7/16 PBE Update: "Undo last purchase " in shop and new SGU death & recall animations.

The PBE has been updated!
Continue reading for a preview of Spirit Guard Udyr's new Death & recall animations, a look at the shop's new Undo feature, an announcement that the Jayce change's have been delayed, several big balance changes, and more!

( Warning: PBE content is tentative and iterative. What you see below may not be representative of what will be pushed to live servers. The PBE is a place for testing, some changes may not be more than experiments. )

SGU Updated Death & Recall Animations
Spirit Guard Udyr's new death animations are now on the PBE!

Here's Riot Dudebro with a little tip:
"PBE has the updated death animations. We included a death animation for each stance as well as different ones for max forms. Hope y'all enjoy!"
Here's a preview video of the new death animations - his spirit leave his body upon death.

He also got updated recall animations - his little spirits now swirl around him.

"Undo last purchase"
There is a new button that allows you to undo you last item shop purchase or sale.

Here's Bigbadabruin with details on the new future:
"With the new “Undo” button, we’re adding the ability to immediately return extra gear back to the shop, without having to sell it at a fraction of the purchase price. Now buying the wrong sword and lamenting the shopkeepers’ archaic “no return” policy is a thing of the past. 
To clarify, this is a new undo button—it even says so right on it. It works by generating a history of items every time you use the shop to buy or sell. With a few exceptions, so long as you don’t close the shop or leave the platform, you can undo the most recent transaction by clicking the button.

As we said before, there are some tricky bits to this new feature though. To prevent abuse, the item history, and the ability to undo your purchases, is cleared if you close the shop window, leave the item shop radius, cast a spell, use an item, deal damage or take damage. We’d like to point out a few special cases as well. Undoing the purchase of an item that generates gold will deduct any gold you gained from the item. If you pick up an item that grants a buff, you’ll have to ship that buff back to the shopkeeper along with the item—such as giving up the tanky Aegis goodness if you didn’t mean to buy one. Lastly, elixirs purchased without an open inventory slot—which consumes the elixir automatically—cannot be undone.

As with any new PBE feature, we’re looking for your feedback. Join the conversation here and let us know what’s working, what’s broken and what could use a little more love."

Jayce Changes delayed until 3.11 / 3.12
Looks like Jayce's rework is being pulled from the docket for patch 3.10, thus pumping the breaks on the PBE testing, and will be  delayed until patch 3.11 / 3.12

Here's Xypherous with more details:
"Since we have to finalize the goals for the patch soon - the Jayce rework won't make it on the docket for the next incoming patch as we're starting to really double down on some testing on this and other reworks. Thanks for everyone whose stopped by and contributed to the post - I'll reopen this to restart testing again on the PBE after we ship the next patch.

Thanks guys!"
Be sure to check out THIS THREAD for more discussion on the changes.

Balance Changes
Champion Changes

(Big changes - Scarizard noted red post about this incoming )
  • Gathering Fire ( Passive ) Basic attacks now have full effect up from half.
  • Inner flame ( Q ) slow changed to 20/25/30/35/40% from 25% at all ranks
  • Focused Resolve ( W ) cooldown lowered to 12 at all ranks from 16/15/14/13/12.
  • Mantra Bonus - Soulflare ( Q ) slow increased to 60% from 50%
  • Mantra Bonus - Soulflare ( Q ) explosion AP Ratio increased to ( 1.1 AP ) from .6 AP.
  • Mantra Bonus - Soulflare ( Q ) no longer lists AP Ratio or bonus damage for initial hit ( note: the damage has been spread to the explosion part ) 
  • Mantra Bonus - Soulflare  ( Q ) damage increased to 80/230/380/530 from 50/150/250/350.
  • Mantra Bonus - Renewal ( W ) both ends now heals for 30/70/110/150 + (.3 AP ) + 20% of missing HP instead of 20% of missing HP + 1% per 100 AP. 
  • Mantra Bonus - Renewal ( W ) no longer lists bonus damage.
  • Mantra Bonus - Defiance ( E ) damage portion ratio lowered to (+.25 AP ) from (+.6 AP )
  • Mantra Bonus - Defiance ( E ) ally shield now has a base amount 40/85/130/175 (+ .25 AP ) instead of half  the amount of Inspire - 40/60/80/100/120 (+ .25 AP).
  • Ardent Blaze ( W ) range increased to 1000 from 900.
Master Yi
  • Wuju Style ( E ) passive damage increase now 7/9/11/13/15% from 15% at all ranks.
  • Vicious Strikes ( W ) now increases attack damage by flat 20/35/50/65/80 changes from 1% of Max HP + 7/14/21/28/35 
  • Vicious Strikes ( W ) life steal and spell vamp lowered to 8/10.5/13/15.5/18% from 9/12/15/18/21%
Item Changes


  • Now limited to 1.

Dominion // Twisted Treeline specific changes:

Blackfire Torch ( Totally Remade )
  • Total Cost: 2400
  • Builds out of Blasting Wand + Fiendish Codex
  • Grants 80 Ability Power
  • Grants 10% CDR 
  • New Unique Active - Deals 20% of Target champs maximum HP in magic damage over 6 seconds and increased subsequent magic damage taken by 20% with a 6 second cooldown

Deathfire Grasp
  • No longer available on TTL or DOM as Blackfire Torch has replaced it.
Liandry's Torment
  • Now available for purchase on TTL and Dom.
Moonflair Spell Blade ( Since there is confusion, this is TTL/Dom only )
  • Ranged only
  • Builds out of Seekers + Negatron Cloak
  • Total cost 2000
  • Grants 50 AP, 50 Armor 50 MR, and 35% tenacity

Needlessly Large Rod
  • No longer availabe on DOM or TTL as nothing builds into it.
Wooglet's Witchcap
  • Now builds out of Seeker's Armguard
  • Armor increased to 45 from 40.

Check out all the PBE changes over at the comprehensive PBE changes list.

Miss out on other PBE patches from this cycle? We got you covered:

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