Upcoming Syndra Buffs and the Gifting Center returning sometime after Jan 6.

Happy New Year's summoners! Let's kick off 2013 just how we ended 2012... with a red post collection!
Continue reading for two short red posts, one giving context to the upcoming Syndra buffs and the other reminding us that the Gifting Center will more than likely return after it leaves on January 6th.

Upcoming Syndra Buffs
While Syndra may not be the most popular champion, she has a set of buffs coming in the next patch. Here is Meddler with the scoop on what Riot is aiming for with these new changes.
"Regarding the upcoming changes we're primarily looking to add a bit of extra power to her mid to late game, hence the boost to her ult at max rank (level 16+) and the improved E CD (level 14+ assuming it's maxed third, or level 8+ if people start maxing it second). Quite agree she's strong in lane, that's something we don't want to buff, she does fall off a bit more than desired late game however, even accounting for that early strength."
For reference, here are the tentative Syndra buffs from the last PBE patch:
  • Transcendent now grants +75 Range to Unleashed Power at max rank.
  • Scatter the Weak cooldown decreased to 18/16.5/15/13.5/12 from 18/17/16/15/14.
Gifting Center will return!
RiotAmes, again, mentioned the future plans for the gifting center after it is taken down on Janurary 6th and reminded us that it the feature will return in the future!
"We'll be taking gifting down soon to work on some improvements and do some deep data checks on the effects on fraud, account security, etc. We'll also be looking into what may be causing some people to be unable to gift when they think they should. There won't be any further changes before we disable it for Snowdown - but it'll be coming back."


  1. Thiago do Couto Reis e SilvaJanuary 2, 2013 at 1:24 AM

    Oh, that's complicated. Syndra's already a good mid laner.

  2. Thiago do Couto Reis e SilvaJanuary 2, 2013 at 1:25 AM

    Why buff Syndra?

  3. I think the reason was that she fell off late game a bit too much for their liking...Hence the max level ulti range buff.

  4. More! Syndra can be so much more with power!

  5. Something that you wont see is : "Upcoming Irelia Buffs"

  6. Not enough!! SYndra wants SO MUCH MORE!!!

  7. Why not read the actual post before asking stupid question?

  8. Why should they buff her. no reason. She is still of the strongest late game champs.

  9. (Well I'm no pro but isn't Irelia's laning and early-late game good enough? What is there to buff?)

  10. What about Rumble... Give him some love or more skins please

  11. There is a reason...Tri Force, GA, Wits End, and armor/mr got nerfed not to mention as nerfs), and those items happened to be core on Irelia. While I agree she is still strong she is outclassed now by champions who actually have good build paths.

  12. Skin wise yes, any balances/buffs no. He's been in the top 3 highest winrates for months now, and any buffs would only lead to him being nerfed to a worse state.

  13. Irelia needs to be buffed atm, she's pretty much useless after the s3 changes

  14. Where is Rengar buffs? ):

  15. She got new core items and she is still really strong if u build her these items.
    Try this one http://www.solomid.net/guides.php?g=43223-megazero-irelia-build-guide.

  16. No she isn't. Since when is a tanky assassin useless anyways? Laning phase is still good, slightly harder after the W nerf but that was needed imo. I think she's good where she is at the moment. And, like every champion, she has counters which are harder to beat and may outclass her because of that, but not because of their builds ¬_¬

  17. Yeah, buff my Syndra please :D

  18. syndra not being played doesn't make her weak. in fact she is very powerful already. its her playstyle, that is not attractive.

  19. It attracted me xD
    She is very good and has some different play style, I place a ball at strategic points so I defend my self with Scatter The Weak, I start TF's with it too, stunning 1+ champs ^^, and IN the TF you can stun a whole team if Scatter The Weak is used AFTER her ultimate. Those spheres work too ^^

  20. that´s true.... that´s really true....

  21. I'd she only need a few tweaks to have a slightly smoother laning phase

  22. Glad for the range though. Hated having to basically run into the middle of the team fight to ult and risk getting the crap AoE'd out of me, if not worse.

  23. The same with Karma, but Karma don't fit role they wanted her to fit. She is one of the best supports, perhaps the best late game support, but in laning phase... She is worse than most supports.
    I'm just afraid that they'll make mantra more like casual ult ;/
    Any news btw?

  24. I used to play Syndra and I can tell she doesn't need buffs! Her laning phase is incredibly strong enough to make up for that late game fall. It's not like she doesn't do damage late game or can't support her team with stuns and slows.
    But well, I'm not pro so maybe I'm just wrong.

  25. The AD buffs are what hurt her. Physical damage based champions have more damage early/mid game whereas since Irelia scales with attack speed, she does not benefit much from that at all.

    The builds, funny enough since you think not, actually have made a big difference to the game (Which a lot of people are also failing to realise).


  27. Syndra is ok, Now these buff are getting ridiculous. Some players are deciding to main Syndra and they are annihilating others mid lanner. This is not good for Syndra, "With a great set of buffs, comes a great nerf"

  28. With the season 3 itemization she got lots of nerfs, almost every item she had was removed, her winrate droped from 55% to 46%. Now the AS items(which she builds because of her W) you can build to her are Zephyr, that purple item I forgot the name, Trinity force, and maybe the new rain item builded from yellow double swords.

  29. I am looking at you.

  30. Good luck syndra, I hope you have all the power you had in the past.

  31. HAHHAHAHA, And i was affraid that Syndra was going to be nerfed. She's so OP right now, and now she'll be even more. Good Guy Riot ^^
    Syndra OP.

  32. Gifting to return after Snowdown? Goodbye money :D

  33. Hell yes to the skin idea. An armored MechWalker more badass then the normal skin is what I want. Something where he's enclosed behind a glass shield.

  34. I dunno why people think that buffing Syndra is stupid... she's not a really good laner atm and fails at team fights. She's a bit like Lux and Malz, you have to land every one of your skills if you want to do dmg, you have no way to scape if they get you, 0 mobility and your range is rather ridiculous so you have to get into the middle of 5 guys to ult. And if your enemy laner gets some hp it gets really difficult to kill with her, she lacks some dmg, they always escape to me at 10-50 hp or so because she needs just a little bit more of dmg. Appart from that, I think she's a good champ. She's really fun to play.

  35. are you kidding? the new Zephyr item on her is amazing. allowing her to have a different choice of boots rather than having to ALWAYS go merc treads anymore. you just can't rush tri force and stomp over people anymore, doesn't mean she's bad. if you play about 10-15 games with her you'll see she's not bad at all. you can't play just 1-2 games with her and say she sucks because you don't know what items to get on her now.

  36. Oh, Syndra, honey. You really need a shirt.

  37. Who Gives a rat's tail about Irelia!!!??? WHERE IS MY KARMA!! Irelia already had her time in the spotlight! Karma has been considered underpowered the moment she was released! Wow, Irelia isn't OP anymore, good ridance, she is still really strong with the new items if you actually try to build something different with her.Adapt please. And although she isn't super strong early game, her late game is still amazing.

  38. I think he is borderline too strong right now. I am not sure if he needs nerfs, but he certainly doesn't need buffs.

  39. You're right about a lot of things, but she is a great laner-she just falls off during full team fights. I think she Does have mobility, because she can cast while moving. Her range is fine, that's the only time she's at any risk as well, other wise she'd hard as hell to catch or kill. Her job is to get in, ult a single target, gtfo, then scatter the weak to stun everyone, all that while spamming Q,W.

  40. who is this karma you speak of? o.o

  41. Yes, she got zephyr, which I agree is a strong item on her, but she lost so much just for that one item, and takes away all the utility she had from tri until mid/late game as zephyr is such a high costing item.

  42. And yet all the pros who decided this have gave up on her, deciding she is bad.

  43. I actually really like to support karma, and I think he laning phase is fine...last time I played her it was a 60 min game and I went 2-0-36 :3

  44. speaking of skins - Soraka skins omg please <3

  45. this replied to the wrong person...lol >.> was supposed to be a reply to QQ Knight talking about Rumble skins...idkwut happen :c

  46. I think the cooldown on Scatter the Weak is needed. The ult range is cool but yes it can be pretty devastating in the right hands.

  47. The champions overall win rate =/= the chance of you winning a game

  48. Syndra's already really good once you learn her. Also I think the +75 will mess me up, because right now the ult range is equal to ignite range, making that combo easy.

  49. Oh god, Phantoml0rd going to be so happy

  50. = the chance to have someone afk on the enemy team

  51. Ok, they are looking for a Karma rework, you will be fixed soon.
    (y u no upload pic)

  52. ...Darius is a bit op ...and Jax needs some work, fiora is unbeateble ...but they will nerf irelia twich and Evelyn

  53. Well, this is noticeable for the player but isn't all that people are complaining.

    2 seconds less cooldown on E (lvl 5 only) and +75 Range on Ult at LVL 16 (=lategame)

  54. Her laning is good againsta and with several characters. She does much more in teamfights phase. Let me remind you: best late game support :)

    She is verry powerful at TT, if u like supporting (or just playing) as karma u bned to try her there before rework goes live! :D

  55. Why the hell does she needs buffs.... Thats the craziest shit I have heard ALL YEAR!

  56. buff her or not shes POWERFUL at late game and at max level !

    good to know HER ULTIMATE has now bonus too to transcendent

  57. What's a Syndra?

  58. Main Mid Champ getting buffed again ♥
    Love u Syndra ♥

  59. Right played , she is a Monster. I ♥ Playing her :D

  60. Ionic Spark was so much fun on Irelia, I haven't even played her since the patch because there aren't as many cool/good attack speed items that work with her anymore. She pretty much can only build wit's end and triforce. They removed madred's, ionic spark, and force of nature all at the same time too, all items I frequently built on her. Madred's really made no sense to me, there is an AS/MR option so why no AS/Armor option?

  61. Force of Nature and Madred's removed also. Both were pretty solid late game options on her imo.

  62. because as/armor would make bruisers even more dangerous than they are already...

  63. I don't see any problems with Irelia. She is manageable in lane, she is all lategame but can be shutdown. However, Syndra=OVER 9000!!! in lane, then meh later. Her utility is being buffed but just wait, her damage will probably be nerfed later.

  64. I agree, Zephyr and Iceborn Gauntlet are 2 amazing items on Irelia and are basically tank alternatives for Tri Force, which made her a bit too squishy too, maybe Irelia can't excel at going damage anymore but she's still hella strong tanky

  65. The spiders respect Syndra's devastating power.

  66. I hadn't thought of experimenting with Gauntlet. It sounds nice on paper that you can get the proc off from her Q rather than needing to auto attack. The only problem i'd have with substituting iceborn for something like randuins or even tri force is the lack of damage it grants. It's meant to be an item for bruisers that are a bit lacking in CC. Since Irelia is all about blowing up the opposing ADC, it seems like an alternative item if you are put immensely behind and just need to be a CC bot.
    Nice call though, I'll definitely need to try that sometime.

  67. People don't realize they only do good with Syndra mid 'cause no one actually knows how to play against her. Landing her Q's is pretty darn easy as well as land her stun. She is pretty fun to play, is strong early game, but don't confuse your skills with other people's lack of ability against a underplayed champion. If people are forced to know how to play against her, I doubt anyone will say she is "OP".

    That's the reason she isn't played much around pro players, they know how to play against every champion, so even if she does good in laning phase, she'll hardly snowball and be useful at all.

  68. The vicious lol cycle. Syndra going to be FOTM then they nerf her to the level of Rengar and Diana.

  69. Her normal abilities are very strong, specially Q, +15%dmg against champions at lvl 5, all her 3 abilities are AOE. In team fights I always hit more than one, slow more than one AND stun more than one.
    Her ult is just to assassinate the stronger enemy, while the rest of the kit destroys everyone.

  70. irelia need a buff omg she get nerfed to many times...
