5/10 PBE Patch - Minor Ezreal Particle Update, Riot Posts for Jumps and Custom Item Sets

Posted on at 3:16 PM by Unknown
Just a minor PBE patch, no sign of Aatrox this time! 
Continue on reading for some particle changes to the TPA Ezreal skin and a small collection of posts regarding Champions with ground-targeted jumps and Custom Item Sets.

There was some very minor changes to the TPA Ezreal ability particles. Check out his glow-y glove for Mystic Shot, and this other shiny-glow for his Trueshot Barrage.
So much shinies!
Nothing else too major yet to be found in this patch. There are some important Red Posts related to the PBE to be found though. The source for Xelnath's post can be found here, and RiotBahamut's post can be found here.

PBE: Heads-up to Corki, Tristana and Kha'zix players

If you play a champion with a ground-targetted jump effect, you should find that jumping over a wall is slightly easier than it used to be.

Previously, if you clicked on the center of a wall, your jump effect would stop in front of the wall. Now it attempts to be slightly more smart about jumping over walls. In addition, I fixed several timing and control issues.

Please play around and let me know how it feels!

(Other champions affected to a lesser degree: Hecarim, Malphite, Ahri, Gragas, Fizz)

Regarding the Custom Item Sets

You actually can assign multiple champions to an Item Set by using ctrl/shift clicking in the champion selection panel. We're still looking in to polishing some of the interactivity. Sorry for the confusion!

So just as another quick update, the latest changes to Item Sets will allow you to select multiple champions/maps without ctrl/shift clicking. Clicking one will simply toggle it.