EU LCS team Ninjas in Pyjamas has announced their new top laner Mimér who will be replacing extinkt who stepped down earlier this week.
Mimér was last seen coming in 2nd place at the Gfinity tournament in London with his team Project Eternity, who lost in the finals to the Copenhagen Wolves challenger team (formerly PrideFC).
Continue reading for the full announcement after the jump!
Here's the announcement, taken from the NIP Website:
"After extinkt decided to step down from the active roster, the guys in our league of legends squad has been actively searching for a replacement. Now the replacement has been found in Mimer “Mimér” Ahlström. Allthough it is with sad hearts we say goodbye to extinkt, we are very happy that we have been able to find such a capable replacement as Mimér.
Stefan "lucann" Nielsen
"With the departure of Extinkt we had to react fast to find a new replacement who both had the skills, but also had the dedication and time it takes to be a professional LCS player. We talked within the team and the name that everybody mentioned as the first name was Mimér.
Mimér is what many would call a soloQ hero, he has managed to have 3 accounts in Challenger tier at the same time. We are very happy with the addition of Mimér, we see him as the biggest talent in top lane outside of LCS, and i am sure that he will show the world that he is ready for this."Naturally the addition of Mimér will force the team to adapt to more changes, but these are changes the team feel they can overcome.
Martin “Deficio” LyneThe player himself is anxious to get underway, and hope that he can repay some of the faith that the NiP family is showing in him, by being the best that he can be and help win the matches that NiP needs to win in order to reach World Finals.
“We are happy to welcome Mimer to our line-up. He is the same type of player as Extinkt, a very mechanically skilled player who will dominate the lane with his unique champion pool. We have a lot of things to work on, since getting a complete new player is never easy. Mimér got the talent and attitude to improve, therefor I am 100 % sure he will be a great addition, not only to the team but also to the LCS as a whole”
Be sure to check out the new Ninjas in Pyjamas lineup this weekend during the EU LCS!Mimer “Mimér” AhlströmAll that remains now is to wish both the team and Mimér good luck, and make sure to cheer for us in the upcoming LCS matches this weekend!"
“I am so happy being part of the NiP family! opportunities like this does not come along often, and when i was offered the chance i wanted to take it, and hopefully show my true potential in the LCS”