1/8 PBE Update: Aether Wing Kayle

Remember that voice over for a "Metal Winged" Kayle skin in yesterday's update? Well the PBE has been updated and AETHERWING KAYLE was stuffed in there!!!
Continue reading for a closer look at this new Kayle skin and a hearty batch of balance changes.

( Warning: PBE content is highly tentative and subject to change! Some of this information may have been datamined and could likely be erroneous. )

New Kayle Skin
Aether Wing Kayle

Her Righteous Fury  gives her a sweet laser sword.
Here is a video preview of the extensive set of this skin's new animations, particles, voice over, and more. 

This amount of effort and new effects is normally indicative of the Legendary, or 1820 RP, price point. Not confirmed; just a good guess!

Balance Changes
Note: These changes are relative to the last set of PBE changes.


  • Molten Shield's ( E ) duration decreased to 5 seconds from 6 seconds

  • Gatling Gun's ( E ) mana cost reduced to 60/65/70/75/80 from 60/70/80/90/100.

  • Hate Spike's ( Q ) AP and AD ratio increased to .45 AP and .45 AD from .40 AP and .40 AP ( This is now back to what it is on live servers )
  • Agony's Embrace ( R ) cooldown increased to 160/120/80 from 120/90/60.
  • Agony's Embrace ( R ) changed to % of Current health from % of Max Health

  • Sinister Steel's ( W ) bonus movement speed reduced to 15/20/25/30/35 from 12/20/28/36/44%
  • Base Movement speed reduced to 345 from 350.

  • Soul Shackles ( R )  duration reduced to 1.5 at all ranks from 1.75

  • Overload's ( Q ) maximum mana coefficient increased to 6.5% from 5.5%

  • Rune Prison's ( W ) maximum mana coefficient reduced to 4.5% from 5%

  •  Lantern Toss's ally shield duration reduced to 4 seconds from 6 seconds.
  • The Box ( R ) damage increased to 250/400/550 from 250/400/450.
  • Keeper of Souls ( Passive ) no longer grants bonus Magic Resist. ( This is currently only in the tool tip and he STILL gets MR from souls. Not sure what is intended )


Banner of Command
  • Bonus AP reduced to 40 from 50.
  • Now Grants 10% cooldown reduction
Banshee's Veil
  • Cost increased to 2610 from 2500
  • Health increased to 400 from 300

Last Whisper
  • Cost decreased to 2300 from 2400

Liandry's Torment
  • AP reduced to 60 to 70.
  • Health increased to 300 from 200.

Twin Shadows
  • AP reduced to 40 from 50
  • Magic Resist increased to 40 from 30
  • Movement speed increased to 6% from 5%

Will of the Ancients
  • Total cost increased to 2115 from 2065
  • Now builds out of a Kage's Lucky Pick  and a Hextech Revolver instead of a Hextech Revolver and an Blasting Wand.

Miss out on the previous updates in this PBE cycle? Fear not!


  1. O gee, another PBE update! o u o!

  2. #XERATHneedsmorerange2013

  3. Only one day, and we already get a Thresh new update!

  4. they did mention that version was already behind their internal version by a build or so

  5. I remember that. Hopefully he'll be up to date and tooltips will be correct.

  6. Threads Nerfs/Buffs? Kayle skin? Hope so...

  7. INB4 they leak a new Teemo skin.

  8. I have no update. Whats wrong with you, guys?

  9. Cross fingers* Karma update be here!

  10. This new kayle skin will probably have some great particles.

  11. The wings looks strangely familiar to Hextech Anivia's wings :O

  12. Such a mockery...Tell me, do you want it slow and painful or vice versa.

  13. Her wings are going to look amazing!

  14. My favorite part was when they strapped (Hextech) Anivia's wings onto Kayle's body. :|

  15. Ahri skin or Shyvana please ;__;

  16. Reminds me of angels in darksiders... sort of

  17. They just can't make up their mind on Ryze, can they?

  18. Dance : Night of fire *o*

  19. Kayle's dance looks like the Para Para - Night of Fire dance patterns lol

  20. I keep thinking she just ripped off Hextech Anivia's wings and wore them, either way its looking awesome!

  21. Ah, how does SkinSpotlights already play the skin :(

  22. Stop nerfing my precious Morgana! Q_Q

  23. Moobeat, the Box wasn't increased in damage, it was only a tool tip error, the damage is the same as it was before.

  24. They should adjust Kayle's model to the females with upgraded models. It's strange seeing her stand next to Kat (Kayle is so tiny!).

  25. Uriel from Darksiders 1.

  26. Morg's ult currently stuns for 1.75/1.75/1.75, not what is posted. So it's nerfed to 1.5 at all ranks? hmm

  27. Oooffff! Low blow to Evelynn.

  28. Contrary to the tooltip, Thresh's passive still grants him MR and he still doesn't get MR per level. Also, this may be old(or not) but his passive caps at 255 souls

  29. The CD augmentation was deserved, but that Current health...

  30. I think it was a shot in the right direction. But she was already a bit on the powerful side, so I don't think it was necessary.

  31. Thanks. I'll update the previous PBE post to saw it was a tool tip error

  32. That is going to be removed it was a bug. you can stack infinite souls.

  33. I'll note it. I haven't checked the passive cap but CertainlyT has confirmed it will ( eventually) be infinite.

  34. Oh.. didn't know that, i just played a game and it capped at 255 thats why xP

  35. Eve's ult dealing percent of max hp was what really helped Eve to take advantage of her stealth an burst champs down (usually with a DFG in addition) and added a nice team fight presence/ finisher to any team comp. I really hope this change does not go live as it could really affect her team fight abilities and abilities vs high hp regen champs/ tanks.

  36. Damn Riot, say karma will be for this month and not even a new skin leak is on the PBE :T

  37. Thresh's passive no longer gives magic resist?
    *sigh* and I had such high hopes for him. He must have done tons of damage

  38. Double check Katarina bonus MS please. Does she actually gain 15/20/25/30/45 from 12/20/28/36/44% or do you mean to of said 15/20/25/30/35 from 12/20/28/36/44%

  39. Umm, you might want to fix the move speed on sinister steel to 15/20/25/30/35 instead of 45. I guess its a typo, and that from level 4 to 5 it doesnt really go up +15%

  40. Damn, dude, i was writing that AT THE SAME TIME you did! GEEEz

  41. And is it actual flat move speed you gain, or does it stay as % of move speed?

  42. Would love to see her 'e' at 2.5 AS

  43. OMFG!!!! FINALLY!! I have 10000 RP waiting For Her Hope it is realease soonn

  44. Scumbag Riot, BUFF annie, not nerf her ¬¬
    Increase range, or do something to make her less reliable on flash ¬¬

  45. Sure give the guy more mana coefficient. The horrors....

  46. They said they'll announce by the end of the month if everything goes smooth

  47. Not my Evelynn, the cooldown nerf was well deserved, but really Riot CURRENT HEALTH? :'(

  48. It's back to Live values. Basically, it looks like his E is just getting an AP ratio buff.

  49. They should make her wings glow when she increases her own movement speed with W. And like it shoots out stuff




  50. reminds me of the angels in darksiders

  51. My Eve. I'll still tango with her... no matter what.

    But as many have already said: Increased Ulti Cooldown was expected and fair, but the Current Health really isn't fair. :(

  52. They'd better make Zergana then, or I will have my revenge.

  53. Pretty fancy looking even without particles, but yeah you're prob right ^^

  54. so will of the Ancients has lower ap now? cause kages lucky pic is 25ap and Blasting wand is 40ap...

  55. Night of Fire dance from kayle... I need this now.

  56. Those nerfs will surely hurt ganker/ roamer Evelynn even if I was expected that CD increase.

  57. At least not with something to make up for it.

  58. Nobody plays Morg? Better nerf her even more. :S

  59. It may be confusing, but these changes are compared to the pbe patch before this, meaning she got buffed, and then re adjusted. It will still be a buff when compared to live annie.

  60. Eve is too good right now. She has global map pressure anytime she isn't visible or seen recalling. She forces the use of pink wards, which are very expensive and early on can cripple combat potential. In recent scrimmages I've seen her literally gank her own lane by swinging around the back of someone pushing to counteract her roaming with the jungler pretending to take farm in her place.
    She dos a whole lot, and really well. This is a rather soft hit from the nerf bat.

  61. About the WotA change, It was made out of 'Blasting Wand', not 'Amplifying Tomb'.

  62. I don't think the should have nerfed the MR on Thresh. his damage and ratios aren't that good, and his tankiness is what I think would help him win fights buy attrition. Haven't tested him yet, so we'll see.

  63. Why nerf the AP on Liandry and Twin Shadows!? u.u

  64. Actually not a really worth legendary skin but k :) it look nice

  65. Hextech Anivia's human form?

  66. so is it lower ap or the same? cause blasting ward is 40ap and kages is 25ap

  67. What is with all of the nerfs on eve!?!

  68. League of Cho'gath nerfs mia

  69. uhhh you made Thresh sound even creepier than he already is.... -__-

  70. well that was certainly way better looking than i expected
    reminds me of hextech anivia and baten kaitos

  71. Well they said they would TRY to have her ready for mid January...Which we're not quite there yet. If they don't, she should be ready in February at least :P

  72. Both got skins recently though. Foxfire and Darkflame.

  73. Marine Graves? stimpack E

  74. http://blogs.detroitnews.com/geekwatch/files/Darksiders_II_OnlineReview_Uriel.jpg?9d7bd4

  75. For me the current health deserve too , aoe max health is not a good idea imo , and after all you can do the same damage still by casting it on full hp enemy aka TF starter.

  76. Where is the Steel Legion Lux one? ): I've been so excited for it

  77. Well I dont know what you see, but I see a woman with wings who looks completely different from Kayle.

  78. Anyone recognize Aether Wing Kayle's dance yet? Look a tad like Superman by Norazo to me, but I'm not sure.

  79. A 10 second version of Jayce's AS buff? I'm pretty sure that's a terrible idea. She'd never have to buy attack speed as a stat. Just get 40% CDR and now Kayle has 2.5AS permanently.

  80. he means what it would look like if she had 2.5 not if her E gave her 2.5 attack speed

  81. Yeah I highly doubt that's what he meant bro.....
    I think he just meant that he would like to see what it looks like on a Kayle that -has- 2,5 AS.

  82. kata nerf totally undesired, the MS is her main attribute that makes her poke viable. I hope it doesnt make it to live

  83. Ah, well, that's completely different.


  85. omg now eveylnn ulti = just slow without damage just a little bit thanks riot and keep other champions more op -.- !

  86. yea really really isn't fair eve is one of my fav champs and they really messed up with her

  87. I am waiting for Hi-Tech Blitzcrank for a looooooooooooooooooooooooong time.Cmon Riot.Do it.And do it legendary.I dont like the other legendary for Blitzcrank.I want NEW sounds.

  88. well i saw the name "Karma_...." very often while i was patching :P

  89. We already have Cho, the biggest Zergling i've ever seen.
    Imagine a zergling rush made all of Cho Gat's with 6 ult stacks XD

  90. Riot: "Evelynn does too much AoE damage. She needs her damage reduced."

    Riot: "Katarina does too much AoE damage. She needs her Movement Speed reduced by a tiny amount."

    Me: *sigh*

  91. Anyone else notice the WOTA price is wrong since he has an amp tome?

  92. Blade Mistress Morgana.

  93. she looks like a protoss
    tbh that's not really legendary material
    more like a 1350 skin like kha zix or dragon trainer lulu

  94. anyone know anything of dark harvester viktor?

  95. Riot removed both skins of Karma, let us Hope that the Update is upon us :p

  96. It it's current health they need to add a base damage.

  97. There is nothing "soft" about maximum to current. You can't kill someone with a current health scaling.

  98. Now I'm a massive kayle fan, She's literally my favorite character aswell.
    >New kayle skin > I came.

  99. brah, ever heard of Blade Mistress Morgana?

  100. This just made Blade Mistress Morgana look silly lol...

  101. wtf have they done to Eve :| Current health ? This epic nerf....

  102. I guess it's because it's supposed to be a support item; lower AP, but higher movement speed and MR.
    Same for Banner of Command, lower AP but now 10% CDR.

  103. Current Health % is just like that magic from Final Fantasy X, in one of the first enemies, he can attack you forever but you will never die.
    In LoL if someone has 100 HP, if you ulti to kill him , because he's out of range and you will only hit 20, Oh, no, even less, because it's fucking magic damage and MR can reduce it even more.

  104. This Kayle looks like angels from Darksiders

  105. Wow that evelynn nerf hurts her ult a lot...
    How is she supposed to be an assassin if her ult can't kill anymore because it's percentage of current health now...? I don't care for the cdr but they should really change her ult damage back...

    And I don't even use kayle that much but I want that skin anyway...

  106. Wow that Kyle skin looks just like the angles in darksiders....maybe some influence?

  107. Because she is fairly OP at the moment. Dat damage O.o

  108. If someone has 100 HP you can't use the ultimate to last hit him if you're out of range, you will deam 20 damage or less because it's Magic Damage, not True Damage and will be reduced even more by Magic Resist.

  109. WotA's cost is 2500 on live, so its new cost on the PBE has to be 2550. In the picture, you already have an Amp Tome, which throws off the cost.

  110. And she is not a TF Starter, she is an assassin, she is squishy, not a bruiser, just like Katarina, Akali, etc.

  111. Well, I play her a lot, even if she can gank at low lvls she does nothing but low damage, the ganked people just need to not push the whole lane and she will not have time to deal damage necessary to kill.

    She has no CS except for Slow on ULTIMATE.

    And Pink Wards destroy her ganks, if a support don't buy pink wards to destroy the other team wards and make sure that their jungle can gank, he is a noob support...

    For the top lane, Pink Ward costs +50 gold compared to Green Wards, if you kill 2-3 minions you're done ...

    With Current Health Ultimate she will deal almost no damage because as an Assassin/Squishy, she is supposed to wait for the start of the Team Fight, then jump in, or she will die easly and when she gets to the fight the enemies will be like 3/4 or 2/4 of their health, AND the damage of the ultimate is MAGIC DAMAGE, not TRE DAMAGE, meaning it will be even more reduced by Magic Resist.

  112. Extra gold for Mordekaiser. Hue hue hue hue

  113. Kha´Zix is a Zerg as well

  114. She has Easy-Target spells and Burst people to death.
    She is recommended champion because she is EASY to play, her Range is short because of that, she can kill in 1 combo.
    Same for Ryze, he can't kill in 1 combo, he can poke people by just pressing on them and leave while their snared.

  115. Same for Will of The Ancients too, now being built out of Kage's.

  116. where is karma rework ! ? ! ? !

  117. Just a small note, on the morg ult, it's ONLY a tooltip fix. the stun duration has already been reduced on live.

    Source: http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?p=33253512#33253512

  118. Soft compared to others who were nerfed based on prevalence. Urgot, Vladamir, etc.

  119. This skin reminds me of Neon Genesis Evangelion.

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  122. There's riot for ya. although they have done some reasonable things that people seem to forget about.

  123. Morg's change isn't a nerf guys. They FINALLY changed the tooltip to match the patch notes from like 6 months ago when they changed her ult the first time from 1/1.5/2 seconds to a flat 1.5 across the board.

  124. Urgot is pretty much trash tier by now. He's terribly clunky and easily outdone by roughly every new champion who has more dashes than braincells <.<

  125. only Tresh and kayle skin its coming?SkinSpotlights?No other skins?:( i dont like Tresh and Kayle skin i want more:(( so its dont coming in next patch more skins?

  126. Yay, Ryze buffs. The nerf to the W doesn't matter as much. I really like the changes to Hextech revolver even with the cost increase.

  127. The new skin is cool and all, but still no me? We await our time...

  128. Kayle skin may be 1350 or so, not sure. Btw does anyone think Eve got way overnerfed, she just needed some late game cd nerfs or possibly some scaling nerfs, the ult change is ridiculous

  129. I feel like she got way overnerfed, but my friends who feed Eves feel it's justified.

    It kinda feels like between the scaling being cut in half, the ult cooldown going up by 33%, and the damage going from maximum health to current helth, her ult's lost a lot of interesting uses. Now it's just a "derp derp fite engagor" rather than "objective stealing for clever people" or "ranged finisher if you do your maths right".

    It's gone from being a ranged AoE DFG active with a slow to being a ranged AoE Madreds with a higher cooldown. That's the part that confuses me. Now not only is it only very good in one situation, it's only usable in that one situation 33% less often.

  130. My wallet... I can't feel it...

  131. looks like seraphim from sacred to me

  132. Honestly, I think Eve is a champ based on roaming and pressure. Any stealth champ has this advantage and should utilize that strategy. Season 3 basically removed her from the jungle as her clear is slow and she takes too much damage. Now she is going to be at a disadvantage in mid lane with now having to open a burst with DFG or ult instead of using midfight for sheild or end of fight for finisher if they flash. Honestly this really hurts her ability to secure kills and in team fights like I said earlier... Plus the lane switching and team anihilation is usually only done by an expert Eve player. Your average Eve player still doesn't always do well.

  133. I would prefer a version of this skin more like this: http://i.imgur.com/FVTk3.jpg - Wings a bit more feminine, a bit more armor, some details and brighter colors and another sword. :> But well, we'll see how it'll look when it's final.

  134. Dude, jungle Malzahar with 20% CDR on runes and masteries (40% with blue). First gank with 3 voidlings ZERG RUSH ahhhhhhhhh

  135. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTBlKRzNf74

    Kayle dance

  136. The Morgana R and Thresh R change were tooltip fixes (Can't find the Morg link fml) (http://www.leagueofreplays.com/redtracker/redpost.php?postid=33267617&country=US&lang=EN#33267617). Morgana didn't get nerfed and Thresh didn't get buffed as those values were like that to begin with you might want to note that inb4 QQ Morg nerf. Also Thresh lost mRes from the passive but gains mRes from leveling up now (http://www.leagueofreplays.com/redtracker/redpost.php?postid=33300627&country=US&lang=EN#33300627). Also, higher droprate for souls on Dominion incoming (http://www.leagueofreplays.com/redtracker/redpost.php?postid=33301700&country=US&lang=EN#33301700).

  137. Why won't you love me?

  138. First off, it's Thresh. Second, there is still the possibility of future PBE patches, so just stay tuned.

  139. Nobody would waste their ultimate to kill someone with 100 HP anyway. They would just use their movement speed buff and Q them, or even ignite. Either way, her ult was ridiculous, and the nerf is deserved. Now, it can still be decent since she uses it at the beginning of fights, but not ridiculous.

  140. I've been holding this "update" back as long as I can. I don't have time for being popular.

  141. I use it, being a jungler I prefer to use Flash or Exaust along with Smite.
    The situation I said happens more when you're reviving, and the enemies are almost dead killing you turret. They can leave with time, then I use W to get close, but still to far away, so I ult.

  142. Æthereal SupportJanuary 9, 2013 at 2:01 PM

    Is anyone else mad she lost the cool golden armor and angel wings for a bit of bronze plating and purple jumpsuit?

  143. Why don't you want to be popular? The only reason my update hasn't come out yet is because i'm still developing a newer, better turret.

  144. I deduce he just wants to seize her soul.

  145. It'd be really cool if they released a similar styled Morgana skin. Think, that armor, but heavily damaged, pieces hanging off, red/purple energy emanating from the broken pieces. Mitebcool.

  146. Seraphim Kayle, Sacred 2

  147. Noone remember Kasa zerg skin...

  148. they will buff him until you die with one Q :P

  149. She deserved that nerf.... right now in lategame even with 0 kills shes horrible to play against....

  150. Oh that Kayle skin looks amazing :) Maybe will be first legendary I will consider to buy :D

  151. OMFG! That Kayle skin does Hinoi Team's para para dance!(Hinoi Team - Night of Fire, for those who don't know)

  152. Insta-buy skin since Kayle's my main, no way in hell im missing that skin when its out.
    Also......a dagger and a gun make a book now, alright then. Makes more sence than a gun and a staff i guess.

  153. Didn't notice it, but it DOES look a lot like Uriel. Maybe she was the inspiration?

  154. It looks gold in-game, not bronze.

  155. Thanks.

    Note: That post says specifically that he will not be gaining MR per level.

  156. I wouldn't care if they added a base value, but % max health to a whole team is pretty strong. Not to mention she then gets a shield, which means tower diving with that and her speed boost is pretty easy. It also makes her one of the harder to kill assassins in a team fight.

    I do agree it is a little much, but it's either this with no cd, or an even longer cd.

    This basically just encourages people to not just ks people with your ult, but initiate with it in a fight. She now has a stronger version of Elise's q, but to everyone in the aoe, and it gives her a shield.

    Congratulations, now you'll actually have to think about when to use your ult *slow sarcastic clap*

  157. Archon Xerath? He somehow saved his ability to create psi storms tho...

  158. How am I supposed to meditate if I have to spend all day pleasing everyone?

  159. I disagree on that counting for Liandry and WoTA.

    A good anti-Mundo xD magic item being nerfed, so sad. :'(

  160. Need a buff or another remake to go along with that skin

  161. i doubt that would be a legendary skin cuz who would buy it ? lol besides 1350 like Mecha Kha'zix and Dragon trainer Lulu is fair enough anyway who the hell plays Kayle o.0

  162. She remembers me the Seraphim of the Sacred I and II games

  163. Sigh...its just like the diana nerf....haters gonna hate nerfs until you realize hey she's still destroying me. I play evelynn every now and then and im not that great of a player but when you pick someone up that has full on stealth and can make ganking a rather hilarious chase of just pressing Q when youre beside them then there shows that evelynn needed a nerf. ppl are just going to be upset cause they can't tower dive with her ult anymore probably without getting hit hard. This being said, im sure that evelynn is still going to be a force to be reckoned with and that were overreacting to this nerf. I mean im still gonna be using her lol

  164. Interesting.... ha...ha...Mwahahahah! , I hope they also will do a visual upgrade to me ... those boots are really hard , ya know

  165. Good old times boy ...

  166. Yaaay to new Kayle skins.

  167. Yes! Reverting Ryze nerfs!!! :D!!

  168. in my opinion beautiful kayle skin and lovely splash art

  169. Riot's intention was to make the ult an initiator. It should've been like this from the start.

  170. The ult was originally designed to initiate, not kill secure

  171. People need to stop shitting themselves over the Eve nerfs. Her ult is meant to initiate, not finish off someone.

  172. If someone has 100hp 2 q's will kill him -.-

  173. This is Uriel from darksiders :D
