03/19 PBE Update - Relaunch of Karma, Zac's Skin

Posted on at 5:06 PM by Unknown
Yesterday, Ququroon said that the Karma Relaunch patch would likely be out "tomorrow," and he delivered! We got a patch full of delicious new ability particles and Zac's release skin!
Continue reading to see all the fancy videos for Karma's skills, a video on Zac's new Special Weapon skin, and more!

Special Weapon Zac

Hello there, Grumpy Zac Special Weapon Zac!

Alright well, guess the name for our Grumpy Zac is actually Special Weapon Zac!
Also, there is no splashart for Special Weapon Zac as of yet.

Karma Update is Finally Here!

Ququroon is at it again, this time with the real Relaunch of Karma for this PBE update!

Ququroon's Avatar
Ququroon Associate QA Analyst - Gameplay
The long awaited Relaunch of Karma is here! Yes, really! (when it's done patching)

Please feel free to leave feedback in this thread regarding Karma or any related bugs you encounter. Your feedback here will influence the changes we make, as well as aiding us in our future champion visual upgrades.

In her visual upgrade, Karma is receiving a new... everything! From her concept up, we've left nothing unchanged. Expect to see Karma sporting an updated model, animations, particles, sounds, kit - everything! Her skins have received similar love, including a Traditional version for those fans of her older look.

We’re very much looking forward to your feedback!
For more information, or to hear what some of our ideas behind these changes were, check out this thread: Click here
For feedback and comments on her new kit, please see this thread: Click here

In his next post, Ququroon started a list of known bugs on Karma:
Known Bugs:
  • Karma's New Lore isn't in... yet!
  • Soulflare (Mantra'd Q) is missing part of the particle!
  • She's also lacking all the stuff in the client, so store images, pick quote, etc. 
  • Mantra Crest has weighting issues on death (it stretches) 

Sound files show that Karma does have a new voice over for her remake. BUT - it's looking like she keeps her old voice with the Traditional Karma skin!

And here we have an Ability Preview for Classic Karma. Keep in mind some particles are incomplete.

It's Traditional Karma, the free skin that will be given to players who have Karma before her relaunch to Live! Please note that she has her old voiceover for this skin!

Sakura Karma in all her glory. Goodbye, long kimono!

Sun Goddess Karma, reporting for duty!