Lemondogs roster changes - wewillfailer out, Mithy in.

With yesterday's Fnatic announcement, it seems to be a dangerous time to be a support in the competitive team as Lemondogs, an EU LCS competitor, have announced their own set of roster chanes - wewillfailer , support, has been removed from the team and a new player named Mithy will take his place.
Continue reading for more information.

Here is the announcement, taken from the Lemondogs website:
"We are sad to announce, that we'll remove Bram "wewillfailer" de Winter from the Lemondogs League of Legends roster. There were some problems in the past and in the presence why we decided to remove him from the current LemonDogs.LoL roster. 
Marcel "dexter1“ Feldkamp about the roster change:
- There were some problems in the past and we decided to give him a fair second chance which he deserved. After playing Sweden and Russia we felt like that his old behaviour was slowly coming back and some member of our team felt offended by it. In addition there was also a problem with him moving into a gaming house because of specific reasons I dont want to bring up. Regardless of that I respect him alot as a player and me and the team wish him the best of luck for his future with or without eSports. 
The new support is Alfonso "Mithy" Aguirre Rodriguez which played already for teams like GIANTS! Gaming, Wizards e-Sports Club or against All authority. 
Marcel "dexter1“ Feldkamp about their new support:
- Only mithy would occur to our mind since we already knew him and think he is the best possible choice. All of us were on the same page instantly since mithy has a really good attitude towards practice and has the best possible mindset a player can have.  
Alfonso "Mithy" Aguirre Rodriguez is happy, that he was picked up and he looks into a great future with LemonDogs:
- Playing with Lemondogs is actually pretty fun because I'm good friends with all the players since I knew them before I joined. And yeah it's always nice to play LCS and actually play vs decent players. 
We are glad to see our roster with the new support and they'll do their best to show the other LCS teams that they are happy and strong with this roster change. Upcoming games can be found at lemondogs.se/leagueoflegends.  
Lemondogs Roster: 
 Erlend "Nukeduck" Holm
 Morten "Zorozero" Rosenquist
 Erik "Tabzz" van Helvert
 Alfonso "Mithy" Aguirre Rodriguez
 Marcel "dexter" Feldkamp"

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