This Week in eSports - Early Feb

Posted on at 7:25 PM by Seranaya
We've had busy busy week in esports for this first week of season 3. We've had everything from more new sponsors, a team left with only 3 members, an interesting post on Reddit by Janook, and some information coming out for TSM!
Continue reading for more eSports news than you can shake a stick at!

Team SoloMid changes
I'm going to begin with an announcement that came out today from Team SoloMid. Team SoloMid has renamed their team to Team SoloMid Snapdragon. Along with this name change, TSM has announced that they are going to be a part of a CBS web reality series called GameCrib. Beginning on February 20th, the show will be played every Wednesday until June 14th. It will be streamed on and also on TwitchTV.

Update: Here is a teaser for GameGrib!

NaJin Shield loses members
Next on the agenda, Najin Shield has lost 3 of their members and added one new member to their roster. On February 6th, HooN and Bang leave the team and on the same day MOKUZA retired. This left NaJin Shield with only 2 members. They decided to add NoFe to the team to bring them back to 3 members but they're still only half a team.

Azubu Blaze and Frost get new Sponsors
After the departure of Blaze and Frost from their Azubu sponsor on February 4th, there was a lot of talk over who would pick up the famous Korean team. Later that day an announcement came out stating that the former Azubu teams would be sponsored by CJ Entus. Both teams are known known as 'CJ Entus Blaze' and 'CJ Entus Frost'.
CJ Entus Blaze and CJ Entus Frost rock their snazzy new uniforms
LCS Bans Skins
Now, last night I was watching some streams and I decided to watch Voyboy's stream while him and his team were scrimming. I heard mention between games that there was an email sent out regarding the banning of around 50 skins for the LCS tournaments, including the new Steel Legion Lux. Curious I looked into it and found this wonderful Reddit thread with a guy that read my mind. Janook posted in the thread stating that:

"Hey guys, I'll clear this up now: Yes, some skins are banned from the LCS. This is for spectator readability concerns only, and has nothing to do with balance. Typically, we ban out skins that are particularly "noisy", or very different from the base model. This is to make the action a little easier to follow for you guys."

So though I haven't found a complete list of the banned skins, you can be sure that anything particularly flashy will not be used during the LCS matches. Interesting!

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