CertainlyT introduces Thresh

Thresh the Chain Warden, our next champion, is now available for testing on the Public Beta Environment! To help familiarize summoners with this ghoulish addition, CertainlyT threw up a helpful post detailing each of his abilities and what Thresh's intended roles are.

 Continue reading for his full post, including Riot's intentions for the new champion and a warning that Thresh may be a little unpolished...

Here is CertainlyT's full post:
"Hey PBEers, CertainlyT here. I bring a late Snowdown gift for you – our latest champion, Thresh, the Chain Warden. Thresh is here to harvest the souls of Valoran’s greatest champions to fuel the armies of the Shadow Isles.

Thresh is a supportive champion, a total baddass male champion in fact, who brings exceptional crowd control to his team and a very unique form of utility to his allies. If chained properly, he can lock down a single opponent for a delightfully wicked amount of time or trap an entire team of enemies within his cage. Thresh’s strength is the ability to displace his enemies and provide burst mobility to his allies. He has some clear weaknesses: relatively low mobility, skillshot reliance, and a dependence on his team to capitalize on the moments of power he creates.
Beyond support, Thresh can function top lane and jungle. His kit naturally favors being in an environment in which you can interact with your allies, so as a top laner he is most effective at harassing to soften his opponents and then supporting some pretty brutal ganks. As a jungler, he brings enough CC and allied mobility to burn down all but the tankiest opponents (just don’t expect a fast jungle clear).

Thresh’s signature ability is his Lantern, which he can throw out to a location. If an ally right clicks on the Lantern, Thresh will pull the ally to him (the ally is dashed toward him). We’ve had some fun times in playtests pulling Skarner into the midst of the enemy team, giving Vayne an over-the-wall lifeline, and bailing out Gypsylord on Tristana (he always Rocket Jumps in…. always).

I’ll give a brief explanation of the rest of his kit:

Thresh’s passive is a soul collection game. Enemies that die around him sometimes drop souls (the bigger they are, the more probable they are to leave a soul). Thresh gains no mitigation per level; he can only access that through collecting souls to fuel his rise to power.

Thresh’s Q is a skillshot grab that stuns and pulls an enemy a fixed distance toward him. He can reactivate it to pull himself to the enemy.

Thresh’s E is a small directional knock that Thresh has the power to shape the movement on – he can push enemies in a line away, pull enemies in a line toward him, or anything in between.

Thresh’s ultimate lets him create a prison around him – a set of 5 destructible walls. If an enemy walks through a wall they break a hole for their allies to walk through but take tons of damage and a strong slow themselves.

Here’s the kind of player we hope will find Thresh most fun:

Players who like communicating with their team to build a feeling of cooperation and coordination over the course of a game – Don’t expect to maximize Thresh’s Lantern without putting in the effort to build a rapport with your teammates;

Players who like a high intensity experience – unlike a lot of our supports, Thresh can’t chill in the brush for 30 seconds without paying a substantial cost to his stat progression, is reliant on his basic attack for harassment (a 475 range whip that can deal bonus magic damage!), and has to combine his abilities dynamically, rather than habituating himself to one cast order;
Players who appreciate controlling a lane, a fight, and a game through the threat of their abilities – he has some relatively long cooldowns that are best used judiciously.

Currently, Thresh is in the midst of our live balance passes. Don’t expect this version to be completely balanced… yet. We should have a better understanding of his game presence by the middle of next week (in fact, the build you are playing is a day behind our iteration cycle). Further, the version of Thresh we are putting on PBE is ready for your testing, but he is still being polished. He doesn’t have final icons yet, his skillshot indicators are not yet final, and a couple of particles are temp or not yet fully implemented. Nonetheless, he’s already a lot of fun, so we hope you’ll enjoy helping us to identify any remaining bugs on him. A big thanks in advance to everyone on the PBE who will help us make Thresh the kind of polished release you’ve come to expect!"

For more information, as well as a summary of the other PBE content in the "Thresh PBE Patch", click here.


  1. He's so cool! Draven + Amumu + Nautilus OP!

  2. Could his soul collection be a test for the scrap collection the Heimer rework mentioned?


  4. Vulgrim need more souls.

  5. It's just the beginning.

  6. A support I might actually enjoy playing.

  7. "Beyond support, Thresh can function top lane and jungle."

    If anyone tries to jungle him, his clear time would be horrible. Absolutely horrible. His ganks wouldn't be bad but his clear time would be next to nothing.


  9. I can definitely see them using the same mechanics for Heimer's rework (if they're still trying out the same thing).

  10. How does is he like Draven?

  11. The same thing is true with Alistar and that didn't stop people. I do agree though that he will be a terribad jungle after watching some gameplay.

  12. I stll see that everyone will be lee sin.

  13. At least Ali has sustain (heal), his AOE passive, and his pulverise for clear time. Thresh has a very sub-par shield for sustain, he won't get as many souls due to there being more minions than jungle creeps (THIS PART IS JUST A GUESS), and sweep which has poor base damage. Not to mention Ali ganks are a lot better than Thresh ganks guarenteed.

  14. This guy is copying my summoner name. Just like that bloody bionicle.

  15. He is busted, His passive is better than any champions natural growth rate at 72 souls, which you can do by 150 farm. At level 13 he can have more armor and magic resist through his passive than any other champion at 18. Let alone it provides AP as well. And the amount of souls you can have is limitless so the longer the game the more powerful/defensive you become. Just too OP in comparison to other champs. Lets see how they fix this one.

  16. lol, you don't even need to farm, creeps just need to die near you in order to drop souls. His passive is pretty broken though, especially since it doesn't cap and stops scaling back at 0.5.

  17. Tried him jungle. It's horrible. If you jungle without the rammus passive, you can't kill red buff if you go for golems, if you do grab the rammus passive, you survive it with like 10 hp and can't do wraiths. The hp buffs to the jungle creeps destroys him.

  18. I suspect this will be fiddled with although I'm sure they will keep it, when fully stacked, a decent amount ( maybe ~25% ) above most champions natural growth. Gotta make it feel useful rather than "I need to collect souls to be as good as others"

  19. You misunderstood he meant to say Draven + Draven + Draven OP because it's the League of Draven.

  20. Not if Phreak has anything to say about it.

  21. Sounds most like another victim for Nasus. With all the anti-slow you can get for Nasus, Thresh is like breakfast for the souleating jackal.

  22. blitzrank grabbed people before it was cool

  23. Maybe they reworked heimer's scrap collection into an entire champ.

  24. Once thresh has collected 99 human souls and one witch soul he can become a death scethe

  25. +1 internets for you sir

  26. I really wouldn't call him male. He is probably unisex XD.

  27. Could this be the Hexmage that was hinted at long ago in the files?

  28. What kind of a Nautilius Hecarim?

  29. Yeah, but his heal is kind of... shit. IMO. And he *will* get enough souls, because they are tweaking the drop rate on a unit-by-unit basis--which means dragon and blue/red will probably drop a shitton.

  30. Frakkin. Great. Champion.
    Either as support or solo top. But solo he just need to go for farm fest and lots of dmg from jungler, cause besides ult (that is sooooo OP) hes got no dmg of his own. But in 33 min game i managed to get 133 souls that gave me 70+ stats...70 free mr and arm...wow. Tanky as hell.

    As a support he shines, as a jungler N/C clear time is terrible, sometimes even not possible:P

    Top : somewhere around B
    Support : A+

  31. Haha oh really? I just jungled Syndra and cleared the jungle faster then a Lee sin. There is always a way.

  32. Vulgrim's role is so empty in darksiders II in comparison with darksiders 1... at least until the part i am currently playing.

  33. acording to his lore (on last post) he was a human man, so even tough he is no longer human ( making his gender being irrelevant ) he is still male.

  34. he should be a jungler that relies on constant ganks instead of jungle farming like shaco was in last season, he can throw the lantern to get the lane champion closer while holding the enemy by pulling him with the chain or pulling hinself to enemy while leaving the lantern so the ally can get to him.

    In terms of ganks he can do a decent job with sincronization and pratice ( maybe even great i don't know) but the non scaling with level armor and MR reduces the already zero sustain. He should probably require a heavy leash and burn a potion 5 pack real fast assuming he start with the machete.

  35. hidden passive with morgana,elise, and cassiopeia

  36. yeah this "normal minions have a chance to drop"-thing made me worry a bit... i mean, champions and siege minions are sure to drop em, but what if he dropping a lot of it from normal minions and wraits. Scaling armor and MR until late game sound more dangerous than a 300+ Q farm nasus or veigar (assuming these are currently the only non limit scaling champions in the game, remember me if i forget any).

  37. I bet his ult will be so useful.


  38. Hue hue hue hue

  39. yeah... i lost his line of thought too... maybe the knockback... his Q is amumu/nautilus/blitz ( see the press q again order here ?) , W is really new it is like a "hey grab my lantern! SAFETY/ATACK!!! ", E MAYBE is a Draven like knockback/pullback (draven don't pull tough...actualy by looking at it, it dont look much alike but draven is the closest thing currently in lol) R is a damaging slowing veigar ult, even tough only heavy damages the first enem who break the wall if the rest of the enemies go to the same hole.

  40. lets be honest, the guys at riot showed lulu jungling in he champion spotlight, week later 8 people got banned for trolling cuz they jungled lulu

  41. How many AOE abilities does Syndra have? That's right, 3. How many does he have? Thats right, 1. There is no similarity between Syndra and Thresh. Your obviously missing the point.

  42. If he is ganking that much, he will far behind in lvls and farm and gold way too much. Its not worth it.

  43. His heal isn't shit due to the cooldown decreasing when he is being attacked. This could potentially put the heal's cooldown on a 3-4 second heal which is nothing to shrug off.

  44. Remember: Garen's shield use to do this and Garen was never considered even "good" late game.

  45. I have seen a new app in google play of League of Legends Trading card game with Augmented Reality.

    Have you seen it?

    This is the page: [URL="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mahei.lolcards&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwyLDEsImNvbS5tYWhlaS5sb2xjYXJkcyJd"]League of Legends Cards game[/URL]

    And the web page of the developers: [URL="http://www..lolcards.mahei.es"] www.lolcards.mahei.es[/URL]

    Is amazing, I´m waiting for the next update to see more champions.

  46. no, Garen shield always had a cap. Even earlier as it is now you had to level up the shield to increse the cap.

  47. Not quite, assists gold and experience is very rewarding and increse the chances of winning lanes towards mid game, Shaco is one of the best junglers and have the most solid ganks currently, in last season tough the farm rewards where just not enough for him so he HAD to go gank all the time to become strong on kill/assists to have a start up on gold and actually be able to clear the camps well and fast enough.
    I am not sure how the skills are gonna scale with him tough, he would need a farming tool or damage tool to farm jungle one way or another as his passive is AD.

    Top jungle or support i will have to see by myself once he is out, his mechanics are interesting enough and on top of that he look really cool.

  48. I hope so Mr. Patrick. That would be splendiforous

  49. I really can't see him as support with that passive. Going close to Ezreal to collect soul? Also - nowadays push = loose. And he need a lot of farm early to gain defense.

  50. I love you so much

  51. Korean meta would like a word.

  52. Totally awesome, way more for me, since I play support a lot :D

  53. You have to pick the souls up manually by walking over them. I don't think you'll be able to grab every single one. Walking right into the open, completely exposed in lane to pick up a soul (aka overextending) isn't a bright idea. They'll just camp souls with cait traps and stuff.

  54. his cap is at 255 souls. i tried it. makes 140 ap, armor and mr

  55. Thresh : Time to collect some... SOULS..... MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA...
    Heimerdinger : Time to collect some ... scraps! Heeeheheeee! ^_^

  56. He already has a hidden passive (like graves to noc, kinda). When he uses his Q on an enemy nautilus, he says "Hook, line and sinker!"

  57. maybe the passive, where he has to run around the battle field to collect things

  58. you can capture them by throwing out your lanturn with W. So it's actually really easy to pick up all of them

  59. CertainlyT said the cap was a bug. When working as intended, it raises indefinitely.

  60. Oh great. Another one of my experimental clones escaped. this is the second one this month :( oh well.

  61. My thoughts when i saw his q: blitzcrank 2.0. I have a feeling he will be banned as much as blitz is in draft/ranked.

  62. Sounds like this champion will be the most useless ever in solo queue and brutally OP in organized play.

  63. I am your son.

  64. How? I don't have kids. Also, a true professor would never use a word like "splendiforous." He would use a word like grand or superb. Please come back home to the lab, I must continue with my experiments.

  65. i love Heimerdinger :D

  66. This professor does: http://gorbaduck.blogspot.com/

    If I am not your son, than I must be you from the future. I created the first working time machine on Valoran, and as you can see my - I mean your - hair is still unchanged after some fifty odd years. Oh and I finally got that rework that the League's management had been promising for so long.

  67. I did not realize that Madame Vayne was so insightful. o.o

    Previously I had thought you good at only two things: dying and killing.

    Would you be interested in joining the Yordle Academy of Science & Progress as a guest lecturer and honorary Yordle?

  68. That is not a real professor... Anyways, please designate yourself as Future Heimerdinger so people can tell us apart. Lastly, did we finally beat those filthy Zaunites?

  69. If you wish I can make you see again with my new invention. Just saying: they look similar to yi's goggles, as those were a successful invention created by yours truly.

  70. His kit looks like it can be abused very well. A TON of utility.

  71. Future HeimerdingerJanuary 8, 2013 at 7:07 PM

    With the rework, the combined Piltover and Yordle forces under the command of Captain Teemo were able to vanquish the Zaunite forces, leading RIOT to give all Zaunite champs a cosplay Teemo skin.

    Since you are clearly the first, I went ahead and identified myself as you requested.

  72. I was thinking the same, but like Tiago said, Vulgrim just isn't so important in D2.
    Either way, nice catch.

  73. Being a hunter of the night requires more than knowing how to kill...

    You have to study the prey, learn from the prey, and know the prey...

    I have learned and experienced many things in my lifetime and I would be honored to visit the institution. I hope to see some hints at some future designs for your rework :)

    Remember, Evil lurks around every corner...

  74. here's video about AP mid

  75. Happy I can escape more easily now! :D

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