Karma Champion Spotlight

Posted on at 7:46 AM by frostyNinja
To accommodate with Karma's recent complete overhaul a revised champion spotlight has been released.
"Channel the powers of Ionia in this Champion Spotlight as Karma, the Enlightened One, now completely remade and ready to rejoin the Fields of Justice. 
In her new role as mage-support, Karma goes toe-to-toe against opponents in solo lanes or when paired in a traditional bot lane. With a versatile skillset that protects allies and blasts opponents, as well as three distinct ways to supercharge her abilities with her ultimate, Karma’s dangerous no matter which role she fills on your team.  
For more info on Karma’s new abilities, sample mastery builds, tips, tricks and everything in between, check out the Karma Champion Spotlight now."
As previously noted, the Traditional Karma skin will be available for purchase from the store for 975 RP.
Go grab it quickly, as it'll be retiring to the Legacy Vault in only two weeks!