As expected, Thresh will not be available immediately and will be enabled at a later time parring more PBE testing.
Continue reading for patch notes as well as a patch preview highlighting the ideology behind some of the major changes.
Here is the patch preview
Here is the full set of patch notes.
Thresh, the Chain Warden
- Thresh is still undergoing PBE testing, and will be released at a later date. Stay tuned for more information on the Chain Warden!
- Base movement speed increased to 330 from 325
- Headbutt
- Range increased to 650 from 600
- Cursed Touch
- Magic resist reduction reduced at later levels to 15/20/25 from 15/25/35
- Disintegrate
- Mana cost reduced to 60/65/70/75/80 from 60/70/80/90/100
- Incinerate
- Targeting cone is now attached to Annie
- Molten Shield
- Cooldown reduced to 10 seconds from 16
- Duration reduced to 5 seconds from 8
- Mana Barrier
- Cooldown increased to 90 seconds from 60
- Rocket Grab
- Will now give vision when it hits a target
- Feral Scream
- Targeting cone is now attached to Cho'Gath
- Gatling Gun
- Mana cost reduced to 60/65/70/75/80 from 60/70/80/90/100
- Pale Cascade
- Orb detonation has been adjusted to better match Diana’s basic attack range
- Shield duration increased to 5 seconds from 4
- Lunar Rush
- Cast range increased to 825 from 750
- Hate Spike
- Mana cost increased to 16/22/28/34/40 from 14/18/22/26/30
- Bonus attack damage ratio increased to 0.5 from 0.4
- Ravage
- Damage reduced at later ranks to 35/55/75/95/115 from 35/60/85/110/135
- Bonus attack damage ratio increased to 0.5 from 0.4
- Agony's Embrace
- Damage changed to 15/20/25% of the target's current health from 15/20/25% of their max health
- Cooldown increased to 150/120/90 seconds from 120/90/60
- Cast range reduced to 650 from 800
- Base attack speed reduced to 0.625 from 0.665
- Force Pulse
- Fixed an issue where Force Pulse would sometimes fire backward after using Rift Walk.
- Base movement speed reduced to 345 from 350
- Sinister Steel
- Movement speed adjusted to 15/20/25/30/35% from 12/20/28/36/44%
- Basic attack has been retuned so it’s more responsive
- Unseen Threat
- Damage reduced at later levels to 15-190 from 15-220
- Slow reduced to 25% from 35%
- Taste Their Fear
- Bonus attack damage ratio reduced to 1.5 from 1.6
- Isolation bonus attack damage ratio reduced to 2.0 from 2.4
Lee Sin
- Safeguard
- Fixed a bug where the tooltip incorrectly stated that Lee Sin regained energy when the shield was broken
- Iron Will
- No longer grants armor while active
- Life steal and spell vamp increased to 5/10/15/20/25% from 5/9/13/17/21%
- Cripple
- Slow amount reduced at earlier ranks to 20/30/40/50/60% from 30/37.5/45/52.5/60%
- Range reduced to 600 from 800
- Siphon of Destruction
- Targeting cone is now attached to Mordekaiser
- Base movement speed increased to 335 from 330
- Aqua Prison
- Cooldown reduced to 14/13/12/11/10 seconds from 16/14.5/13/11.5/10
- Tidal Wave
- Missile speed increased to 850 from 750
- Bonetooth Necklace
- Now grants +5 Attack Damage
- Unseen Predator
- Fixed a bug where Rengar could leap while rooted
- Savagery
- Attack speed duration increased to 4 seconds from 3
- Fixed a bug where Savagery could be used three times consecutively
- Battle Roar
- Empowered Battle Roar now heals for 60-400 (based on champion level) instead of 10% of his Rengar’s health
- Thrill of the Hunt
- Initial delay reduced to 1 second from 1.25 (still can be delayed up to 3 seconds)
- Stealth duration increased to 7 seconds from 5
- Base health regen reduced to 6 from 10.4
- Health regen per level reduced to 0.5 from 0.9
- Valor
- Shield amount increased to 70/100/130/160/190 from 60/90/120/150/180
- Blade of the Exile
- Cooldown increased to 110/80/50 seconds from 75/60/45
- Targeting cone is now attached to Riven
- Hallucinate
- Controlling the clone no longer reveals Shaco in brush
- Fixed a bug that prevented Shaco from casting Hallucinate for the rest of the game in certain circumstances
- Transcendent
- Now increases range on Unleashed Power by 75 at max rank
- Scatter the Weak
- Cooldown reduced at later ranks to 18/16.5/15/13.5/12 seconds from 18/17/16/15/14
- Noxian Diplomacy
- Bleed damage reduced to 10/20/30/40/50 from 18/36/54/72/90
- Bleed bonus attack damage ratio reduced to 1 from 1.2
- Cutthroat
- Fixed a bug where the damage amplification did not actually apply
- Fixed an bug that sometimes caused Talon’s Rake to fire backwards after using Cutthroat.
- Shadow Assault
- Damage reduced at later ranks to 120/170/220 from 120/190/260
- Bonus attack damage ratio reduced to 0.75 from 0.9
- Monkey's Agility
- Now additionally increases Udyr's armor and magic resist by 4% per stack
- Vault Breaker
- Fixed a bug where Vault Breaker would sometimes not refund mana or cooldown when interrupted
- Fixed a bug where interrupting Vault Breaker would sometimes render Vi unable to cast spells
- Fixed a bug where Vault Breaker's stun duration was sometimes shorter than intended
- Fixed a bug where Vi would sometimes stop attacking after hitting a champion with Vault Breaker
- Excessive Force
- Increased the responsiveness of Vi's attacks after using Excessive Force
- Assault and Battery
- Fixed a bug where targets could cast spells after being knocked into the air
- Fixed a bug where characters with stealth could cause Assault and Battery to miss
- Fixed a bug where damage was not applied to targets immune to disable effects
- Short Fuse
- The cooldown indicator now more accurately shows when Short Fuse is available.
Summoner's Rift
- Jungle
- Wraith
- Base gold increased to 30 from 25
- Base health increased to 1000 from 750
- Lesser Wraith
- Base health reduced to 150 from 250
- Giant Wolf
- Base gold increased to 55 from 40
- Base health increased to 1100 from 900
- Wolf
- Base health reduced to 200 from 300
- Golem
- Base gold increased to 55 from 45
- Base health increased to 1200 from 1000
- Small Golem
- Base health reduced to 300 from 500
- Item tooltips have been revised to improve consistency
- Manamune
- Attack damage increased to 20 from 10
- Archangel's Staff
- Ability power increased to 60 from 50
- Mana charge amount increased to 6 from 5
- Crystalline Flask
- Cost increased to 345 from 225
- Now restores 120 health and 60 mana over 12 seconds from 100 health and 40 mana over 10 seconds per charge
- Mikael's Crucible
- Can no longer target allied minions
- Last Whisper
- Combine cost increased to 1025 from 860 (total cost is now 2300 from 2135)
- Hextech Gunblade
- Spell vamp is now UNIQUE
- Iceborne Gauntlet
- Duration of slow field reduced to 2 seconds from 3
- Slow percentage reduced to 30% from 35%
- Slowing field now displays team color rings
- Philosopher's Stone
- Now correctly grants 5 gold per 10 seconds (was 4 gold per 10 seconds)
- Enchantment: Homeguard
- Homeguard now works immediately after purchasing the enchant
- Spirit of the Elder Lizard
- Now grants +10% cooldown reduction
- Spirit of the Spectral Wraith
- Ability power increased to 50 from 40
- Cooldown reduction is no longer UNIQUE
- Sanguine Blade
- Combine cost reduced to 500 gold from 800
- Attack damage increased to 65 from 60
- Attack damage per stack increased to 6 from 5
- Max stacks reduced to 5 from 7
- Blackfire Torch
- New recipe: Kage's Lucky Pick + Fiendish Codex + Haunting Guise
- Total gold cost: 3950 (combine cost: 700)
- Ability power increased to 80 from 70
- Cooldown reduction increased to 20% from 10%
- Now grants 10 mana regeneration per 5 seconds
- Will of the Ancients
- New recipe: Kage's Pick + Hextech Revolver
- Total gold cost is now 2550 (combine cost: 585)
- Twin Shadows
- Ability power reduced to 40 from 50
- Magic resist increased to 40 from 30
- Movement speed increased to 6% from 5%
- Banner of Command
- Ability power reduced to 40 from 50
- Now grants 10% cooldown reduction
- Banshee's Veil
- Combine cost increased to 600 from 490 (total cost is now 2610 from 2500)
- Health increased to 400 from 300
- Ninja Tabi
- Once again reduces 10% damage from all basic attacks, rather than only champion basic attacks
- Liandry's Torment
- Health increased to 300 from 200
- Ability power reduced to 60 from 70
- Wooglet's Witchcap
- New recipe: Blasting Wand + Blasting Wand + Chain Vest
- Total gold cost: 3500 (combine cost: 1060)
- Armor reduced to 40 from 50
- Hextech Sweeper
- New UNIQUE passive - Trap Detection: Nearby stealthed enemy traps are revealed
- Grez's Spectral Lantern
- Attack damage reduced to 20 from 25
- Lightbringer - Remade!
- New recipe: Grez's Spectral Lantern + Pickaxe
- Total gold cost: 2425 (combine cost: 300)
- +50 attack damage
- +20 armor
- +12% life steal
- UNIQUE passive - Vanquish: Basic attacks have a 20% chance to deal 100 bonus magic damage (doubled for non-champions)
- UNIQUE passive - Trap Detection: Nearby stealthed enemy traps are revealed
- UNIQUE active: Cover s a target area in a stealth-detecting mist that grants vision for 10 seconds (60 second cooldown)
- Pickpocket
- Now displays a buff timer after attacking to show the time before gold can be earned again
Twisted Treeline
- Speed Shrine removed! There’s now a Ghost Relic in its place.
- The Ghost Relic replenishes 94-315 health and a small amount of your ability resource. It also grants a brief speed boost.
- The Ghost Relic spawns at 1:55 and respawns every 90 seconds.
- New items now available
- Lightbringer
- Runic Bulwark
- Ohmwrecker
Proving Grounds
- New items now available
- Blade of the Ruined King
Co-op vs. AI
- Bots are now more likely to use activatable items.
- Added Darius Bot to Co-op vs. AI on all maps.
- Fixed a bug where Shen Bot wasn't casting Stand United.
- Co-op vs. AI will now properly display as a co-op vs. AI match instead of a 5v5 pvp match.
- Gold totals with more than three digits will now include punctuation for easier readability
- Directed camera positioning will now take the health bars for Baron and Vilemaw into account
- Fixed a bug that could cause directed camera to focus on recalling champions even with no enemies nearby
- Added spectator chat callouts for powerful items such as Athene's Unholy Grail and Blade of the Ruined King
- Added a new provisional medal for players and teams that are in their placement matches
- All players and teams have been temporarily set to this medal in preparation for Season 3
- Improvements to the item shop
- Holding the CTRL key while clicking on categories in the All Items tab will now select multiple categories, similar to using the check boxes
- Fixed a bug where the item shop could show you as owning more of an item than you actually have
- Fixed a bug where items in the recommended item pane would light up even if you couldn't afford the item
- Fixed a bug where items that could not be sold were showing a sell value
- Improved the responsiveness of double clicking to purchase items
- Improved the performance of the item shop during various item updates (opening the item shop, searching, purchasing and selling)
- Adjusted the graphics for the borders on vote tallies in the surrender display
- Turrets
- Now prioritize minions in the following order:
- Player-owned minions (ex: Tibbers, Zyra Plants)
- Super Minions, Cannon Minions
- Melee Minions
- Caster Minions
- Added keybindings for Self Casting Items
- Fixed keybinding for Show/Hide HUD
- Changed the "Ended Killing Spree" chat messages to better indicate that the number shown is the total gold received for the kill
- Fixed a bug where players couldn’t send chat messages at end of game
- Fixed a bug where champions affected by near-sightedness (Graves's Smokescreen, Nocturne's ultimate) could attack their team mates
- The Minimap has been improved:
- Wards now show special icons on the minimap
- Players are outlined in blue while recalling
- Players are outlined in orange while using teleport
- Teleport is now colored based on enemy/ally team
- Fixed an issue that was causing player health bars and ultimate indicators in the team UI to update too slowly
- Fixed an issue where purchasing a legendary item (ex: Runic Bulwark, Blade of the Ruined King) would consume all components of a lower tier instead of just those necessary for the recipe
- Fixed a rare issue where certain spells (ex: Ezreal’s Mystic Shot) could land an unintentional critical hit
- Hovering over your attack damage stat will display your champion's auto attack range
- You may now unlock the game camera while holding down your mouse button on the minimap
- Pinging a tower in the basic tutorial will no longer display an unlocalized string
- The camera snap that occurs when you respawn can be disabled by setting "DisableCameraSnapOnRespawn=1" in Game.cfg
- You now have a few extra seconds to finish a kill streak if the target is the last member of the team alive
- Muting a player will now mute that player's emote sounds
- Added teammate chat callouts for new items such as Sightstone, Mikael's Crucible and Ohmwrecker
- Fixed a bug preventing buff durations from drawing on the target frame