The Brunch Club Becomes CompLexity

Posted on at 1:05 PM by Seranaya
The Brunch Club, one of the teams that recently qualified for the S3 League of Legend's Championship Series, has been grabbed up by a new sponsor!
Want to see who picked up The Brunch Club? Continue reading for information on their familiar new sponsor.

The Brunch Club, previously known as "She Said She Was Level 18 "before the LCS qualifier, has been acquired by CompLexity

With CompLexity's former team disbanding in early 2013, they're poised to make their big comeback by picking up the roster of The Brunch Club.
CompLexity's new LCS Qualified team roster currently reads:
  • Nickwu - Top
  • Lautemortis - Jungle
  • Chuuper - AP
  • MeyeA - Support
  • Brunch Ü - AD
From left to right: MeyeA, Chuuper, Nickwu, Brunch Ü (bottom right), Lautemortis (top right).
 A huge good luck to the new CompLexity Gaming in their season 3 endeavors! For more information, check out Riot's LCS page for the Brunch Club or the official announcement from CompLexity.