Jarvan EQ bug fix, Thresh's passive, and more souls on Dominion

Champion bugs and Thresh seem to be two of the hottest topics in League of Legends lately and I have red posts concerning both!
Continue reading for a quick set of red posts concerning a fix for Jarvan's EQ bug, a statement about Thresh's passive no longer granting bonus MR, and that Thresh's souls will drop more frequently on Dominion.

Jarvan EQ bug fix
CertainlyT reported some good news for those who have fallen victim to the bug that prevents Jarvan's Q from properly pulling him to a Demacian Standard when the two are rapidly casted together.
"I just fixed the EQ combo not firing. Should be in the next patch. Demacia!"
and to elaborate on the bug...
"If you cast Q really quickly after E it could sometimes cast prior to the standard being created (due to tiny update delays in our system), resulting in no dash. After next patch, the game will just check to see if a standard would be created at the spot you Q'd in the next fraction of a second and, if so, give you the dash."
Thresh's pasive no longer grants bonus MR
If you noticed in last night's PBE update, the tool tip for Thresh's passive reads that he no longer gained MR from absorbing souls. CertainlyT confirms that this is intended and gave his reasoning behind it
"Good question -- We have indeed changed Thresh's passive to not give MR. In our view, he's closer to a ranged champion with the ability to opportunistically close to melee than a melee character with some ranged poke. We toyed with the idea of giving him the 0.75 MR per level that might be more appropriate, but instead just left extra power in his abilities -- you can buy a Null Magic Mantle; you can't buy the ability to drag an out of position AD carry to his grisly demise. Same power, more fun."
Thresh's souls to have a higher drop rate on Dominion
 While Thesh's soul absorbing passive is interesting, several Dominon players are concerned about the drop rate of his souls and if they will be able to make significant use of his passive. Good for them CertainlyT confirmed souls will drop more frequently on the Crystal Scar!
"Souls will have a higher drop rate in Dominion. That should be onto PBE in a couple of days."


  1. So basically, unless you build lots of MR, Thresh is currently hard-countered by any form of magic damage? So that makes tanky-thresh completely gone... -_-

  2. Hey, can you link to where CertainlyT confirmed the MR adjustment? I'd like to see the rest of the discussion.

  3. That's a pretty interesting way off fixing Jarvan's bug. The script checks 1 second into the future to figure out if there's a standard there when Qing, basically. Not actually, but the best way to describe it. XD That's badass.

  4. Abyssal Scepter, Mercurial Treads, Runes and Masteries. I think he's got Magic Resist covered.

  5. Give him MR per lvl or MR in his passive but don't remove it altogether D:

  6. And why are using this dramatic speech lol , he is meant to be support more than being a tank.

  7. Seems fair. No other ranged players score the +20MR that melee characters get through leveling.

    Makes Bulwarks look even better on him.

  8. http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?p=33300987#post33300987

  9. That doesn't say anything about Thresh's MR adjustment...

  10. Here it is: http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?p=33300627#post33300627

    Sorry for the mistake!

  11. I think it's fair to remove the MR all together. His damage and scalings are really good. If a good Thresh player catches out an enemy carry(which isn't all that hard to do), he can nearly destroy that carry himself if he's put in the role of support. Plus, Abyssal Scepter is probably going to be a must on him. His AA range is 450, while Abyssal's range is 700 (you do the math).
    There's plenty of MR items he can get. But free Armor, Magic Res, and Ability power all from a passive, combined with insanely high base damages? that's too much, friend.

  12. I can't say I like how Thresh gets no natural MR at all.
    But that kinda just means he can't go mid lane as well...
    I'm a bit concerned that an AP support can essentially harass him more than an adc though...

  13. Sorry I was just skimming like I always do the comments and thought you wanted jarv's eq fix

  14. Almost the same as Xerath passive now after the nerf

  15. I'm sure Xerath would prefer Thresh's passive.

    That said, Xerath's passive isn't bad, it's just one of those passives that you just don't notice its effect much. Like old Evelynn, Soraka, Amumu, Sion, Cassiopiea. All potent abilities, but not as in-your-face as many others.

  16. Ranged champs dont get mr per lvl, guess who is ranged here.

  17. Ugh, i want some more info on Heimy's rework. Thresh's passive really excited me >:o... NAO GIVE ME MY HEIMY

  18. He's supposed to be a tanky support, Nautilus-like.

  19. He still gets 30 base MR. No ranged champion gets MR/level except Kayle and Nidalee, who only get 0.75. This is why they are considering 0.75.

  20. I don't know if you noticed....When you have Thresh in your team it starts to lag and you get a huge fps drop.My normal fps is 75 and it stays like that and when somebody picks Thresh fps drops to 32 or less.

  21. Same way the fixed the lag with God of War multiplayer, seems like thats a new thing. Quite cool if you ask me.

  22. So I can actually USE that Snowmerdinger I just bought...! >_<

  23. He's an AP initiator with not that great health and now no MR at all... So *unless* you run a VERY fed lane that you actually can get those items early enough that it matters, you are an extremely squishy initiator. Your Ult and E are close enough range that you have to Q in for them to really work. And you wont have time to ult if an Ahri or Morgana slaps two spells on you and you are dead. The only thing going for him was the great itemless tankiness mid-to-late game his passive was giving him, and now it only works against physical damage?

  24. Quite odd, I've played like 700 games with Jarvan and never noticed such bug ever existed. might be I've got the combo so adjusted already.

  25. jesus fkin christ. You know there are more AP champs who need to get really close to deal any damage and they dont even have proper CC, and you know what? THEY DONT GET MR PER LEVEL and no one cries. If you want super op initator go play amumu and don't cry about an unreleased champion.

  26. Thresh from my experience does not actually fulfills the role of AP initiator, his AP scaling on most of his skills does not scales that great. I believe that Thresh right now is torn between a ADC due to his bonus damage on auto attack granted on his Q and a assassin due to the gap closer from his Q, shield and ally support in his W and a way to knock away or pull the enemy with his E and prevents his enemies from escaping using his R. I believe that Thresh can fulfill many roles, but Riot needs to redefine his stats to make him more suitable for a specific role.

  27. Please Riot, just make sure the drop rate for souls is constant. For example one soul for every x minions that die when he is in XP range. Having it luck based would turn it to utter frustration when you get almost no souls in the early game, where the passive is the most useful.

  28. Like who? Ahri? Yeah, but she has the Charm and 3 flashes. Sona? AoE stun. Warwick? If you put Warwick in this category you shouldn't be talking, lol.

  29. Lol while I agree with your last sentence, his Q is kind of a shitty steroid if you are adc. And he doesn't have the ratios to be an assassin anywhere near the calibre of Akali or Evelynn.

  30. You'll notice it when playing with smartcast and doing the combo really fast.

  31. WHAT THE ****!? They fix Jarvan's EQ bug, but not the damn ult bug where you can just walk out of it? I didn't even knew there was a bug at all, thats never happened to me or to any Jarvan i've seen.

  32. Kayle is melee.
    She can go ranged for a duration, but she's melee.

  33. They could have just nerfed the amount of MR gained from his passive...

  34. Damage¿? He really lacks it IMO. Having only 0,5 ap scaling in his Q and only 0,4 ap scaling in his E is really lack luster. His only real damage is his ultimate, and for beeing effective needs to cast it in a middle of a teamfight.

  35. Bug fixes, for Jarvan? This is pertinent to my interests

  36. Build Tresh ad-hybrid-tanky with trinity, black cleaver, GA, Malmortius, and hextech gunblade and try to collect souls, youll be dealing like 250+ phisical damage on basic attacks + x magical damage when x is the number of souls collected. with 120 souls your basic attack does like 370 mixed damage and your first attack does TONS OF DMG, in addition, your abilities will be useful too because of the ap coming from trinity, gunblade and your passive.

  37. thresh AP bruiser is hilarious.

    sunfire, liandry, frozen mallet, abyssal scepter

  38. holy crap rammus just spew'd an entire paragraph without saying okay at all... damn!

  39. yeah but you put sona in this category and she's a support... we're talking about people like fizz and ryze who only have soft cc (slows and snares)

  40. When you look at a champion's kit, you don't look at everything individually. That's why it's called 1 kit, or 1 champion. Because their kit is what makes them whole. When you combo kits on an enemy champion, everything is added in some way.
    Same thing applies to their ratios. For Thresh, he has a 2.3 ratio.
    Kassadin has a 2.5 ratio. Another ap mid example, Ahri has a 2.86 ratio. Sona has a 1.75 ratio, andfor another support example; Lulu has a 2.2 ratio(if you add both Help, Pix! ratio's). So as you can see, for a support, Thresh has a very good scaling for the amount of utility he has. And he's a tank, so of course he's going to cast it in the middle of a team fight. When you hook a carry, the opposing team needs to react to that by protecting it, or leaving it. if they leave it, they have a higher chance of losing because 50% of their dps is lost. If they go in, they may lose the team fight if Thresh is smart enough to place the ult in a good spot.

  41. Jungle Jarvan IV (ferrero94)January 10, 2013 at 5:54 PM

    Sweet, my thread got featured.

  42. Oh look at that, Fizz can be untargetable for god-knows-how-long and Ryze is practically a bruiser with the tankiness he is supposed to build.
    And if you dont think Sona is close-range AP, you need to go back to autolocking at 900 Elo.

  43. AHGRWfhAhr8H89QEHR8389RJanuary 11, 2013 at 6:14 AM

    I don't think that such an awesome passive, fits a support.. Solo top FTW.. Also, who gives a SHIT about Dominion?

  44. Is the rework coming along with a model rework by the way?

  45. With Righteous Fury rank 5 she's more of a ranged who can go melee for a duration

  46. Thanks for the good insight kind sir! Well done.

  47. Possibly, not so likely.

  48. The 'walk out of the ult' thing is actually accomplished by short dashes since J4's ult is a thin wall. Riven's Q or Vayne's Q can get out of it for instance. If that's what you are referring to that's not a bug that's intended.

  49. It makes my foes play worer and lets me win, man.

  50. This explains a lot. You fight as dirty as Vladimir!
