Panser's S@20 Weekly Recap, week of Dec 29, 2012

I'm happy to introduce Panser, a self described "Youtube Nerd Extraordinaire" and the lovely lady that will be hooking you up with a weekly recap on all the fine League of Legends news we post here on Surrender at 20!

Here is her recap for the week of December 29th, 2012:
Continue reading for reading or check the video description for links to the mentioned articles.

Here are links to all of the mentioned articles.

As always, I'd love to hear some feedback on what you guys think of the new recap!


  1. I don't know.. it's just the exact same information that is already posted, but this time you don't have to read it yourself. But it's not bad to watch. :)

  2. A weekly recap is actually one of our most requested features! Some people don't visit the site every day and miss out on bits of pieces of the news throughout the week.

  3. Was she in that box?

  4. The ??? investigation continues.

  5. I like this.

    Panser what's your elo? ^_^

  6. Oh her, I know her! :D Glad she joined you guys :) And she's pretty with thtat hehe

  7. That's a pretty rude way to express your opinion on the matter.

  8. She's a very... colorful character


  9. In a non-rude way to say, her looks is too "sold", you know, pink hair, etc.
    Like those fake/pop stars with dubstep and autotune.

    Trying too much to hit the brainwashed audience.

    "Realize you're blind

    And we're out of time

    It will show your mind

    That you have a mind" System of a Down - U-Fig

  10. Fap Fap Fap! i love this girl

  11. she is abit slow though o-o

  12. Anyone knows what happened to "Seth" the champion that apparently uses sand?

  13. So, you fount a solution for "I'm to lazy to read people". Nice, I approve :D.

  14. So you found a solution for "I'm to lazy to read people". Nice, I approve :D.

  15. Can't seem to find it but I thought Ezreal said he was on the back burner for now... might be mistaken though.

  16. Lol I don't see her having a job at Riot so yeah Nika is still better

  17. no... just no...
    (nikasaur bad imo to but meh)

  18. he is right, i watched some vids of her, its just annoying.... time to skip half of S20 post it seems...

  19. Not following you at all, what do you have against pink hair? ...and who's brainwashed? Do we live in a science fiction novel now?

  20. Yeah , but that's just your opinion , you know?

  21. I've only seen one video of her, something about "39(?) little known facts about League" or something, and she did speak a little slow for my taste. If she sped up, spoke with more confidence (like Nika, which is really the only comparison I have right now), then I'm sure she'd have a better reception. After all, she is cute.

  22. I know Panser back from WoW days, a part of charm is checking S@20 every day so while I understand the idea behind weekly recap I think its not needed and I won't be watching it.

  23. Haven't seen Panser in so long, not since I was into WoW.. Kinda strange hearing her talk about LoL. I check S@20 like 4 times a day though so don't really need to watch the recaps =(

  24. Why would you skip half the S@20 posts?

  25. It would be better if she brought something new to the table rather than just a pretty girl who re-reads posts from a website that I check 4 - 100 times every day already. >.>''

  26. Hey - go out then ?

  27. Brainwashed by the media, TV, music, etc.

    "Can you say brainwashing?"

  28. Yeah, I know, all I say is my opinion of course.

  29. isnt she new and going to be everywhere saying old things in a boring way, but with boobs and nerdlookingfakestyle..?...skip..skip..skip...

  30. If you don't want to watch it, then don't. I don't see why people are complaining.

    However, it IS pretty bland for people who constantly read all S@20 posts. Maybe you should give her some fresh information that only she talks about that won't be a post?
    You could also have something like the RoosterTeeth recaps, where they add in random funny comments or whatever and instead of just reading old information, verbalize it in an interesting way.

  31. Wasn't he that "dry" champion that Ezreal confimed to be under development for three times already?

  32. saying things like this will discourage the site from growing. This is also only a recap of weekly events so if you stay up to date then you wont need to watch the videos. No need to express hate for a girl who only wants to say whats up.

  33. She is good looking but not really necessary, but that's just me. I check this site a few times a day. Some people may see this as a shallow attempt to grab viewers with a pretty face. In the end it's your site moobeat, if I didn't like it I don't have to watch it, you asked what I thought of it and here it is.

  34. wait is she doing this all the time now? as a wow and lol player i am pleased

  35. Your gems, are truly, truly outrageous .

  36. So I punched in her name on the ol' league of legends client, and I'm not entirely sure if I saw her actual summoner profile (I don't know if she goes by the title "Panser" in LoL) but if it was her than she didn't appear to be very good. Look at her match history.

  37. i realize a lot of people going to post trash and i can't be bothered reading through the comments so i thought i'd blanket reply. this is a great addition to surrender at 20, she's cute and does a really good job. well done panser and the rest of the surrender at 20 team.

  38. I never really liked Nikasaur but this girl Panser was painfully boring to watch. Monotone reading of articles everybody has already read.

  39. UGH
    please not this girl!!! She's HORRIBLE. She has the most irritating
    fake giggle ever, mis pronounces like 60% of the champ's names,
    etc....please reconsider the casting on this one. She needs to take a few public speaking classes. Horrible pacing, inflection, tone, etc etc etc...and her dye job looks cheap. :/

  40. I am waiting. Riot release me!

  41. Oh God, not here, too. First WoW Insider, now here. I can't escape this person.

  42. Yeah, Panser totally sucks - I heard she doesn't even lift >.>

  43. I don't think a recap is necessarily intended for the people who do check the site several times a day - it is more geared toward people who only check the site infrequently or prefer to listen rather than read :)

  44. If she likes to see herself that way why is "fake". Judging someone on appearances tsk tsk

  45. I'm a guy and I think it's cool for some people to color their hair pink ... I mean you say why the hell ... I say why the hell not :D

  46. Yeah, it is really bland. Not only is the information old for us daily S@20 users but the video in itself is boring too. I suggest taking a lot at the Minecraft Monday Show for some inspiration on how to do an interesting, informational and visual appeasing video/recap/vlog/whatever.

  47. so the site needs silly girls that dont do anything for the site it self to be better.... its not like we all read this site coz we like the news.. oh wait... more than half of the post here and in fb are about "dat girl" "boobs" "cute", nothing to do with great web, nice info...

  48. She used to do WoW stuff. Now she's moved onto league I guess.

  49. I think most people have gotten along with reading websites just fine thus far.

  50. They don't cast her. She does this stupid garbage on her own for TradeChat and people pick it up and put it on their sites. I despise the attention she gets for it and hate that I'm only contributing to it.

  51. Post a video of THAT.

  52. squeezoid is right. I also like her mispronunciations of champion names, how can she talk about a game she doesnt know a damn about?

  53. omg it's her ! hide yo wife, hide yo kids, cause panser is here to save the day!...or wreck it.

  54. She doesnt know what she's talking about and only is liking posts that say good things about her on facebook

    please get someone that actually plays league and isnt just a gamer gurl

  55. How about you remove yourself from here?

  56. dude I only saw like 2 movies of hers and I already consider it bullshit

  57. It's a weekly recap, is that so detrimental to your enjoyment of Surrender at 20?

  58. As long as websites and basic cable programs that no one watch keep giving her the attention she craves, I guess we'll be seeing her for a while.

  59. white knight detected
    she will never have sex with you

  60. This is true, I did not "cast " her. She approached me and offered to
    do the series. I feel like something of this nature will help Surrender
    at 20 reach a new audience and , perhaps, draw in those who may enjoy
    her WoW related content. I certainly don't think it's stupid garbage and
    I'm sorry you can't appreciate it or how it is helping S@20.

  61. I'm not going to be overly dramatic and say it ruins the site for me or that I'll no longer be reading it, no. It is most definitely a fly in the otherwise very pristine ointment, however.

  62. Thank you for your feedback :)

  63. Her League username is Panserchu I believe.

  64. "If you don't want to watch it, then don't. I don't see why people are complaining." is my thoughts on all the people being nasty and insulting about something that helps S@20.

    I totes understand where you are coming from. This sort of thing isn't really made for people who visit the site over and over, but more those who are casually interested and may have stumbled on the site.

    It also attracts a different audience. For example, Panser does a ton of WoW related content, many of her viewers may play or be familiar with league of legends but be unaware that a fan site like S@20 event exists.

    T hanks for the feedback! Both myself and Panser are reading over the feedback though, it'll be taken into consideration :)

  65. She doesn't move at all, is like watching a robot just talking and laughing, just look at her arms. She need to move her hands and head at least to transmit something.

  66. I wouldn't like posts calling me names or saying I suck either. The people with negative things are having a good ole time liking each others status' in a similar fashion, do you not have criticism for them?

  67. Heh, why does any girl talking about League of Legends get compared with Nikasaur?

  68. I dooon't know.

  69. Apparently if you are a girl and show interest in League, feigned or otherwise, you are a Nika clone. Good to know.

  70. Oh. Well I'm sure she plays a variety of games anyway and doesn't devote all of her time to LoL so it's actually irrelevant.

  71. they need to implement a filter so i dont have to see those posts with her spam

  72. If you are a girl and show interest in League then 99% on League players want to have sex with you, then you can post some youtube vid mispronouncing champion names and become famous.

  73. dont say bad stuff cause moo deletes comments

  74. While we are generalizing, does that mean 99% of League players are desperate virgin males who are only attracted to the game because of the crazy amount of cleavage on display in its roster? Some people, male or female, play games to play games and it has zero to do with sex.

  75. Didn't ask if you did.

  76. Like the comment you just replied to?

  77. Hector Franco LoponteJanuary 6, 2013 at 1:55 PM

    Brainwashing is more real than you think...

  78. Hector Franco LoponteJanuary 6, 2013 at 1:58 PM

    She is boring indeed =/

  79. Hey Moobeat, while i do feel like people who visit S@20 won't really need this video, i feel like it does add something else for the website. I liked the video overall, the only thing i felt was missing was some background music, can she use any?

  80. You ask for feedback, but you don't sound like you really want it. I realize there are people who are overly negative or flat out insulting, but the feedback you requested has to be expected to run the gamut from valuable to valueless and everywhere in between. Some people are going to love her and some are going to hate her. She tends to be a divisive topic everywhere she shows her presence online and you're probably either going to have to get used to that going forward or go crazy with moderation and banning every time you make a Panser recap post.

    Yeah, I do think it'll bring your site attention. It doesn't devalue any of the other posts you guys make day in, day out, and it might even bring in new readers for said posts. I don't think it'll bring A LOT more traffic, but I guess you're in a better position to plumb those statistics than I am. I think if you feel it's what's best for your site, then go for it. I'm certainly not going to fault you for it. I just don't personally care for the way she handles herself, is all. That's my own personal opinion on the matter. I'll just do what I do at WoW Insider and start skipping over these posts.

  81. How abt adding some short gameplay clips related to the news she's talking abt, for example :
    u can show the ingame character model of sivir as she talks abt her remodel news, show gameplay clips of Vi bugs as she speaks, show nidalee's old and new splash art comparison.

    Make the video interesting to watch just like how Riot does with their Upcoming Patch update videos.
    She was just standing there and reading out the news made it kinda boring , i liked the comic popup that came when she was mentioning the new Yordle champ, thats pretty gud u should do that more.

  82. Calling people who enjoy watching and listening to pretty girl with pink hair brainwashed while playing a computer game and watching anime (OP and probably few/many more) which, by default, are aimed at quick and "cheap" entertainment.

    Unless you don't play LoL, any other games and your avatar and nickname are purely coincidental and you just popped in here to drop some knowledge on us brainwashed people, you should think twice before making comments like that.


    On topic: I really liked it. She's not too cheesy, not trying to hard to be "cool", speaks at good pace and clearly and is pretty on top of that, while I'm not a fan of that kind of style, she's very nice to look at. I approve :)

  83. I think you have absolutely no base to make such a claims, unless you made survey which clearly showed that indeed, 95% of LoL players prefer to read their news rather than watch them presented in a audio-video form :)

  84. Id say some background music (quite low) would do good. Also the mic sounds like she´s standing in a metal box, some adjustments?

  85. Nor do you have the right to refute such claims based on the same faulty argument. Besides, you seem to have completely ignored the first two words in my comment and have decided to take what I stated as if I was stating known fact.

  86. This. Just ignore the critics Moobeat and keep on doing your stuff and developing S@20. People complaining today will just ignore those videos or will start watching them and you will gain more readers/viewers in people preferring to have a video recap.

    Of course you know it, just felt like stating obvious :)

  87. Heartily agreed.

  88. Just curious but what implies that I don't really want it?

    I'd enjoy genuine feedback but most of the comments have boiled down the very nonconstructive "I dislike her from something else/she is a "gamer girl" and "I've read all this before" and don't give a reason or what it could be done differently to suit someones tastes. I have no problem with negative feedback but anything close to "hate this bitch" is insulting, provides no value, and definitely doesn't belong in this community.

    As for the comment about moderation and banning, I believe I have only removed two inappropriate comments and I'm not sure how many others may have auto marked as spam or something Frosty might have handled. One user mentioned wanting to "wear the skin" and I believe the other was something sexual. I definitely would have removed any others that are similarly as offensive and uncalled for.

  89. Someone doesn't like posts criticizing them and calling them names on THEIR OWN FB PAGE?

    Seriously, I'm surprised so few bloggers and web owners realized that the only approach to mindless and stupid critique is zero-tolerance policy. It's like if some stranger walked in to your house, started offending your girlfriend, your furniture, the stuff you eat and yourself. What would you do? Try to rationalize with them, ignore and let them continue or just say "GTFO" and kick him out of the house?

    People need to learn what "freedom of speech" really means before they start throwing this term around after their hostile persona and their comments are removed.

  90. Get LilyPichu to write songs containing the text Panser is reading and this would be golden :)
    "I am done. I am through. I am just sick of it all."

  91. How about "don't be outright insulting" cause moo deletes "outright insulting" comments?

  92. Rightfully so. It's his blog/site and he can do whatever he damn pleases.

  93. I made a WoW video yesterday, lol...there is room in my life for many games

  94. You imply that you don't see why people are complaining and that they don't have to watch if they don't like it when you agree with the poster who says this. You don't have to agree with some of the reasons people give for why they don't like Panser or this feature, but it's still feedback and I think a good deal of it is still valid. Now, you can choose to go against the grain and fight it, but some people are going to have feedback that sounds as silly as, "I don't like her pink hair." Others are going to talk about how slow or monotone she speaks, how she mispronounces champions' names, or how she's not bringing anything new to the table other than a pretty face and a name people may know from elsewhere. I don't think "ew, pink hair" is any less valid a complaint because that is still a reader of yours. You are just going to have to assess and decide whether or not this helps more than it hurts. My guess is it'll help more long term than it'll hurt, but I guess there's no way to know right away.

    And my comment about moderation wasn't a stab at how you've handled this thread thus far. It was just me saying you're probably going to have to expect negativity and rudeness going forward if Panser is going to be a regular fixture here at Surrender@20. It's a regular thing everywhere else I've seen her online and it's probably going to keep you busy at the end of every week.

  95. Asked for feedback and constructive criticism, not comments such as "omg, not that annoying girl again" and other pointless and useless garbage (most of which ad personam).

    Thank you for proving my point btw :)

  96. How did I use same faulty argument? Did I state that I know what are the facts?
    But I will pick it up actually and say - yes, I do have basis to make a claim that it's actually the other way to what you think. Scroll down to Moobeat's comment where he says that video recap is one of the most requested feature on S@20.

  97. What does that have to do with most people having gotten along just fine reading websites?

  98. she has 0 wins and 4 losses so far!

  99. Search "Panserchu" on LoLking you will find all of her stats, she has 243 normal wins, in ranked she has won 0 and lost 4.

  100. Are you one of those people who couldn't crack it in debate club, so you use any Latin you picked up along the way, thinking others will find you too clever to argue with? Have you completely ignored the fact that the person Moobeat was replying to here didn't insult the feature, didn't knock Panser and just said they weren't interested? I thought they were pretty damn cordial in how they gave their feedback.

    But no, no, you have a habitual need to run around, letting people know what you think, without actually listening to what they think first. Histrionic behavior if I've ever seen it.

  101. The bad thing is S@20 using her.

    The look over the skills.
    "she's very nice to look at." That's an example.

    I have nothing against her, I don't know her.

    But I can see through her eyes, WHAT she says and HOW she says, that she is reading, that shouldn't happen in a video like that.

    Nikasaur for example speaks spontaneously even if she is saying the most fake thing.

    It would be better to have only a good reader with a nice voice and no one on screen just showing the ScreenShots of what is the subject in the moment.

    The purpose of these videos is that people won't need to read the posts, just a good reader and voice is enough for that, JUST LIKE AUDIOBOOKS.

  102. I take offense to that, my hair is NOT fried

  103. Eh, thus is the nature of a recap is it not? To inform those who haven't not indulge in our fine content.

  104. You missed the part where the video is also (actually mainly) a visual (ie. looks) experience. A good looking girl is something to attract more viewers and make your viewing experience more enjoyable.

    Protip: if you don't like to look at her and see that she's reading (like all TV news reporters do btw) you can just play the video and switch to different tab/read comments in the meantime.

  105. Again, you are stating it like a fact. Internet is a "dangerous" place because of people like you - anyone can sound like an expert in any field even though he might not have (and usually doesn't) any or minimum knowledge in the given field and make other people accept it as a fact and spread the nonsense.

    If reading was so much more preferred way of acquiring information TV stations would bankrupt long time ago and TV news wouldn't be one of the most watched programs on every channel. Youtube wouldn't be one of the most visited website on the internet and so on and on.

    Anyway, I'm done replying to you, enjoy arguing your nonsense "facts" with someone else :)

  106. I liked it, great work Moo and Panser. Definately see this as a great way for special announcements on contests and such. Seeing as one of your main goals is to get new information out as fast as you get it, don't see ya holding things back a few days to be reported specifically in the vids.
    Woo Harvest moon Alpaca's :P

  107. I think weekly recaps are a very nice touch to s@20. However, i dont
    think that an audio version of what everybody has read will go far in
    the long run, cause thats all it is.

    Suggestions: 1.The Background is pretty lame. Cant you take your camera outdoors or something?
    Like a GoPro cam following her in the streets while she talks. Change that camera angle.

    2. Add background music and SFX

    3. Right side of video is empty 90% of the time. Fill it with cats or something.

    Panser did a very good job, but honestly, there's so much room for
    improvement. She shows no emotions, she's pretty slow, no charisma or
    charm, and the laughs sound fake.
    The result is a sleepy monologue. Look at that Curse girl, (something) Ferguson.
    Tell Panser to bring one of her friends and do it together.

    5. boobs where? srsly, when u work in that business, u need to show ur assets. and i dont like piercings

    p.s: just my personal thoughts. u have the right to disagree. i'm not better than anyone here. peace and love!

  108. You seem to be:
    a) mad
    b) seeking attention
    c) projecting on other people your own behaviour

    You also did miss the part where I wasn't talking to particular person, but stating a general observation and opinion.

    PS It's funny seeing you getting all worked up because I used a common Latin phrase every 5th grader would get :)

  109. A better option is to simply make it as an Audiobook, just a good reader, with a 'normal' voice.

    Because the ONLY PURPOSE of this, that people don't need to read the posts.

    You know that most of the comments that support her are talking about her looks.

    While some of those that don't support her say that she is boring, talks slowly, etc.

    Accepting her to do this videos, shows that you're only trying to bring more people here, instead of really informing people about LoL.

  110. HOW RUDE! How could you even say that!?
    Since when could items talk?
    But seriously, she's doing a good job.

  111. You can see that most of the comments that support her are about her look: "she is pretty".
    And the ones that don't support are about her 'skills': "she is boring, talks slowly, etc".
    That's what I said about brainwashing.

    They're just using her for her looks, to try and bring more people here instead of really informing pople about LoL with a good quality. Same as TV.
    An audiobook-like with a good reader would inform people better than this, simply displaying screenshots of what is the subject in the moment.

    For example, LoL Math, on YouTube, is much more enjoyable and informative than this.

  112. I confess this sounds VERY rude :( im really sorry, sometimes the internet makes you feel invincible...
    BUT the feedback i gave wants to look hopeful and encouraging, i only wish the best for s@20 and Panser.
    Improvements in this field would be welcome; courses in hostessing or acting might help

  113. These people are so rude! They think that you're just some employee working a job to try to please the "male-majority", but what they don't know is that you're just an average girl-gamer who makes videos about games and stuff.

    To think that you dyed your hair for their amusement, AS IF! It's like saying Vi wants to be Ahri.

    And then some downvote your reply; well, good luck with other S@20-feature videos :D

  114. You can be polite when giving constructive criticism, but to be rude is something else.

  115. Not until they rework me!

  116. The real complaint about her is that she has low skills for something like that, turning her in "just a pretty face". (It's not pretty, IMO).
    You can see that the comments that support her are about her look: " She is pretty"
    While the ones that don't support her are about her skills: " She is slow, shw talks slowly, I can see she is reading, she is boring".

  117. The video is meant for people who haven't read the articles, If you've already read the articles, don't watch the video, it's that simple.
    I'll give an example, Nikasaur is an employee, and she has to perform well at her job, part of which is Summoner Showcase. But Panser is a normal person doing their own thing, she doesn't need the experience, or qualifications because she's just like anyone with a camera.

  118. Well, Moobeat removed my comment this time.
    Don't know why, hope you readed it.

    I'll simplify.

    She is just a pretty face.

    Supportive comments about her are: "she is pretty, good job"

    Unsupportive comments about her are: "she is boring, she talks slowly, she don't show emotions, fake laugh".

    Judging by how bad she is at this, implies that S@20 is only accepting her, to bring more people here, instead of what it should be, a informative recap of news, without the need of reading.
    That's why only audio and clips/screenshots of the game and a good readerare better.
    LoLMath for examples doe an excelent job at that.

  119. I recently saw Panser's 39 things you may not know about League of Legends and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I'm really looking forward to watching these!

    I feel like I'm in the minority, but I do hope this thing continues.

  120. Not that I'm sure people don't mind watching an attractive lady talk, but is this really necessary? Your site is set-up to where it is already easy to find everything, and the LoL community is so impatient unless someone went on vacation for a week with no electricity, I doubt anyone would miss your posts.

  121. Of course it's his/her opinion, that's why he posted it on here. People are allowed to have opinions, and he/she is just voicing theirs.

  122. I would rather have a charismatic guy than a girl who only has looks going for her.

  123. Agreed. Love the site and the information posted, but it feels as if you're going "Thanks for your critisizm" as a stock standard reply, but not fully acknowledging it or really caring.

    This is just my OPINION, but all in all it sounds like no matter what happens, you're going to go through with it. That's fine, but don't kind of 'promote' people being able to give critique when you almost openly state you ignore it or find it kind of useless.

  124. Alright I can't deal. She's just reciting articles already written here with a very slow monotonous manner of speaking. All this serves as is a cheap "pretty girl" viewership grab. Not to mention I'd say a sizable amount of users on this site check the posts daily, so a slow, droning recap, is not only unnecessary but also uninteresting to watch. Also holy fuck that clutter on her wall is messy as shit and its slowly pissing me off.

    To make this acceptable, what I'd suggest is to give the recap some new information that isn't readily available on the site, maybe announce those giveaways you do there, maybe some fan art, fucking anything really. Then, replace the girl. I don't care who with, male or female, just anyone with more energy, who's at least a little entertaining. A new host who gives some spice to the show other than slowly reciting news articles.

    And if at all possible, clean up her fucking wall. I mean I'm assuming a new host would mean a new wall to stand in front of, but holy shit that thing is a mess, I can't get my mind off of it.

  125. Meh, i stopped watching halfway through. Like others said I think it's the inflection and pacing of it. It's not a real high quality vid either. Not a fan, but i guess for those people who are her fans it'll bring em to the site i suppose.

    If she works on the pacing of her video, makes it a bit more interesting and involves the watcher, it could be a bit better i suppose.

  126. Though I personally don't need this recap, being on here as much as I am. I think this is a really good idea for new members or members that aren't on as much as people like me.

    I have some (hopefully constructive) criticism for you.
    -I know this was your first recap for s@20 and thus you may have been a bit nervous. but in the video you come off very scripted, even the laugh seems like it was written in.
    - look at Nikasaur or PressHeartToContinue videos and how they portray news, less like reading from a prompter.

    -More images in the empty space/moving camera closer to remove empty space and background music will be very helpful.

    and my last piece of critic at 3:50 you said alas. You Keep Using That Word, I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means

  127. The real problem with the girl is that she dosent move and dont change the tone of his voice . Its a bit boring. I dont like much Nikasaur, but she moves more and change the tone of his voice very often. Maybe if she improves corporal language, practice a bit his voice and put inmage videos or stuff like that, maybe it becomes less boring. And put some music, please!

  128. She felt kinda bland and emotionless, she should add some emotion and enthusiasm (like Nika), but otherwise the recap was well done and I like the idea. Different strokes for different blokes.

  129. I think Lissandra is a bit more important.

  130. But why read when you can enjoy Panser's voice reading the recap? XD

    Though really for me I just listen to the recap because sometimes I miss posts. For Example, when I watch the RT recaps on youtube, I'm surprised most of the time because there are really cool and funny videos that I missed from my youtube feed, and it's nice for the recap to go through it so I made sure I didn't miss anything at all.

  131. Why her...just why?

  132. I personally don't get any value out of these but if other people do and you aren't paying her to do this then I don't see how it can hurt.

    In terms of the presentation though - her slow speech rate and teleprompter reading makes it feel like she doesn't have any actual knowledge on the topics. I suspect unless she can manage a more genuine speaking tone that you will get the standard 'fake geek girl' who is taking advantage of the hapless gamer men refrain. Beyond having to deal with whining it is always better to have a presenter who seems to know what they are talking about rather than reciting something written.

  133. Search "achievement hunter weekly update". THEY know how to recap a week, this girl just feels bored like she doesn't care at all.

  134. Normal person, right.... im a girl and i have more charisma than that and the best thing is that i know the champions names right, coz u know.. i realy play the game... i have a camera too but are you watching me on youtube? beacuse u can do something that doesnt mean you have to do it.
    Its boring, low quality, and its only here for the way she looks, not for what she can do to make this place better, normal person excuse is not valid.

  135. Maybe this isn't directed at you then. I don't always have the time to spend hours of my week reading up on what's happened and would be happy for a TL;DR version such as what this series will provide.

  136. Who said anything about freedom of speech? Seriously, dude, do you have Asperger's?

  137. Just so you don't think I have a vendetta against you, as you claimed I deleted your comment, I have no idea where it has. It hasn't had any moderation action against it, is not in the spam filter, delete list, or removed list. I see the email that the comment was made but there not actually a comment.

  138. Oh god, why. Not Panser... please. She's already everywhere. I can't read WoW Insider without seeing her, now she's on TV, now she's here, too? Please don't keep doing this.

    I'm the first to get behind a hot girl but she just rubs me the wrong way... I don't even know what it is. But between the TV show and now this it's beginning to seem like she's whoring herself out. And I agree with what others are saying, there's really no point when this site just aggregates the news already anyway.

  139. This might be exactly why she always tends to bug me so much. I can never put my finger on it, but every time I see her she just seems so very, very off-putting and unsettling...

  140. Oh the monotone droning.
    Please make her be more lively in the next video, will you?

  141. She talks SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO slow D:

  142. I don't think she's really as enthusiastic about League of Legends as some other people are in this community. This sounded really fake, and you can tell that she's just clearly reading.
    Most people check the website daily, and I think it would make more sense for Moobeat to make his own Weekly Recap post rather than have her do this boring video.

  143. You can tell it's not something she's interested in...
    Why not have Seranaya do this? I think she'd be a great pick.

  144. Hours? Bro it's like 10 minutes at most.

  145. Yeah it was not deleted, It was hidden under the Load More.

    I tried Ctrl+F and couldn't find it but then I saw it.
    Sorry for that, but I deleted and edited my massages as soon as I found it ^^

  146. Panser's 39 things you may not know about League of Legends totally shows her lack of knowledge about this game like citing obvious lore stuff or mispronouncing Renekton as Renington. Then she says that she said it because she was stressed, but for fucks sake if you played the game more than 100-200 matches you know how the champions are called, and if you didn't even play those 200 games then don't even engage in doing recaps about it or at least prepare yourself to do it and not read it from paper.

  147. first of all, I think its good that you keep improving you site and the S@20 comuniti

    but I dont like the recap to be honest, she isnt realey interacting she is just sitting/standing there and telling the recap, I have nothing against the way she talks/her looks, all I want to say is that if she where talking with body language it would be more intresting to watch

    thats all feedback for now, Im at school and I shouldnt even be here right now xD

  148. My favorite part is that I am not reading - I don't have a telepromter..Lol, where would one even get a teleprompter? It's also fairly obvious that I am looking directly into the camera. Just because I don't freestyle and plan what I am going to say beforehand, does not mean I am reading....

  149. 99% of the time I play in a group of 3 - which you cannot que up for ranked in, unless playing 3s (awful game, imo)...I play for fun, not to compete, so I am not going to kick a friend out of group jsut to get elo - those 4 games were the first 4 games after I hit 30, so I did the community the service of getting better before I dragged down their elo too, lol

  150. you had good feedback but it wouldnt sound so... mean and hatefull if you skipped the Oh, god why... >More hate and stuf> But Panser..., if you would have skipped that part it would have sounded like good feedback

  151. My feedback isn't needed anymore, moobeat al you need to do is read this post, this is a recap of all the feedback! (but with out all the hate)

  152. i've seen you makin so many bad comments all the time about her

    are you an exboyfriend of her or so which she left cause you are so full of hate
    grow up lil kid

    I have seen Panser first on 39 things about league of legends too and it was nice

    the recap is nothing for me cause i read the news often but its a good addition keep up the good work Panser and S@20

  153. But pick rate :'(

  154. Let's go back to champion role-play :D

  155. I'm a white night too :D
    As a support champ, it is my duty to defend victims of ganks.

  156. I think you're Panser's biggest fan, what with your favorite color being Pink of course :3

  157. technically depends on the amount of content/news going on in the week though. one week maybe have 5hrs of information, another week it's only 10mins.

  158. I love you Karma, one time I played you in a 62 minute game and went 2-0-36 <3

  159. If he needs that time to read, most news would be already old and implemented to the game ^^

  160. Anthony Enrique Sánchez OrtizJanuary 7, 2013 at 7:29 AM

    What he said, but i like her too so it's ok.

  161. You've got a majority of people in this thread despising her. Why are you asking for feedback then basically saying "Welp, sorry you don't like it, them's the breaks!" I'm just waiting for the dealwithit.jpg response at this point.

  162. I think id have to agree with this. While she is nice I personaly dont see myself watching her as i check this site over 5 times a day for new news. It may be right for some people though but not me :(

  163. Yea, I barely check LoL news once or twice a week; I'm usually just playing (I read patch notes while its updating you know?) So this recap is nice.

  164. Saying ahead of time, this is again just personal opinion. I've only been reading this site regularly for a few months now, but based on that, here is what I've noticed about the community. It's pretty well-informed about League, and it's pretty mature (as far as internet audiences go). Very VERY rarely do I read comments and such and just think, "Wow. Children."

    So the problem with this chick is she's very... flashy. And it looks like you're pandering to casual/short attention span people. You have a young girl come on here with super flashy hair colors basically reading posts that everyone has seen. She has a huge attention-whore vibe coming off her. I dare say this would go over way better if her hair was natural colored and she wasn't trying to cram the fact that she's a "lol nerdy gamer chick" down my throat. That's exactly how I felt within 30 seconds of watching this video. Just to verify, I spent about 20 minutes Googling this chick. I'm sure I'm in the minority, but man. I get it, you like games.

    Another big problem is this girl is coming on here and she's new to League. She's got about 400-500 games played, not a whole lot of experience in ranked, and she's here to tell us about League news? What credibility does she have at all? The people on this site care about what's going on in League. They don't care about a girl putting way too much effort in to being a cute nerd.

    If you want to know what would make this feature better (and not the girl), get someone with a bit more credibility and personality in here, that doesn't give off the air of trying to be something way too hard. Go look at the MMO Report guy. I'm fairly certain he was reading off a teleprompter, but he was much better suited to the job.

    Anyway, yeah. That's how it looks from my side of things. You're a better judge of your site's community. If this is what they really want then... awesome. I'll continue to read your site, and continue to be annoyed ever time I see her pop up on the news feed. But I'll just skip those posts.


  165. I just feel bad for you; you've been on this comment thread for 2 straight days, don't you have anything better to do?

  166. You guys don't need an attwhore to get more people to access your site.

  167. Way to be part of the problem.

  168. Love Panser. She is fun with her tradechat show and glad to see her branch out into other things.

  169. Good, but that's just one of the complaints.
    I just pointed my opinion and other peoples comments on that comment.
    If I don't like something, I don't watch it and that's what I'm gonna do.
    S@20 asked for feedback, that's what I'm giving, just pointing out the facts.

    I just don't think you have the skills for this job, that's it.
    Paz & Amor.

  170. Yeah, i'm watching The Mentalist :•D

  171. why does she have to have credibility..she is just recapping the news

  172. Again, from what I've seen, it's the nature of the community. We come here for news about the game, updates, all that fun stuff. Balance changes, number tweaks, all that. We care because we're interested in these minute mechanic changes, because we all want to be better at this game.

    When someone who doesn't fully understand this (and I say this as someone who very much though he had a handle on the game at level 20 with 100 games played), gives me news recap on a site that's designed to give competitive players (of varying levels), I feel a tad insulted.

  173. Aka she asked for a permanent place on S@20 just to get more views on her videos. How about you post the recaps from the S@20 Youtube account, lets see if she wants to do it then.

  174. Oh, it's Panser :l

    I have been subscribed to her back when I was playing WoW from time to time, but it REALLY got on my nerves how she consistently pulled the Boob- card to win views. Shove them back into your tiny piece of cloth, will ya? But obviously she has a big base of small boys and girls that want to be like her, so don't you dare saying anything against her videos.

    Your feedback: She reads the news in a very slow and boring manner. It seems like she is reading it from a board behind the camera, which she probably is. Consensus: It just seems like Panser has actually no idea what she is talking about. All of her body language point to "I don't know what I am actually saying, but LoL is popular, I am a girl and this hero Teemo is cute, so.. x3"

  175. Okay and since I like Moobeat, I would really appreciate - as many have proposed - an audio recap with a clear voice. AND: Make it a podcast on iTunes. THAT would be the proper way to have an actual recap as a service for the readers.

    The only reason Panser is doing this is because she has a "large fanbase" and you want to make an advertisement for your website. Everybody knows that noone watches these videos for information.

  176. Panser really doesn't know what she's talking about. Video: "39 LoL Facts You May Not Know! :D", Minute: 3:19: #15: "Four champions have access to aALL THEIR ABILITIES at level one: Udyr, Elise, Karma & Jayce". Are you kidding me?

  177. You are awesome at all :*
    You can be released (relaunched) the same patch, can't you? :)

  178. I check the site multiple times a day so a weekly recap isn't "needed" for me, however I can see this being a wonderful opportunity for S@20 to gain a youtube personality. I watched Panser sometimes when I played Wow, and did enjoy the content. I'm sadden by all the hate she's getting in the comments. The idea that because she's a women, this is some kind of attention grab is insulting and stupid. Ya she has the pink hair and is rather nerdy but then again she's a nerd ergo she's nerdy. The comments are filled with all that "geek girl" crap where entitled men, feel women need to PROVE themselves worthy of their nerd/geek hobbies. My point being hating on people isn't cool, meaningful, or decent, and doesn't belong in civil conservation. Now on to improvements with the video. While I don't find a great deal of functional use in the "weekly recap", if Panser wanted to do a daily recap, patch recap, or general news bulletin for LoL that could be neat. I know Moobeat has done daily recaps before when things have gotten busy, maybe Panser could do something daily like that for the Youtube people. Regardless of the out come, I'm happy that S@20 is forging new ground for itself in the youtube space. Best of Luck to you guys :D

  179. You're looking at it from a minority point of view, assuming that everyone reads all of the posts on this site, which they don't. Most LoL players don't read these or other articles. She's giving news about the game we all like to play and I legitimately can't understand why you all seem to think that is a bad thing or why you're so BUTTHURT about it.
