds). As to pro players mentioning he is OP: They're players with opinions like everyone else and I see some of them picking items out of habits or having strangely justified quirks, through which they win despite of, not because of. Some of them are top players because they know how to play, though not how to theory craft and vice versa.

  111. With 25% Life Steal and Spell Vamp ...
    And the shield still there ... They removed the bonus armor.

  112. * Edit: Since there is still come confusion, here are the numbers relative to live servers, These are the current differences between PBE values and what they are on live:

    Small Wraiths reduced to 150 from 250
    Small Wolves reduced to 200 from 300
    Small Lizards at Red Buff reduced to 203 from 303
    Small Lizards at Blue Buff reduced to 203 from 303.
    Small Golem at Double Golems reduced to 300 from 500

  113. It's never fun to play these assassins champions, Katarina, Akali, Diana.

    This "jump" skills destroy the game ^^

  114. well i don't see his nerf is big , the armor remove is not that big nerf.
    And the refund thing is a decoration.

  115. Some were doing that from before , kha mid is same as panth,talon,xin mid.
    Actually any assassin can go mid , because mid is about the burst.
    If they would nerf kha then they should nerf every bursty champion.

  116. Totally not Lee Sin.January 4, 2013 at 7:11 AM

    Lmao. Have Lee Sin free week, everyone cries about him being OP all of the sudden.

  117. At low ELO maybe where people still play like Season 1 & 2. Maxing Q nowadays is a must on blitzcrank to reduce the cooldown drasticly on Q, more important than being able to fist more

  118. and for it to be logical smoke takes your vision not your speed if you plan to run xD.

  119. Facebook quote:
    Christopher Allen It'd be cool if there were three relics in a vertical line, with a short debuff so that one character can't pick up three in a row. That way, they would be used pretty actively for team's charging the enemy and reward teamwork and aggression, which is the entire point of the Twisted Treeline.

  120. I play Lee Sin as support. They should at least give him a higher ap ratio for the shield and an ap ratio for the missing health on his Q.

  121. Well, if you would play draft/ranked u will see max. 1 Lee Sin, and you can ban him ;)

  122. Suggestion for this post: The "Cripple's slow reduced to 20/30/40/50/60% from 30/37.5/45/52.5/60%" factoid about Lee Sin change should be moved ABOVE the picture as opposed to below - It's easy to miss. Just a thought.

  123. You're behind. Last week he's been dominating Summoners Rift. 100-0ing champions in half a second and such stuff. No, I did not have no armor, no my armor was not reduced by any means, no I was not underfed (more likely overfed).

  124. Buy Rylais. Now every ability with damage and a cc apart from slow has 2 ccs and is therefor OP. Or play Cho'gath/Diana/Draven/Heimerdinger/LeBlanc/Lulu/Maokai/Morgana/Nami/Nautilus/Poppy/Rengar/Sejuani/Syndra/Trundle/Tryndamere/Urgot/Varus/Vayne/Vi/Viktor and be OP too.

    Hm... I like how most of the champions that are seen as utter sh*t have 2 ccs in one ability (LeBlanc, Poppy, Rengar, Sejuani, Syndra, Trundle, Tryndamere, Urgot, Viktor)...

  125. Stop posting updates compared to the last PBE build. Just post them relative to live each time.

  126. RIP Lee?


    Don't make me laugh. He loses 30 armor (that has never been the reason to use the skill) and a minor slow early, in exchange for some life steal, and then it's RIP Lee?

    You'd better play a game that isn't updated with minors nerfs or buffs to balance champions, as you think FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR too important about them. I advice Tetris.

  127. You do know there is an internal test realm where nerfs and buffs come first before they come to the PBE, right?

  128. He still has a big AoE that makes people unable to move for 1.5 or 2 seconds, and that is instant.

  129. im not against nerfing blitz's passive, my guess is that it will stop blitz's from rushing early mana items. 90 seems kinda long. It would be nice if they were to jigger with the mechanics a little and apply cdr items to passive cd's longer than like 10 seconds or so. would help with balance changes

  130. It has already been buffed on the PBE. Don't forget that above changes are relative to other what was already on the PBE.

    Also assasin champions are normally quite fun.

  131. Amumu's ultimate now is now only an AoE Morgana Q that normally gets at least four enemies. He is now UP.

    Rengar is buffed on the PBE compared to live.

    Jungle mobs are nerfed on the PBE compared to live.

    Surely we can't jungle anymore...

  132. Maybe he got fed and got 14 stacks on his neckklace, as that increases his jump size by quite a lot.

  133. lee sin useless now... where is vi nerf?

  134. Graves' W has pretty high manacost and its totally not op

  135. Finally some nerf to amumu and lee.

  136. You could say the same with my shroud...
    It's fear.

  137. That logic is flawed....
    Rylai's costs 3000-ish... gold...

  138. you destroyed me o.o

  139. That's what an assassin does.
    If an assassin couldn't 100-0 champions extremely quickly, you may as well just play a sustained damage char.
    Assassins will go mid because they can compete with AP mids and become mini-veigars.
    Akali mid when she hits level 6 should usually get fed off of her mid opponent because they'll be squishy

  140. I wonder if the adjustment to Amumu's ult will cause him to be feared less? Probably not, but to able to at least defend yourself while rooted is certainly an improvement.

  141. You know what? I'm not even that upset with Amumu nerfs. This just means more tantrum

  142. You just went full retard, never go full retard.

  143. Shh. I'm charging my lazer.

  144. Yes. Well, not the Rengar buffed and jungle mobs nerfed parts.

  145. Luckily Rylai's wasn't the only thing of my post. If you better like reading it with the Rylai's part that's also ok. I feel like I still destroyed his argument of 2 ccs on one ability = OP, as that list in the end surely doesn't consist of OP champions, yet they all have 2 ccs in one ability.

  146. Well, it should maybe be mentioned we were about 3 seconds in a teamfight, and he was running away with about 200 health. I had about 1900 hp, and a total of about 125 armor. Before I could use Meditate or Zhonya's Hourglass I was dead.

  147. Rengar The PrideStalkerJanuary 4, 2013 at 11:18 AM

    Finally 7 sec in my ulti :D

  148. Ok.
    *hides behind turrets*

  149. make le blanc's Q to a trick shot, instead of just target shot.

  150. Lee Sin is designed to be able to fit any role. Even by Riot's description of him. He is actually considered to be an assassin and can fill the role of bruiser, jungler, tank etc. The flip side is he is a very high skill champ to master and you need to know how and what to build for the team and comp you are up against. I love the fact he can fill so many roles and isn't just a face role champ like so many others.

  151. (^_^) Such destruction only happens once every blue moon. Anyway, you learnt your lesson to read a lil' bit more carefully, right? :D

  152. I learnt my lesson but nerfing the buffs are nerfs though :o

  153. Then he'll be a bit too much like pudge from dota 2

  154. They nerf blitzcrank where he isnt suposted to get nerfed lol ofc hes designed by guinsoo right riot? and lee nerf again are u kidding me?

  155. Chupense una pija!,,, come back rengar!

  156. well i want to change my opinion , nerf him :/ the dmg he does slower
    than LB burst but he has lower cd = more dmg output and more aoe +

  157. What.The.Hell. Why would they ever do that? LB has a terrible late game and not even a good early game if you play passively against her. There's no reason to nerf her.

  158. Uuuuh how would nerfing Amumu's ult make him a less competent jungler? You don't use his ult on jungle camps...

  159. http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/3sfsjx/

  160. This is a buff, his ult is 5 secs live, now it's 7 on PBE.

  161. Well, early game she is good, she can kill people under the turret and leave easly.
    And late game she has mobility, silence and stun ^^

  162. You missed the nerf to Rengar's ult I believe, the delay reads 3 seconds now, up from 1 second.

  163. Think of it as "uncertain and cautious balancing". For instance, I don't think they want Rengar to become too strong on live, so they're treading eeeeeever so carefully with his buffs. And logically they're still rebalancing the new jungle in this preseason stage. Buffs no matter what they are are still good though! :D

  164. I'm just so popular, deal with it.

  165. Who invited you? Has Irelia heard of this?

  166. Someone who understands.

  167. Lee sin nerfs are you kidding me LOL. and those are some pretty big nerfs too wtf riot. Meanwhile khazix is raping everything mid lane and 100-> 0 malphites instantly. BALANCED

  168. If they nerf me to the grolund no one will play me.... and if no one plays me.... OH GOD PLEASE RIOT I DON'T WANNA BE REMADE.
