3.9 Various gameplay issues Hotfix

A small hotfix has been deployed to correct a few issues with patch 3.9.

Here's the Riot NOC announcement:
"Hello Summoners, 
We are currently working to hotfix various gameplay issues listed below.
• Orb of Winter – Shield is not absorbing damage
• Orb of Winter – Using the item grants Mana Charge Stacks
• The basic attacks of Shyvana can’t reduce the cooldown of Twin Bite until ability R is acquired
• Shyvana's Flame Breath is incorrectly flagged as single-target for the purposes of SpellVamp, etc
• Draven passive does not stack when using Gladiator skin and 2 spinning axes
• Dominion - Minions Not Following Proper Behavior
You may experience brief disruptions of service at this time. 
We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding. 

12:02am Hotfix Complete!"

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