Upcoming Vi Bug Fixes

Gypsylord just put up some very good news concerning Vi and upcoming fixes for many of her bugs!
Continue reading for an extensive list of imminent bug fixes for Vi, many of which are actually acting as "buffs"...

Here is the full post from Gypsylord:
"Hey guys,
At some point in the future a patch will come out. Contained within it will be a multitude of bug fixes for Vi. Wanted to give you guys some clarity on what exactly some of the fixes are and how they're going to affect you as a Vi player.

-Vault Breaker (Q):

-Vault Breaker will now always refund its CD and mana when interrupted
Currently Vault Breaker is sometimes being put on cooldown when Vi gets CC'd during its charge time. This is not the intended functionality. As a melee champ who focuses on autoattacks, losing the VB charge is already punishing enough for Vi. She should not be losing her move-block on top of that.

-Vault Breaker will now always stun for the intended amount of time (.5 seconds)
Currently VB, when hit at max range, is not stunning champs for as long as intended. Going to fix that.

-Vi will now always attack enemy champions after hitting them with Q
Currently Vi sometimes won't attack her enemy after landing a VB. Now she always will. Should be a good feel change. Q + Auto + E should flow right into each other much better now.

-Excessive Force (E)

-The responsiveness of Vi's attacks after using Excessive Force is being increased
EF currently hits twice as fast as a normal attack. This creates a longer space between an EF empowered strike and the attack following it. The end result? Excessive Force feels rather clunky and sluggish.

I'm decreasing the wind-down time Vi will experience after hitting someone with EF. This means the attack after EF will now come out slightly faster. Should feel a lot better and also add a good amount of power (faster attacks = more damage and dueling potential).

-Assault and Battery (R):

-Assault and Battery will no longer be canceled by stealth and the damage won't be negated by characters with CC immunity.
Currently A&B is getting dodged by things that shouldn't be able to dodge it. Not intended. The ONLY ways a champ should be able to avoid A&B is by going untargetable or putting up a spellshield. Olaf and Morg will no longer stop its damage and Akali will no longer be able to twilight shroud herself out of danger.

-Champions affected by Assault and Battery will no longer be able to cast spells after being knocked into the air.
Currently targets of A&B are able to cast spells like flash, troll pool, and tumble for about .25 seconds after being knocked up. The CC wasn't being applied early enough in the animation. This change should put an end to ADC's flashing away AFTER you hit them.

Not going to beat around the bush here. While these changes, from a design standpoint, are all intended to make Vi more consistent and improve her feel/flow, many of them are buffs. Will be watching her and tweaking as needed."


  1. So I guess they didn't fix the bug where VI stops moving when you charge q while running. I forgot the requirement for the bug. It's like if you hover over the target while clicking it using smart cast.

  2. I love how the rioter calls it troll pool

  3. These fixes are awesome! just awesome!.... BUT, I really hope these fixes make gd think "errmahgerd so opz riet dafuq change bak nao!"... We all know how that goes... We all know the logic in this community....

  4. Ah these are nice fixes. I like her E and R fixes.

  5. Punch first ask questions while punching! So glad to see these fixes :D

  6. They said they would look over it and hopefully it will be fixed to cuz it's quite annoying to see that happen under enemy tower just because i clicked over enemy and not ground.

  7. If all goes well, the same thing that they did with Rumble will occur, yay.

  8. Aaaand they said nothing about the "blue" Neon Strike Vi.

  9. troll pool made me laugh :D:D

    but also, what's happening then to Morg and Olaf when attacked with A&B? Will they receive the full Damage but not get knocked up?

  10. so if you were to knockup akali in her twilight shroud, would she be revealed after? or at least during the knockup? how would that work?

  11. I like the change...of course it will inevitably be nerfed....So hows Rengar coming along?

  12. darius nedbuf riot

  13. When Vi's passive is activated with the Neon Strike skin, you turn into a solid blue silhouette until it goes away.

  14. My main problem was the slow E windup, hopefully this will fix it and I can play her more often.

  15. Hold your ground, hold your ground! Summoners of the League, my brothers! I see in your eyes the same anticipation that would take the heart of me. A day may come when the update is live, when we forsake our IP and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of woes and shattered wallets, when the age of internet comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we wait! By all that you hold dear on this good Earth, I bid you *stand, Summoners!*

  16. The old Cowboy Alistar bug has returned!

  17. Um... working as intended, ITS ULTRA NEON!

  18. What about Fizz jumping away with his trickster ability when Vi uses her R on him? It just cancels out, nothing happens. I play Vi a lot and I love her, and these bugs have been bugging me as well, I'm really glad they're fixing her. :)

  19. I never had that problem with her skin?

  20. With these improvements to Vi, perhaps they should change her name to Vim.

  21. Great.... Shes already a complete noon stomper in the 1000 Elo's going to be even worse now :| On the last 9 of the ten games I've played vs her, she jungles and ends up either carrying, or being 2nd gold earner. -_-

  22. who is down voting everybody? and yes that Q bug also needs to be fixed it saved so many during a chase. Thx for mentioning it :D

  23. I would like to c it going on a shorter cool down after it tho. :)
