Continue reading for the IP/RP prices of these champions just in case you enjoy one of them so much that want to pick it up!
Free Rotation Champion Prices:
- Cho'Gath - 1350 IP or 585 RP
- Ezreal - 4800 IP or 880 RP
- Garen - 450 IP or 260 RP
- Graves - 6300 IP or 975 RP
- Leona - 4800 IP or 880 RP
- Nasus - 1350 IP or 585 RP
- Skarner - 4800 IP or 880 RP
- Viktor - 6300 IP or 975 RP
- Ziggs - 6300 IP or 975 RP
- Zilean - 1350 IP or 585 RP
For a jump start how to play the free to play champions, here are the Great Atlas entries for Graves and Ezreal!
P.S: For those who have been asking, Dr. Frank is hard at work on more Atlas cards! Shouldn't be too much longer.