( Warning: PBE content is tentative and iterative. What you see below may not be representative of what will be pushed to live servers. The PBE is a place for testing, some changes may not be more than experiments. )
Balance ChangesMaster Yi
- Highlander ( R ) attack speed bonus increased to 30/55/80% from 20/40/80% ( this was taken from the Air Client and is not reflected on the in game tool tips)
A comprehensive list of this PBE cycle's balance changes can be found here.
Miss out on other PBE patches from this cycle? We got you covered:
- 7/24 PBE Update: Vayne ult nerf
- 7/23 PBE Update: Jungle changes
- 7/22 PBE Update: New HG Icon
- 7/18 PBE Update: Role Updates / Minor Balance
- 7/17 PBE Update: Rollbacks and TF Passive
- 7/16 PBE Update: New SGU animations, Shop undo, and more.
- 7/14 PBE Air Only Update: Aegis and Locket changes
- 7/12 PBE Update: Jayce and Olaf Changes
- 7/9 PBE Update: Lucian & Master Yi Update